Ancient Government of England—Limitations of Royal Authority—
Difference in the Effective Operation of these—Sketch of the State
of Society and Law—Henry VII.—Statute for the Security of the
Subject under a King de facto—Statute of Fines—Discussion of its
Effect and Motive—Exactions of Money under Henry VII.—Taxes
demanded by Henry VIII.—Illegal Exactions of Wolsey in 1523 and
1525—Acts of Parliament releasing the King from his Debts—A
Benevolence again exacted—Oppressive Treatment of Reed—
Severe and unjust Executions for Treason—Earl of Warwick—Earl
of Suffolk—Duke of Buckingham—New Treasons created by
Statute—Executions of Fisher and More—Cromwell—Duke of
Norfolk—Anne Boleyn—Fresh Statutes enacting the Penalties of
Treason—Act giving Proclamations the Force of Law—Government
of Edward VI.'s Counsellors—Attainder of Lord Seymour and Duke
of Somerset—Violence of Mary's Reign—The House of Commons
recovers part of its independent Power in these two Reigns—
Attempt of the Court to strengthen itself by creating new
Boroughs—Causes of the High Prerogative of the Tudors—
Jurisdiction of the Council of Star-Chamber—This not the same
with the Court erected by Henry VII.—Influence of the Authority of
the Star-Chamber in enhancing the Royal Power—Tendency of
religious Disputes to the same End