History Of Busoga by Y.K Lubogo - HTML preview

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Ever since Busoga came into existence, none of its  history has been written down although it can be proved that most of this history is true. This history was known to every musoga, having been handed down to successive generations until the coming of Europeans such as Speke, the first White man to seethe source of the Nile in 1862. This discovery attracted more and more Europeans, whose coming effected the disappearance of the old order. 

Our history was handed down the generations through a continuous chain-like process. It could just not be forgotten since through all the ages, men and women would talk together about the various historical events in the hearing of the young generation. Further, narrating these historical events would be done during communal activities such as beer parties, games, or during all sorts of social functions, or during the ceremonies held in honour of the gods. No problem would be solved, nor any dispute settled, without reference to the past events in order to justify the solution or settlement. On such occasions, when reference was made to past events, children had the opportunity to hear and learn these things. Needless to say, the elders also had the opportunity to remind themselves of these things. There were no special historians among these people; everyone amongst them was a historian and whatever facts he remembered, would be either agreed to by his colleagues or rejected. After much dispute and explanation they would all agree to one thing.

We believe that the history of this country was preserved in this way and, as historians, we must rely on this verbal history whenever we wish to write about any particular event. 

There are two types of clans in Busoga. The first type is the ruling clans which established themselves in their present locations at the time when Busoga was just coming into existence. 

Such clans were independent and each was a small kingdom in itself. Although some of them had areas of only 10 - 20 square miles, each of them jealously guarded their independence. Each clan had a ruling family, with its sons and daughters regarded as princes and princesses, just like any other ruling family in a big kingdom. This is why we say that these families were like real Kabakas (kings), as you will see later in this book. 

The second type of clans was that with no power over any part of the country. These clans lived under the rule of the ruling clans, from whom they got their land on which they settled. Later on, this land became theirs permanently. The clans provided servants, fighters, courtiers, wives and labourers of all types. When these married any member of the first type of clan, the children were not regarded as princes or princesses.