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Chapter 2:

Finding Out The Purpose Of Your Life



In absence of a goal in life, you will not know what to do.

It is important to understand the importance of your existence When you try to think about what is the mission or purpose of your life, you may not get a clear picture of it. We lack clarity and intelligence for finding our real purpose in life.

It is possible that you may have many goals in your life and may not be able to identify the real one, specific to you. How to bring that one thought out of your mind that will lead you to success. What will happen if you are not able to relate to your dreams? What is next?


Important Info

Your connection with reality may be the foundation of your purpose. Not having decided purpose in life does not mean you do not have one. It is not something you will just wake up to, one day. You have to work hard to determine it. You may not have the option of choosing it, as you have many choices. Many of the choices may not even be genuine.

While targeting your purpose you will have to exhibit the ability to perceive it. You need create a method to achieve your purpose, steps that will lead you to your purpose of life. These methods and processes get you the answer for you question and make you say, “This is it!”

Once you determine your goal, you work towards achieving it passionately. So the first step is to go with your emotional intelligence because it will help you identify your purpose correctly.

Here is how you go about it:

1. You need something to write down, like a piece of paper or word processor in your computer.

2. At the top of the page jot down, “What is the real purpose of my life?”

3. Whatever answer comes to your mind write it down. It may be a short phrase and not a properly framed sentence as an answer.

4. Keep on repeating step three, until you have written everything you can think of on finding purpose of your life.

This is what you have been struggling to find. Your profession will not matter. To some this may make sense and others may find it to be senseless. The purpose of our life may not be clear to us because of social training. Your unconscious and conscious mind will send false messages. However, once you have found the true purpose, you feel like it has come from the inner most voice.

Applying logic and reasoning to find out what your views on life are is another method.

The other way is to use logic and reason for your situation. It will be easy if you are more logical in your thoughts.

Apply your total life experience to find out your real purpose in life. Try to understand where you stand in your present reality.

This is a very simple technique to follow and hence easy to miss. What you are doing is, understanding your view on your approach of life and turning those into what you see for yourself.

Where you stand in your present interpretation on life, will help you discover your goal, so you need to find out. Your reality represents yourself and this helps you understand your purpose of life.

The ideas you have about life makes up your personality, if you have a negative attitude towards life that means you are negative person. When you are clear about your ideas, you will find a purpose in life which is achievable and reasonable. It is like a hologram. When you cut a piece of it, the entire picture is still in the smaller piece. You are like a piece and the whole of the hologram is reality. You will find that something is wrong when you have wrong ideas about yourself in your mind so this technique will uncover what problems you have and show you reality.

These techniques will help you find out your purpose and to know where to go from there. If you have a healthy outlook, you will get results by applying the techniques. You will find out that the rational and emotional intelligence will point out to your purpose of life in different ways but they will be saying the same thing.