The Spurgeon Mission by Ruth Reins - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

Jack drove for about two hours, then he stopped at what looked like a derelict farm.  However, when they alighted, an old man appeared from the doorway.  "Hello Jack, what brings you out to this god forsaken place?"  He asked.

"Tom, this is Kith and Veltz.  I would like you to put them up for a while."  Turning to the couple.  "Kith , Veltz, this is Tom Reed."  Tom was stooped and frail looking his frame almost skeleton like.  He had long flowing white hair and sported a white beard.  He must have been about five foot eleven, but his stooped appearance made him seem much shorter.

"Hello Tom."  Kith outstretched his hand.  Tom took it noting how firm his handshake was.  He could be useful, bet he isn't afraid of hard work, he thought.  He took old of Veltz's hand, promptly placing a kiss on it.  Pretty woman, must be brother and sister.  There was a strong resemblance.  "Are they illegal emigrants?"  He asked.

"Sort of, though not quite.  They don't speak much English. They really understand very little, but they learn real fast.  Look after them for me Tom.  Mind you don't let on they're here to another living soul.  Here Tom."  Jack took out several notes from his wallet.  "This will tide you over for a while.  'Until I get over again."  Tom took the money stuffing it in his trousers pocket, he gestured for them to enter.

Inside the stench nearly knocked them back, the musty smell of stale tobacco along side the stale odour of food, long since past it's sell by date.  Veltz ran back out, she wasn't staying there.  Jack and Kith followed fighting over supremacy of the doorway.  Kith now followed by Jack who was determined to convert her.  "Veltz."  Kith shouted authoritatively stopping Veltz in her tracks.  She turned towards him saying.  "I can't go in there, it is disgusting.  I feel very ill."

"We must, anyway together we can clean it.  It seems like we aren't going anywhere.  What do you say?  You will help me won't you?"  Veltz realised she was being foolish, of course if this male was good enough to help them has they were strangers to him.  Then at least she could do was to make this place habitable.  "Of course."  She smiled at Jack, then the three walked back inside.  "Sorry Tom, Veltz felt a little home sick.  She's alright now."  Turning to them both, Jack said.  "I will come back when it is safe for me to do so okay?"  Kith shook his hand.  Veltz hugged him, she couldn't bear to let him go, she just held on.  Kith removed her; Jack walked towards his wagon, gave one quick wave and was gone. Veltz quickly set about clearing up the mess.  Tom seizing the opportunity took Kith outside, showing him all the repairs that needed doing.  The materials were there however; Tom was now too old to cope with the work.  Demonstrating just where he would like Kith to start.  Kith nodded eagerly, this would be helpful, and it would be good for him.  Take his mind of the events of the day.  The light was disappearing fast so he'd better get a move on.  Tom realised Kith aimed to start straight away, he wouldn't get very far as it would be dark soon.  He ambled over to a pile of wood stacked ready for the fire.  Taking a small knife out of his pocket, he began to whittle one, all the while studying Kith.  The light was now almost gone, Tom shouted to Kith.  "Ahoy Kith."  Kith looked down at him, waved, but carried on.  Tom looked at the roof in amazement, not daring to believe his eyes.  Kith was in fact almost finished.  How could this be?  Glancing at his old pocket watch, Tom realised that they had only been outside for one hour.  Maybe a minute or two more.  He shook his watch, putting it to his ear.  Yes it was still ticking.  What an extraordinary man this Kith was, he sure was glad to have him around.  Kith waved then began descending the ladder.  "All done Tom."

"Well done boy."  Tom put out his hand producing the whittled piece of wood.  Kith took it from him looking down at it; he saw it was his own likeness.  He smiled at Tom, and then he placed it in his jacket pocket.  Both men walked towards the door.

Inside Tom was in for another surprise.  He gasped, but everywhere was gleaming.  The place was scrupulously clean not a speck of dust insight.  What is more a delicious aroma was wafting his way.  Veltz ran to the old oven, taking a casserole out of it.  She began to dish out three sizeable portions onto the plates.  "Delicious."  Said Tom, while pushing his plate forward for another helping.  Veltz smiled and ladled him out another generous helping.  Kith also proffered his plate.  "Wonderful Veltz, I didn't know you could cook."

"It isn't hard, I picked it up from Mary.  Do you think it tasted as good?"  She asked.

