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biochemical events in the cells that result in the

midbrain and then to the auditory cortex, which generation of electrical signals.

is located in the temporal lobe of the brain (see





Figure 14). Through mechanisms that remain

because children with the disorder may not recog-

unknown, the brain interprets the electrochemical

nize the subtle differences between sounds in

information it receives, thus allowing us to per-

words. For example, children with APD may hear

ceive sounds as having varying loudness and

the sentence “Tell me how a couch and a chair are


alike” as “Tell me how a cow and a hair are alike.”

What causes this apparent deficiency or slowing

in the brain’s ability to process auditory informa-

tion? Researchers do not know. Auditory process-

ing is a learned function, and if something

interferes with the brain’s training, the result may

be a deficit in the capacity to process sound.

Sound direction is localized by virtue of

our having two ears and our ability to

use different parts of the auditory system

to process distinct aspects of incoming

directional information.

Sound direction is localized by virtue of our hav-

ing two ears and our ability to use different parts

of the auditory system to process distinct aspects

Figure 14. The location of the auditory cortex in of incoming directional information. Certain cells

the human brain.

in the brainstem compare the intensities of sound

coming into each ear and then relay a computed

The brain recognizes and interprets sound in our

signal to the auditory cortex to estimate the

environment through a sequence of events called

sound’s direction. Another group of brainstem

auditory processing. A disorder, known as audi-

cells contributes to the interpretation of sound

tory processing disorder (APD), came to promi-

direction by specifically comparing the time lag

nence in the 1970s.3, 9 In APD, something

between the sound reaching them from the right

interferes with the brain’s ability to process or

ear versus the left ear.

interpret information about sound, although hear-

Nerve fibers coming from the brain may carry

ing seems to be normal. Children with APD typi-

information back to the ear. This is the brain’s way

cally have normal hearing and intelligence.

of filtering out signals that are unimportant, and

Symptoms of APD are having difficulty paying

concentrating only on important signals. Other

attention and remembering information presented

nerve fibers proceed from the brain to the middle

orally; poor listening skills; difficulty carrying out

ear, where they control muscles that help protect

multistep directions; poor spelling, vocabulary,

against the effects of dangerously loud sounds.

and reading comprehension skills; difficulty pro-

cessing information; low academic performance;

Not only does the inner ear process the sound

behavioral problems; language difficulty (tendency

vibrations it receives, it also creates its own sound

to confuse syllable sequences); and difficulty

vibrations. When hair cells respond to vibration,

developing vocabulary and understanding lan-

their movement in the fluid environment of the

guage. APD is sometimes called “word-deafness”

cochlear duct produces friction, and this results in


Information about Hearing, Communication, and Understanding How Your Brain Understands What Your Ear Hears

a loss of energy. However, a group of hair cells

your eardrum. A common cause of conductive

replaces the lost sound energy by creating their

hearing loss in children is ear infections. Other

own. Some of this sound energy leaks back out of

causes of conductive hearing loss are a punctured

the ear and can be detected using a computer-

eardrum or otosclerosis (a buildup of spongy tis-

based sound analyzer and a probe inserted into

sue around the middle ear). These can be treated

the outer third of the ear canal. This ability of hair

through surgery.

cells to respond to sound by producing their own

Sensorineural hearing loss is generally associated

sound is the basis of one type of hearing test per-

with damage to the hair cells in the inner ear. Such

formed on infants and young children.

damage is the most common cause of hearing loss

and can result from a number of factors working

4 Hearing Loss

alone or in combination.

The auditory pathway is capable of providing a

lifetime of useful service. It is, however, fragile

4.1 Noise exposure

and subject to damage from a variety of sources.

