The Balkan Peninsula by Frank Fox - HTML preview

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diplomacy and Roumania, 85

finance, 64

policy, 50, 55

policy in 1912-13, 45

Powers, interest of, 96

Powers, intervention of, 58

Euxine, 6

Exarchate Christians, 177

Ferdinand, Czar of Bulgaria, 47, 49, 50, 108, 152, 154

his character, 198-201

Ferdinand of Coburg. See Ferdinand of Bulgaria

Filimer, King of the Goths, 9

Finno-ugric tribe, 3

Forty Holy Martyrs of Bulgaria, 14

Fratricidal war, 87

Frederick Barbarossa, 16

French war correspondents, 99

Gallipoli, Peninsula of, 75

Geographical position, 1

Gepidae, 11

German Powers, 193

German war correspondents, 99

Getae. See Dacians

Goths, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13, 20

invasions of, 75

Greco-Bulgarian disunion, 79

entente, 76

Greco-Turkish wars, 107

Greece, 37

Greek atrocities in Macedonia, 51

character, 188-191

church, 22

civilisation, 4

coast, 150

diplomacy, 93

Empire, 2, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20

Empire, fall of, 21

governors in Roumania, 31

official report, 76

Patriarchates, 52

patriotism, 167

Prime Minister. See Venizuelos

traditions, 164

war of independence, 82

Greeks, 3

Grey, Sir Edward, 85, 203

Grivica Redoubt, 41

Gueshoff, M., 202

Guttones. See Goths

Haskovo, province of, 168

Health resorts, 153

Herodotus, 5

Herzegovina, 39, 49

History, Early, 3, 4

Hodgkin, Mr. T., 5

Hospital services, 141, 142

Hungarians, 11, 13, 28

Huns, 4, 7, 11, 13

invasions of, 9, 75

origin of, 9, 10

"International Socialist," 132

Ionian letter-forms, 5

Istros, 5

Italian Peninsula, 1

war correspondents, 99

Ivan the Black, of Montenegro, 35

Ivankeui, battle of, 67

Janina, 75

Japanese censorship, 98

Jireček, 2

John Asên, Czar of Bulgaria, 14

John Hunyad, 27

John Paleologos, Emperor of Greece, 21

Jonescu, M. Take, 198, 205

Jostoff, Colonel, 138

Journalism, 108-110

"Kara George." See Petrovic

Kirk Kilisse, 42, 65, 139

Korea, 58

Kossova, 21

battle of, 27, 33

Kustendil, 168

Kustendjix, 5

Lazar, King of Serbia, 27

Levant, the, 4, 5

Liberation, progress since the, 165

Lithuania, 5

Lombards, 8, 11

London Morning Post, 54, 100

"Lord Salisbury's principle," 93

Lule Burgas, 68

battle of, 72

Macedonia, 44, 74

atrocities in, 51, 52, 53

Empire of, 6

massacres in, 51, 89

Marcianople. See Schumla

Mariano Bolizza, 36

Maritza River, 90

Marmora, Sea of, 62, 120, 150

"Mass at St. Sofia," 146

Massacre, the national sport, 177

Medicinal springs, 153

Mediterranean littoral, 2

Sea, 4

Michael, Czar of Bulgaria, 15

Michael the Brave, of Roumania, 30

Midhat Pasha, 169, 170

Midia, 88

Military attachés, 105, 107

Milosh Obrenovic of Serbia, 38

Mineral resources in Serbia, 172

Minoan civilisation, 2

Moesia, 3

Mohammedanism, 24

Moldavia, 13, 29, 38

Montenegrin character, 173, 193

printing press, 35, 36

resistance of Turks, 34, 35

war with Austria, 35

war with Turkey, 35

Montenegro, 17, 28, 32, 33, 37, 46

government of, 33

Morning Post, the. See London

Mount Athos, monastery of, 16

Music, national, 163

Napoleon, 17, 34

Napoleonic strategy, 113

wars, 32

Near East, the, 107

Near Eastern character, 78

Neytchef, Dr. , 131

Nicolaieff, General, 42

Niemen River, 5

Nikolitch, M., 198, 204

Nish, 43, 125, 126

Nordic tribes, 4

Norman knights, 13

Normans, 4

Northern invasions, 13

peoples, 2

North Sea, 4

Nova Sagora, 135

Novi-Bazar, 46

Odessa, 5

Odessos, 5


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