All is Mind


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Pages: 42

Published: 14 years ago

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Book Description HTML

A practical way to sort out conflicts we experience daily. This book is about understanding the human mind and personality. Why do we do what we know is bad for us yet do not do what we know is good. What the basic nature of the mind is, how it came to be in its current condition and how any defects can be corrected for it to function according to its potential rather than sputter through life.

Reader Reviews
  • User image   Ana
    Peter Pan J.M. Barrie
    19 Sep 2020
    My 9 year old and I read it together. We thoroughly enjoyed it! The archaic words used have been explained in brackets making it easy to understand, while the style will be a pleasant challenge for the young English reader :)
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David Samuel, The Entrepreneur Monk

David Samuel is The Entrepreneur Monk. David is a rag to riches story, making his first million at 25. Reaching his financial target by the age of 29, he sold six of the eight companies he owned to travel internationally for several years as a wandering monk. During these years of wandering solitude, he gave away the majority of his assets and returned to a simple life of introspection and following whatever direction he encountered. The intention was to cultivate a true sense of inner balance and freedom from fears and concerns. To date on the material side of his life, David has owned companies in over 25 industries and 15 countries. Combined with his business ventures, teaching and consulting, David is devoted to the never ending exploration of the nature of the mind. He has resolved the riddle of why we do what we know is bad for us yet do not do what we know is beneficial and teaches that very effectively. David has... Read more

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