When hair cells are damaged, their ability to par-

Hearing loss and deafness can result from sound

ticipate in sound transduction is compromised. If

your hair cells are completely destroyed, you will

exposure, heredity, ototoxic drugs (chemicals that

be unable to hear any sounds, no matter how loud

damage auditory tissues), accidents, and disease

they are. If the hair cells are damaged, you may

or infection. Conductive hearing loss results from still hear sounds, but the sounds will be distorted.

damage to the outer or middle ear, and sen-

Recall that different hair cells respond to different

sorineural hearing loss results from damage to

pitches. The pattern of hair-cell damage deter-

the inner ear.

mines which pitches are preferentially lost. Typi-

cally, hair cells that respond to higher pitches are

Hearing loss and deafness can

lost first. One reason is that the basilar membrane

result from sound exposure, heredity,

vibrates more vigorously in response to higher

ototoxic drugs, accidents, and

pitches. These vibrations can cause the delicate

disease or infection.

stereocilia of the hair cells to be sheared off (see

Figure 15). One consequence of this damage is

that it becomes more difficult to understand the

Damage associated with conductive hearing loss

higher-pitched voices of women and children. It

interferes with the efficient transfer of sound to

also becomes more difficult to distinguish a per-

the inner ear. Conductive hearing loss is charac-

son’s speaking voice from background noise. The

terized by a loss in sound intensity. Voices may

effects of noise-induced hearing loss may be tem-

sound muffled, while at the same time the indi-

porary or permanent, depending on the intensity

vidual’s own voice may seem quite loud. It can be

and duration of the exposure. Although a person’s

caused by anything that interferes with the vibra-

hearing may recover from temporary, slight dam-

tion of the eardrum or with the movement of the

age to the hair cells, the complete loss of hair cells

bones of the middle ear. Even a buildup of earwax

is irreversible in humans. Reptiles and birds are

can lead to conductive hearing loss.

able to regenerate hair cells, however, so scientists

A number of treatment options exist for conduc-

are currently exploring ways to encourage regen-

tive hearing loss. The appropriate response

eration of hair cells in humans.

depends upon the cause of the problem. For

example, an ear doctor can simply remove a

The effects of noise-induced hearing

buildup of earwax. It should be pointed out, how-

loss may be temporary or permanent,

ever, that you should never try to remove wax

depending on the intensity and

from your own ears. You can too easily push the

duration of the exposure.

wax further into the ear canal and even damage





Figure 15. The left panel shows normal stereocilia (or hair bundles) associated with inner hair cells in the cochlea. The middle and right panels show noise-induced damage to hair cells. Note the bent-over stereocilia in the middle panel. The right panel shows missing and fused stereocilia.

The phrase “too loud, too long, too close” (see the

4.3 Ototoxic drugs

WISE EARS! Web site,

Medications and chemicals that are poisonous to

health/wise/index.asp) summarizes the causes of

auditory structures are called ototoxic. Certain

noise-induced hearing loss. The intensity, dura-

antibiotics can selectively destroy hair cells,

tion, and proximity of sound to the listener deter-

enabling scientists to better understand hair-cell

mine whether or not damage occurs and if that

function in normal and abnormal hearing. Other

damage is reversible or permanent. Hearing loss

types of drugs can be used to selectively destroy

can result from a single loud noise, such as an

other tissues of the auditory pathway. A few com-

explosion, but more commonly results from

mon medications can produce the unwanted side

repeated exposure to less intense sounds that are

effect of tinnitus, or ringing in the ears. One such close by.

drug is aspirin. Arthritis sufferers, who may con-

sume large amounts of aspirin, sometimes experi-

ence tinnitus and hearing loss as a side effect of

The phrase “too loud, too long, too

their aspirin use. Fortunately, the effect is tempo-

close” summarizes the causes of noise-

rary and the tinnitus tends to disappear when

induced hearing loss.

aspirin use is discontinued.

4.4 Disease and infections

4.2 Aging

A variety of diseases and infections can lead to

Damage to hair cells is associated with aging,

hearing loss. Children are especially prone to the

though it is not inevitable. Such damage can result

ear infection called otitis media from viruses or

from a combination of factors, such as noise expo-

bacteria. Children are more susceptible to infection

sure, injury, heredity, illness, and circulation prob-

lems. Some of these factors, such as noise

than adults are, partly because the location of their

exposure, can take many years before their damag-

eustachian tube in relation to the middle ear allows

ing effects are noticeable. Hearing loss often begins

easier access to bacteria from the nasal passages.

when a person is in his or her 20s, though it may

These infections cause pain and may result in a

not be noticed until the person is in his or her 50s.

buildup of fluid, which can lead to hearing loss.

