Stereo Depth Map Construction by Emmanuel Fuentes, Pawel Mikolajczyk, Naji Barnes-M - HTML preview

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Chapter 4SIFT Alogrithm Feature Extraction Example

Feature Extraction

Application of Feature Extraction

Two images of the same bear on a desk taken at different horitzonal positions relative to the subject were taken and anaylzeed using the SIFT algorithm implemented in Matlab with the aid of a toolbox by VLFeat.

Picture A (graphics1.jpg)
Figure 4.1Picture A
Taken on a DSLR Nikon D3000

Picture B (graphics2.jpg)
Figure 4.2Picture B
A horizontal shift from camera position in Picture A

After the SIFT algorithm has been applied corresponding features are very clear and intuitive.

Zoomed In Feature Extraction Picutre A (graphics3.jpg)
Figure 4.3Zoomed In Feature Extraction Picutre A
Features(Green) with scale and orientation
Zoomed In Feature Extraction Picutre B (graphics4.jpg)
Figure 4.4Zoomed In Feature Extraction Picutre B
Features(Green) with scale and orientation

It is clear that the SIFT program chooses the same features of the same scale and orientation in each image, and there is a clear match between the two images.

Matching Features (graphics5.jpg)
Figure 4.5Matching Features
Black line drawn from center of corresponding features.