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Chapter 9:

Believe That It Is Easy To Make Money



We have some time or the other heard that we could achieve what we truly believe in. Having faith in something will help you achieve it.

Many people will discard this theory, while some may have tried doing it but may not have actually done so and still others who have tried it and have tasted success through it.

However, gaining success is not very easy, as you have to follow the steps in this believing process and use it in your favor.



Trust It

Answer a few of the questions:

◊ Do you believe with all faith that there are various ways to reach your goal and you just need to find them?

◊ Do you have total faith in yourself and your ability to achieve whatever you desire financially and personally?

◊ Do you completely believe that you will be shown the right direction at right time and no matter where you are now, you will reach your destination?

If your answer for many of the above questions is in negative then it will not lead you to where you wish to go.

You need to completely believe that everything will work in your favour. The belief that you can find an answer for every question that arises while knowing and believing that you can and you will.

How to gain such a high level of self-confidence

Start with small steps. Start by targeting small problems in your daily life like, if you are not able to find the keys, keep telling yourself that you will find them.

When you really find them, you will start believing in this process. While doing a project with a strict deadline keep assuring yourself that you will finish your project within the deadline and when you have finished the project you have developed confidence in yourself. By bringing this change in yourself, you will learn to be confident about yourself.

Stop worrying, because worrying is like not trusting yourself. Sentences like, “I worry because I may not be able finish the exams”, show your lack of confidence. By worrying, you cannot change the situation.

As you start believing yourself in making small decisions, it will become a habit with you. Therefore, when you face bigger problems in life, you know what to do. You have stopped worrying and are facing challenges with lots of self-confidence. You know what to do and have the ability to achieve what you wish for.

Steps for making self-belief a practice might look easy but you will take some time to achieve this habit. Financial success depends highly on self-belief. Without this, nothing will make sense.