Economics Of Nobel Laureates by Tirupati Naidu Vangapandu - HTML preview

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Appendix – B ,


Text Books by Nobel Economists

  1. J.R. Hicks, Value and Capital, Oxford University Press and ELBS
  2. Samuelson, Economics, Mcgraw –Hill Book Co., New York, 1970 (12th edition with William D. Nordhus)
  3. Robert Mundell, Man and Economics, TMH Pub. Co, 1968
  4. George J. Stigler, The Theory of Price, Collier Macmillan, New York 1966.
  5. Milton Friedman, Price Theory, Aldine Pub.Co., Chicago, Illinois.
  6. Paul Krugman (and Obstfeld), International Economics, Addison.
  7. Gunnar Myrdal, The Asian Drama.
  8. Klein, Introduction to Econometrics.
Some other Text Books
  1. Jack Hirshleifer and Amihar Glazer, Price Theory and Applications, Prentice –Hall. New Delhi. 1993
  2. Ferguson and Gould Micro Economic Theory, Richard D. Irwin, Indian Reprint. 1996.
  3. William Baumol, Economic Theory & Operations Analysis.
  4. Henderson and Quandt, Micro – Economic Theory, Mcgrawhill Inc. 1958
  5. David M. Kreps – A Course in Micro Economic Theory, Prentice –Hall, EEE, India. 1999.
  6. Robert Pindyek etel, Micro Economics
  7. Andrew Mas-Collel etel, Micro Economic Theory
  8. Compbell R. McConnel and H.C. Gupta, Introduction to Macro Economics, TMH Edn. New Delhi.1984.
  9. Rangarajan and Dholakia – Principles of Macro Economics
  10. Rudiger Dornbusch et. al. MacroEconomics, TMH New Delhi 1998.
  11. Robert E. Hall & Papel – Mcro Economics.
  12. Richard T. Froyen, Macro Economics, Addison Wesley 2001.
  13. Olivier Jean Blanchard & Fisher, Lectures on Macro Economics.
  14. Stephen J. Turnovsky, Methods of Macro Economic Dynamics.
  15. Lance Taylor, Reconstructing Macro economics, Viva.

Note: Micro & Macro economics books are arranged in an ascending order of difficulty group-wise.

Other Books:

  1.  Perry Lewis – Introduction to Mathematics for Students of Economics.
  2.  Chiang – Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics.
  3.  Taro Yamane – Mathematics for Economists.
  4.  Johnson – Econometric Methods.
  5.  Bernard Hebber – Modern Public Finance.
  6.  Ken Binmore – Fun & Games, AITBS, Delhi
  7.  Lamberten – Economics of Information and Knowledge, Penguin
  8.  K.Basu – Economic Graffiti, OUP New Delhi.
  9.  Brearly & Myers – Principles of Corporate Finance
  10. Keith Pilbeam – International Finance.
  11. Kalman J. Cohen & Cyert – Theory of the Firm.
  12. Chatterzee – Linear Programming and Game Theory.
  13. Steven D.Lewitt & Duvner, Super Freakonomics

Books on Nobel Economists:

  1. Shakelton and Loksley, Twelve Contemporary Economists, Macmillan Press, London, 1981
  2. Leonard Silk, The Economists, AVON Books, New Yark.
  3. Michel Szenberg, Eminent Economists, Cambridge University Press, 1992.
  4. William Breit & B.T. Hirsch, ed. Lives of the Laureates.
  5.         Dr. P.R. Brahmananda, Nobel Economics, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
  6. Steven pressman,Fifty Great Economists,Foundation Books. Delhi
  7. Michael Lewis, The Real Price of Everything (Strand)