"Better, I will get heavy around my middle like Tom, if I'm not careful."  He laughed.  Veltz gazed across at him.  He looked quite attractive when he smiled.  Not bad captain.  She was glad it was Kith she had landed with and not Fend Sidra.  She shuddered at the thought.  Tom who had been studying the pair silently, noted this, going to the fire, he threw on another log.  These two were something else; he wondered where they had come from.  There was something really odd about them.  How did they work so quickly?  He'd never seen anything like it before; he'd been around a bit in his youth, but this beat all.  Tom now in his eighty- fourth year, had spent the last twenty years here, alone since the death of his good wife Dorothy.  He knew he had let the place go in recent years, but he hadn't the heart to leave.  Looking around the room, he smiled, Dorothy would love it the way this girl had cleaned and made it look homely again.  Yes, he thought, I would certainly like to keep the two with me.  He hoped Jack didn't come back for them in a hurry.  He liked being looked after again by this pretty girl.  If he pushed him, no doubt Kith would manage to complete all his chores.  Veltz yawned, where were his manners, he'd best show them where they could bunk down.  Opening the door, Tom led the way up to a large loft.  "Can you two share this?  I sleep in the room."  Kith got the gist of it.  He noted there was only an old mattress in the middle.  It would do for tonight.  Tomorrow he would make a bed for Veltz.  There were lots of materials around, besides he didn't know how long they would remain here.  "Thank you Tom."  Tom walked down the steps leaving the two to sort themselves out.  Veltz looked dismayed.  "There is only one old part bed Kith."

"I know you take it Veltz, tomorrow I will construct you one.  Don't worry."

"No we will share this one tonight."  Spotting several old blankets, she took one placing it down the middle.  "There you sleep that side, I'll sleep this side.  Where is the bathroom?"

"I guess there isn't one Veltz, we must wash down stairs.  Out back is the toilet."

"Oh dear, can you escort me down stairs Kith?" 

Knocking on the door, noting the old man had already retired.  "Sorry must take Veltz bathroom."

The old man handed him a torch.  "You'll be needing this."  Kith then realised they would have to go outside.  He'd have to arrange to fix up something better.  He had spotted an old sink and toilet around the grounds, he was sure he could do this simple task himself.  Yes, he couldn't have Veltz trailing outside.

The next day or two they both occupied themselves with tasks needing their attention around the old farm.  Veltz found some paint in the old barn, she didn't know what it was for, on showing it to old Tom, he demonstrated what it was used for.  Kith quickly converted the old barn  into a bedroom, complete with bed.  He even managed to fit in the sink and toilet in the corner.  This would be for Veltz.  He like Tom could rough it.  As long has Veltz was comfortable.  

Jack having dropped off the two with Tom headed home.  It was when he pulled into the farm.  He was aware that all the lights were still on.  Normally they would all be in bed by now.  Seeing how they needed to arise so early in a morning.  He walked into the room his mother greeted him anxiously.  "Jack thank god you're back, I'm so worried Fred's gone missing.  I was hoping he'd sneaked off with you.  What should we do?  Where can he have gone?"

"Hold on mum, calm down.  I'll go check on his friends.  Wasn't he going to see Sam earlier?"

"Yes, but do we want to involve the police, you could try the other boys first."

Jack felt tired, blast the kid.  Fred was always disobeying him.  He needed the strap on his behind.  Maybe then he'd learn.  Jack was remembering is childhood, how many times had he received the strap from his dad?  It hadn't harmed him, made a man of him.  That's why when his dad died he was man enough to run the farm.  Even though he wasn't much older than Fred.  Mum babied him, that's his problem.  He put his wagon into gear and headed towards the town.  See if he's hanging around the fruit machines again.  He passed the constable’s house on the way.  He noted several army vehicles parked outside.  Oh lord!  He thought the buggers called in the army.  Now we're for it.  No wonder Fred's done a bunk.  He knew then that he wouldn't find him in the village.  Perhaps, he thought, I should go and look by the old summerhouse; he might be hiding there.  Jack turned the wagon around, heading back the way he had come.  He stopped short of the farm.  He didn't want to worry mum.  Taking a torch from the wagon, he headed across the fields.  Nearing the field, Jack saw something glinting, it caught his eye.  Bending down, he realised it was Fred's reflective strip.  The one he had affixed to his jacket pocket.  He must be on the right track.  To his left he spotted a clump of branches.  He shone his torch, there was an opening, he realised he had been there before.  He peered in, shining the torch it landed on a body.  Fred stirred in his sleep, disturbed by the light.  Jack tore away the remaining branches revealing the ship.  He whistled softly to himself, thinking it would have been something else before the crash.  He shone his torch around, taking in the scene.  Fred jumped up startled.  "Who’s there?"  He asked.