Not surprisingly, the greater the noise exposure

Usually, the bacterial infections can be controlled

over a lifetime, the greater the hearing loss.

by antibiotics. Antibiotics are ineffective against

Because the hair cells at the base of the cochlea

viruses, however. The over-prescription of antibi-

“wear out” before those at the apex, the higher

otics to treat viral forms of otitis media has led to a

pitches are lost first, followed by the lower ones.

rise in bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. If


Information about Hearing, Communication, and Understanding How Your Brain Understands What Your Ear Hears

allowed to progress untreated, ear infections can

cation of hearing-related genes has moved at an

lead to a much more serious condition called

incredibly fast pace in the past decade. The first

meningitis. Young children who experience ear

genetic mutation affecting hearing was isolated in

infections accompanied by hearing loss for pro-

1993; by the end of 2000, the number of identified

longed periods also may exhibit delayed speech

auditory genes was over 60. Scientists have also

development. The reason for this is that the first

pinpointed over 100 chromosomal regions

three years of life are a critical period for acquiring

believed to harbor genes affecting the hearing

language, which depends upon a child’s ability to


hear spoken words.

An important technology for investigating the

roles that genes play in hearing is the production

Young children who experience ear

of transgenic and “knockout” mice, which result

infections accompanied by hearing loss

when scientists insert a foreign gene into (trans-

for prolonged periods also may exhibit

genic) or delete a targeted gene from (knockout)

delayed speech development.

the mouse genome. The hearing responses of

transgenic or knockout mice are compared with

Otosclerosis refers to a condition in which the

their unaltered counterparts. If differences are

bones of the middle ear are damaged by the

detected, they are presumed to be caused by the

buildup of spongy or bone-like tissue. The

specific gene that was inserted or deleted. Eventu-

impaired function of the ossicles (the malleus,

ally, scientists hope to use their understanding of

incus, and stapes) can reduce the sound reaching

the genetic basis of hearing to develop treatments

the ear by as much as 30 to 60 dB. This condition

for hereditary hearing loss and deafness.

may be treated by surgically replacing all or part of

the ossicular chain with an artificial one.

The Mouse and Human Genome Projects

Ménière’s disease affects the inner ear and

are setting the stage for identifying the

vestibular system, the system that helps us main-

genetic contributions to hearing.

tain our balance. In this disorder, the organ of

Corti becomes swollen, leading to a loss of hear-

4.6 Cochlear implants

ing that comes and goes. Other symptoms include

A cochlear implant (see Figure 16) is a hearing

tinnitus, episodes of vertigo (dizziness), and

device designed to bypass absent or damaged hair

imbalance. The disease can exist in mild or severe

cells. The cochlear implant is a small, complex,

forms. Unfortunately, the cause of the disease is

electronic device that can help provide an inter-

not well understood and effective treatments are

pretable stimulus to a person who is profoundly


deaf or severely hard-of-hearing. The implant is

4.5 Heredity

surgically placed under the skin behind the ear,

The Mouse and Human Genome Projects are set-

and consists of four basic parts:

ting the stage for identifying the genetic contribu-

• a microphone that picks up sound from the

tions to hearing. Though deciphering the genetics


underlying any developmental pathway is com-

• a speech processor, which selects and arranges

plex, identifying genes involved in the hearing

sounds picked up by the microphone;

pathway can greatly aid our understanding of the

• a transmitter and receiver/stimulator that

hearing process. Genes associated with a number

receives signals from the speech processor and

of hereditary conditions that cause deafness, such

converts them into electric impulses; and

as Usher syndrome16 and Waardenburg syn-

• electrodes that collect the impulses from the

drome,17 already have been isolated. The identifi-

stimulator and send them to the brain.



policy is that when a patient receives a cochlear

implant, whatever hearing they have is destroyed.

