Introduction to the Composite Commercial Microcenters Model by Hernán Poblete Miranda - HTML preview

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Between 2010  and 2013 Bradesco Seguros developed a series of activities aimed to know in depth the main recipients of micro-insurance in Brazil. This initiative resulted in the series of research presented in this book, led by the international consulting firm IMR, who made the first socio-anthropological immersion of insurance in middle and low-middle class favelas and neighborhoods.

From the beginning, our understanding of the complexity of the low-income population was clear. We could not generalize or use standard indicators to meet the new C class. People from the highlands do not think or behave the same way in regards of risks and family budgets as the population of the coastal area of Brazil, much more developed and interconnected.

Therefore, our objective was to know the various publics, their needs and aspirations and find out the real need for insurance of the segments of the new called Brazilian middle class.

Since then, a large amount of opportunities in the field of insurance unwrapped, allowing not only to define the characteristics of the new C class, but to implement new communication tools that today help to illustrate the complex concepts of our industry in a much more simple and direct way.

At Bradesco Seguros, we are very pleased to spread an innovative knowledge proven of a socio-anthropological root, which will open great opportunities in the area of social and economic development in low income populations. We are certain that concepts such as the Composite Commercial Microcenters, presented here for the first time, may be used for the development and implementation of public and private policies around the world.




Eugenio Velasques

Director – Bradesco Seguros