"Lucky for you, it's only me."  Chided Jack.  "Come on young man, let's get you home.  Before the army arrives."

"The army Jack!  Why the army?"

"I guess our friendly policeman thinks it's a military matter.  Hurry up Fred.  Let's go."

"Jack, I'm sorry.  I was worried; I didn't really mean to run away.  I got scared."

 Jack ruffled Fred's hair.  "It's alright, don't worry.  Just say nothing at all to them.  If they ask you, just shrug your shoulders.  I'll do all the talking.  Come on sleepy head, mum's worried."

The pair drove home in silence.  Both tired, both wondering what was going to be the outcome.  Jack was already missing Veltz.  He tried to visualise life after she had gone.  She surely had to go, how would he manage to help them to get in touch with their own planet.  He hadn't a clue.  What was he to say to the army?  They would be around tomorrow, he knew that much.  They would definitely want to interrogate him.  Might even arrest him.  Yes Jack was really worried.

Fred's mind was working on much the same lines.  Only his imagination was much more colourful.  Yes he was sure they would shoot him as a spy.  Maybe even Jack as well, they could even torture them.  He'd heard about torture, he shuddered.  Jack noted this, handed him his jacket.  "Get this around you Fred.  We can't do with you coming down with a cold to boot."  Fred took the coat covering his self with it.  Somehow, he thought, I feel safer all ready. 

Arriving back at the farm, Mary rushed out to meet them.  She threw her arms around Fred.  "Thank god you're safe.  Come on in, both of you.  I'll get you a hot drink, then you can tell me why you ran away like that, leaving me to worry."  She hurried inside followed by her two sons.  Jack told her to be prepared for the army in the morning.  He added that it had been one hell of a day.  So to leave everything until the next day.  "Let's all go to bed then, we will talk in the morning."  Mary turned to Fred.  "Don't think you have gotten off Scott free young man.  You will answer to me later."  Then turning out the room light, they walked upstairs.

Jack didn't sleep his mind was too active.  He went over and over the events.  Everything had gone totally haywire since that day.  He had discovered Kith and Veltz.  It seemed like a lifetime ago, yet he could count the days.  Funny, his life up until now had seemed so mundane.  Now he was right bang in the middle of this intrigue.  Perhaps the army would call it a conspiracy or even treason.  The least he could expect was a telling off.  The worst didn't bear thinking about.  He knew whatever happened he couldn't reveal their whereabouts.  He arose from his bed, deciding to go down for an aspirin.  His head was throbbing.  Entering the kitchen, he saw his mother.  "What are you doing down here mum?"

"I couldn't sleep, so I thought I might do something useful."  She was polishing the silver.  Jack knew she really was worried.  She would always clean the silver when things were too much for her.  He put his arms around his mother protectively.  "Mum, don't worry.  I will keep you out of it.  I'll tell them you didn't know about them.  Fred's only a kid, so they won't bother about him."

"It's you I'm worried for Jack, not myself.  What will they do to you?  Have you committed a crime?  How can helping two young people be a crime?  I shall tell them that."  Mary said indignantly.

"No you won't mum.  Stay out of it.  I am telling you please mum you have Fred to consider.  Don't say anything, anyway it might be all right.  They may just want to talk to us.  Just let's see how it goes."

"Yes you're right as usual you’re always the sensible one.  Come Jack let's go back to bed.  If not we will be too tired in the morning.  Early to bed, early to rise."

"I know."  Jack interrupted.  "Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."  He laughed.  "I'll need to be wise tomorrow.  Good night mum."

The next morning was a sombre affair in the Johnson household.  The trio breakfasted in silence.  Which was a rarity to say the least.  Just has they had finished; they heard sounds of a vehicle entering the yard.  Jack beckoned to Fred to go upstairs.  Then he opened the door.  Standing there was three men all in uniforms. "Ah I was expecting you gentlemen.  Do come in."  Jack led the way, entering the lounge he said.  "Take a seat.  How can I help you?"

