I,, Secretary M/s Sss Club …, Delhi, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:-
1. That the deponent is the plaintiff in the above noted case and is well conversant with the fact of the same and competent to depose this affidavit.
2. That the contents of the accompanying Suit for Possession, Damages and Mesne Profits and Permanent Injunction have been drafted by the counsel under my instructions and same has been explained to me and I admit them as true and correct. The contents of the same be read as part and parcel of this affidavit which are not repeated herein for the sake of brevity.
Verified at Delhi on this … day of ……… 2007 that the contents of above affidavit are true and correct to my knowledge and no part of it is false and nothing has been concealed therefrom.