Eventually, it was discovered that patients with

some residual hearing could benefit more from

the procedure than those with profound hearing

loss. For appropriate individuals, cochlear

implants can be extremely beneficial. Each case

must be examined individually to determine

whether the cochlear implant is the best treatment


The use of cochlear implants can be controversial,

especially among some deaf people. Just as spo-

ken language helps define the culture of the hear-

ing world, sign language helps define the culture

Figure 16. Diagram of a typical cochlear-implant of the deaf community. The issues surrounding


the use of speech or American Sign Language by

the deaf community illustrate the profound effects

A cochlear implant does not restore or create

of language, hearing, and communication on one’s

normal hearing. Instead, under the appropriate

sense of self.

conditions, it can give a deaf or severely hard-of-

hearing person a useful auditory understanding of

5 Prevention of Noise-Induced

the environment, including sirens and alarms. A

Hearing Loss

cochlear implant is very different from a hearing

Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is a serious

aid. Whereas hearing aids amplify sound and

health problem. It occurs on the job as well as in

change the acoustical signal to match the degree

nonoccupational settings. An estimated 10 mil-

of hearing loss, cochlear implants compensate for

lion Americans have suffered irreversible hearing

damaged or nonworking parts of the inner ear by

damage due to noise exposure. Another 30 mil-

bypassing them altogether. When hearing is func-

lion Americans are exposed to dangerous levels of

tioning normally, complex processes in the inner

noise every day.10 This is especially tragic because

ear convert sound waves in the air into electrical

NIHL is completely preventable. Although the

impulses. These impulses are then sent to the

consequences may vary for people who are

brain, where a hearing person recognizes them as

exposed to identical levels of noise, some general

sound. A cochlear implant works in a similar man-

conclusions can be stated. For example, studies

ner: it electronically transforms sounds and then

have shown that sound levels of less than 75 dB

sends them to the brain. Hearing through an

are unlikely to cause permanent hearing loss, even

implant sounds different from normal hearing, but

after prolonged exposure. However, sound levels

it allows many people with severe hearing prob-

equal to or greater than 85 dB—about the same

lems to participate fully in oral communication.

level as loud speech—for eight hours per day will

produce permanent hearing loss after many years.

Outcomes for patients with cochlear implants

At this time, it is not possible to predict a given

vary. For many, the implant provides sound cues

individual’s degree of sensitivity to dangerous

that help them better understand speech. Many

noise. Some people may be more sensitive to noise

are helped to such an extent that they can carry on

exposures than others.

a telephone conversation. Originally, only patients

with profound hearing loss were deemed suitable

In the work environment, employers are obligated

for the procedure. One reason for this restrictive

to protect their workers from hazardous noise.


Information about Hearing, Communication, and Understanding


How Your Brain Understands What Your Ear Hears

Hearing-conservation programs, when imple-

become active. People experiencing tinnitus show

mented effectively, are associated with increased

brain activation in only one side of the brain,

worker productivity and decreased absenteeism.

however. This difference in neural activity caused

They also lead to fewer workplace injuries and

by external sounds (bilateral activation) versus

workman’s compensation claims. Whenever haz-

tinnitus (unilateral activation) indicates that the

ardous levels of sound are encountered, either on

disorder is likely to be a result of changes in the

the job or at home, you can protect yourself by

brain itself. Tinnitus may be produced by distur-

using ear protection such as earplugs or special

bances in auditory processing by the brain.

earmuffs. Do not simply put your fingers in your

Over 50 million Americans experience tinnitus at

ears or stuff cotton in them. Additionally, anyone

some point in their lives. The disorder is perceived

exposed to significant levels of noise for long

by some as an annoying background noise while

durations should receive regular hearing tests to

others are incapacitated by loud noise that dis-

detect changes in hearing.

turbs them day and night. Although the exact

causes of tinnitus are not known, scientists agree

An estimated 10 million Americans

that it is associated with damage to the ear. Possi-

have suffered irreversible hearing

ble triggers of tinnitus include NIHL, too much

damage due to noise exposure.

alcohol or caffeine, stress, inadequate circulation,

allergies, medications, and disease. Of these fac-

Tinnitus is the medical term for the perception of

tors, exposure to loud noise is by far the most

sound when no external sound is present. The

probable cause of tinnitus. Perhaps not surpris-

disorder is characterized by ringing, roaring, or

ingly, there is no single effective treatment.

repeated soft clicks in the ears. It is known that