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How can I unsubscribe from your emails?

Please note this tutorial was created using a PC computer. Your experience may vary slightly depending on the device you are using such as smartphone, tablet, etc.

Step 1

Login to using your email as username and the password you had selected.


Step 2

Once logged in, you will see a Welcome box at the top right of your screen. Click on the on the “Profile” link as seen below:


Step 3

This will then direct you to your account’s profile page containing the tools you need. Please scroll down to the lower part of the page until you reach the “Unsubscribe from Services” section.


The “Unsubscribe from Services” section is where you will find the button "Manage Email Subscriptions" that will enable you to unsubscribe from’s emails.


Click on the grey “Manage Email Subscriptions” button. You will then be prompted to confirm which of the email programs you want to unsubscribe from by unchecking the item(s) you want. Confirm the action by clicking on the blue “Update Preferences” button as shown below.


You can now enjoy reading the eBooks of your choice from the library without receiving the desired email program you unchecked.

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