"My name is Wing Commander Briggs and this is Group Captain

Aston.  You know Constable Davidson.  We have checked out a story given to Constable Davidson.  Your brother I believe took his son to the site of wreckage, claiming he knew the occupants of the ship.  It is evident that you also knew and contrived with these beings to cover up the accident.  Helping them even to conceal their existence.  I believe that you even introduced one of them to the villagers, alleging she was a Scandinavian.  Am I correct?"

"I did believe that they were only foreigners, Wing Commander.  I did not intend to deceive anyone.  When I inadvertently stumbled upon the site of the wreckage, I put two and two together.  You know the rest."

"Why wasn't the Constable notified about what you had discovered?"  Asked the Group Captain.

"I was intending to do just that.  Fred jumped the gun, by telling Sam first."

"Mm I see, where are the aliens now?"  Demanded the Group Captain.

"I don't know they went missing about the same time as Fred called at the Constables house.  We thought he had taken them out somewhere.  It wasn't until later, we found out they hadn't been with him.  I guess they've done a runner.  Must have suspected we knew who they were."

"Right."  Said the Wing Commander.  "We will let it go for now, if you see any of these aliens, I trust you will let the Constable know immediately. I am warning you Mr Johnson under no circumstance mention this to anyone and make sure that brother of yours keeps quiet. We cannot have this getting out. Imagine the panic and chaos this will cause. If this gets out I will come and arrest you Mr Johnson , do you understand?”

“Yes” Replied Jack.

  “Meanwhile we will scour the area.  They can't have got very far by foot.  I will bid you good day.  We may need to question you further." 

Jack showed the three the door. "I will keep my eyes open for them.  If I spot them, I'll let the Constable know.  I am sorry, I couldn't have been of more help."

After they had all departed, Jack went to find Fred.  He found him sat forlornly on Kith's bed.  Jack placed his arms gently around Fred.  "Get off, what are you doing?  I'm not a baby."  Fred jumped up, went to leave the room.  "Don't go Fred, I was only trying to comfort you.  Look do you want to go with me to see Kith and Veltz?  We will go when it gets a bit darker.  Hey would you like that?"

"You bet, sorry I sounded mean Jack.  Guess it's because it's all my fault."

"Don't blame yourself, my mouth was just as big, when I was your age.  Come on let's get something to eat.  I'm starving I bet you are too?  You haven't eaten much lately, you will need to catch up."  The two laughed.  Hearing it from the kitchen Mary smiled.  It's time, she thought, and things got back to something like normality.  These past days had not been easy.  She for one was feeling the strain.  Jack announced over the meal, his intentions.  He was going over to the old man's place and taking Fred with him.  Mary had argued, all to no avail.  Jack had gritted his teeth and stuck to his plan.  Mary realised one thing, her Jack was now a more determined young man.  Whilst this pleased her, she still couldn't help worrying how everything was going to work out.  Whichever way, she thought; Jack is going to get hurt again.

Jack was humming to himself, putting the finishing touches to the old green summerhouse.  He intended to bring back Veltz and Kith as soon has he possibly could.  When the army pulled out he smiled no one came up here.  It would be perfect.  Near enough the farm.  He couldn't let them stay at Tom's for long.  He couldn't admit to himself that his motives were selfish.  No, he was going to be their saviour.  His task finished for the day, Jack headed homewards.

"Hi mum, what's for tea?  I'm starving."

"What's new?  You always are." Said Fred with a cheeky grin.  The two boys bantered throughout the meal.  Just like old times.  Mary wondered would this last?  Aloud she asked.  "What time are you going to Tom's?"

"In about an hour.  It'll be dark enough then.  It will be really late before we arrive back, so I will take my key.  You go to bed mum."

"You know I won't do that, I'll be waiting for you."  Jack knew it was no use arguing with her.  She would stay up if she wanted to; anyway, the hour went by quickly.  Fred had been out nosing around, has he put it.  He came back happy.  "No-body about Jack, I even went down as far has Fink's house."

"Now, now, Fred.  That'll do, how would you like it if Kith thought you were one?"  Said Mary. 

Fred looked down.  "Oh mum, I'm sorry.  I guess it serves me right if he does."

"Of course he won't Fred."  Jack ruffled his young brother’s hair.  "Come on, let's go."  They walked out to the station wagon.  "Bye mum, see you later."  Said Jack climbing into the driver’s seat.  Fred settled comfortably at the side of him.  Mary waved until she could no longer see the duo.  She had a bad feeling about this trip.  Maybe, she was just being silly, but still she felt uneasiness rising in the pit of her stomach.