Social and Cultural Capital: Empowerment for Sustainable Development in the MOUNTAINS OF ESCAZU, COST by Phillip J. Montoya - HTML preview

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1502                                       Spanish arrive to Costa Rica which has a population of approximately 27,000, and forest covers 99 percent of the land


1821                                       Costa Rica gains independence from Spain


1824                                       Escazú is given title of "Village"


1840s                                     Costa Rica begins to export coffee to England


1900                                       Population of Costa Rica is over 300,000 and forest covers 86.5 percent of the land


1920                                       Escazú is officially declared a "City"


1931                                       Communist Party is formed in Costa Rica


1945                                       The United Nations and the Bretton Woods organizations (IMF and World Bank) are created


1948                                       Costa Rican Civil War and the National Liberation Party (PLN) is created


1950                                       Forest covers 66.5 percent of Costa Rican territory


1958                                       The Country Club is established in Escazú


1963                                       Small farmers with less than one hectare number over 50,000 in Costa Rica


1969                                       Forestry Law No. 4465 of Costa Rica establishes the creation of National Parks and other protected areas such as Protection Zones


1969                                       San Antonio de Escazú has population of under 5,500


1970                                       Massive student protests against Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA) in Costa Rica


1971                                       Romano Sancho helps form the Costa Rican Socialist Party


1972                                       Publication of "The Limits to Growth" by the Club of Rome, and the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment celebrated in Stockholm


1973                                       Small farmers with less than one hectare number less than 11,000 in Costa Rica


1976                                       The Mountains of Escazú are declared a Protection Zone


1978                                       Romano and others create the Party Movimiento de Trabajadores (MT) 11 de Abril


1979                                       Victory of Sandinistas in the Nicaraguan Revolution


1980                                       "World Conservation Strategy" is published by UICN, WWF and UNEP coining the term "Sustainable Development"


1981                                       A hectare of land in San Antonio de Escazú costs US$ 10,000


1982                                       Romano goes to live in San Antonio de Escazú


1983                                       Protection Zone of Mountains of Escazú are expanded by Decree; Paulina comes to live with Romano in San Antonio de Escazú; Romano helps create the Farmers Cooperative COOPASAE in San Antonio de Escazú


1985                                       55 Protected areas cover 17.4 percent of the land in Costa Rica, and forests cover 33 percent of the national territory


1985-01                                 Father Revilla begins to bulldoze the mountain La Cruz


1985-02                                 Romano and others in COOPASAE create CODECE: "Committee for the Defense of the Mountains of Escazú" and stop Revilla


1986                                       CODECE files its first law suits against environmental infractions


1987                                       CODECE presents Bill of Law for community participation in the administration of the Protection Zone of the Mountains of Escazú


1987                                       Publication of "Our Common Future" where sustainable development is defined


1988                                       CODECE changes its name and is registered officially as the Association for the Defense of Natural Resources


1988-05                                 COPROALDE is formed


1988-06                                 CODECE begins reforestation program to recover watershed of the Agres and Londres Rivers


1988-07                                 CODECE begins Biological inventory of Mountains of Escazú with help from UCR Biology students, one of whom is Javier Sanchez


1989-07                                 I meet Romano at Seminar on Environment and Community Action


1989-11                                 Inter-American Foundation (IAF) funds Legal Office for CODECE


1990                                       65 Protected areas cover 20.31 percent of the land nationally


1990-01                                 CODECE organizes six month course on environmental law


1991                                       CODECE organizes workshops with bird catchers, hunters and farmers of San Antonio


1992-01                                 CODECE begins organic farming project with local farmers


1992-02                                 CODECE changes its name to Association for the Conservation and Development of the Mountains of Escazú


1992-04                                 I begin long term field work in Escazú


1992-06                                 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) or "Earth Summit" is held in Rio de Janeiro, where Agenda 21 is agreed upon by consensus


1992-06                                 Bilateral Agreement for Sustainable Development (BASD) letter of intent is singed by foreign Ministers of Costa Rica and Holland


1992-08                                 CODECE joins COPROALDE


1992-08                                 Gerardo Burro (farmer) begins to make masks


1992-10                                 CODECE presents Community Forest project to Rotary Club


1992-11                                 Opus Dei begins project to construct in Protection Zone


1992-12                                 COPROALDE gets two year financing from German cooperation agency, Bread for the World


1993                                       Paulina becomes part time Executive Secretary of COPROALDE


1993                                       Regulation Plan becomes priority work for CODECE


1993                                       Tourism industry becomes largest earner of foreign currency in Costa Rica


1993-01                                 First meeting of NGOs to discuss participation in the BASD


1993-02                                 Romano leaves the presidency of CODECE and Rodolfo León is elected President


1993-03                                 Second forum of NGOs to discuss participation in BASD


1993-04                                 NGOs begin process of creating organized base of participation in BASD


1993-06                                 First National Assembly of NGOs and grassroots organizations is held with participation of 187 organizations and representatives are elected


1993-11                                 Rodolfo León renounces presidency


1994-01                                 Second General Assembly of NGOs and grassroots organizations is held with participation of 300 organizations and CONAO is created


1994-03                                 BASD is ratified


1994-03                                 CODECE opens restaurant and Romano assumes its administration


1994-03                                 Javier Sanchez becomes Director of CODECE


1994-12                                 BASD finances US$ 142,000 project for COPROALDE


1995                                       A hectare of land in San Antonio costs US$ 100,000


1995                                       Nixon González begins organic farming in San Antonio de Escazú


1995-02                                 Amalia León becomes president of CODECE


1995-02                                 I become coordinator of COPROALDE


1995-03                                 Fundecooperacion is created


1995-08                                 Paulina goes to graduate school in the USA


1996                                       CONAO receives 200 projects and approves 30


1996                                       CODECE presents agro-eco community tourism project to BASD (through CONAO) and it is approved


1996-05                                 COPROALDE presents Second Phase of Project to BASD (through CONAO) and it never is approved (or rejected)


1996-06                                 Legislative Assembly modifies Article 50 of the Constitution to make environmental health a human right


1996-08                                 Romano goes to the USA with the children to be with Paulina


1996-12                                 The Directive Junta of CODECE closes down the Association's restaurant


1997                                       The Municipal government ask CODECE to recommend sociologist to Regulation Plan Commission, and Amalia León is appointed


1997                                       CONAO agglomerates 700 NGOs and grassroots organizations


1997                                       Holland grants INBio 14 million dollars reducing funds of the BASD


1997                                       Population in San Antonio de Escazú is approximately 16,000


1997                                       Population of Costa Rica is over 3.5 million


1997-01                                 I become member of the Directive Junta of CODECE


1997-12                                 COPROALDE names Indigenous and Campesino Production Systems one of its four work areas


1997-12                                 I leave COPROALDE as Coordinator


1998-04                                 Publication of the Regulation Plan for Escazú in the Gazette


1999                                       Doña Estéfana is elected President of CODECE