History Of Busoga by Y.K Lubogo - HTML preview

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NALWEBE OF THE NGO CLAN  (Busamo, Butembe, Bunya)



According to the statements made about Nalwebe of Ngo clan, there  was an old man long ago who travelled to Mount Elgon and hence to Busoga. He settled at Mpundwe and had many children, four of whom were sons named Kiwalo, Wampala, Wamango and Kivule. The old man was Kintu and he gave land to his four sons in the following order: - Kiwalo was given land known as Bukibwa, Wampala was given a hill known as Mpandwe, Wamange was given a hill known as Busomo, Kivule was given land known as Bukali. When his four sons were settled in their areas, Kintu resumed his journey westwards but later returned to Igombe and lived at Buswikira.

Among the four brothers Wamango was senior and was much feared by his brothers because of his ferocious nature. If anybody dared to thwart him in any way he would kill him without any trouble.

Wamango built his mbuga in a place called Nabwango. He married and had the following sons: - Nanjubu, Kidanga, Weyule and many others. Despite his ferociousness, Wamango had trouble with his brothers who later rebelled against him. He fought them and drove them from their land. The angry brothers made a secret plan and murdered him at night while he was sleeping. The murderers dug underneath Wamango’s house and then crept into Wamango’s bedroom.

Kidanga succeeded his uncles. Kidanga had seven sons as follows; Kasaja-Wulu, Kasari, Walugyo, Bazibala, Bumpi, Waziga and Nanjubu. When he died, his son Nanjubu succeeded him. Nanjubu had a scheme to punish the evil doer’s sons but when they learned of it they went to him begging for mercy. These sons did not like to see a split in their clan, which was the reason why they begged for mercy.

After much negotiation, Nanjubu accepted their pleas to live at peace with his relations. 

This brought an end to the hostility which had hitherto existed within the clan. After his death, Nanjubu was succeeded by his son, Kiyaya.

4. Kiyaya succeeded after his father’s death

5. Kalema I succeeded after his father’s death

6. Kiganira succeeded after his father’ death

7. Intaba succeeded after his father’s death

8. Luvulu succeeded after his father’s death

9. Itenge succeeded after his father’s death

10. Kajome succeeded after his father’s death

11. Galira succeeded after his father’s death

12. Nzimuli succeeded after his father’s death

13. Kasaja I succeeded after his father’s death

14. Balikunjaye succeeded after his father’s death

15. Luwangwa succeeded after his father’s death

16. Wabiha succeeded after his father’s death

17. Mwasa succeeded after his father’s death

18. Kalatwa succeeded after his father’s death

19. Nanundye succeeded after his father’ death

20. Kasaja II succeeded after his father’s death

21. Kajome II succeeded after his ftther’s death

22. Waziga succeeded after his father’s death

23. Kalema II succeeded after his father’s death

24. Galira II succeeded after his father’s death

25. Nkweitire succeeded after his father’s death

26. Lubunju succeeded after his father’s death

27. Walugyo succeeded after his father’s death

28. Mubiru succeeded after his father’s death

29. Itenge II succeeded after his father’s death

30. Buganga succeeded after his father’s death

31. Yusufu Nalwebe succeeded after his father’s death. When Yusufu Nalwebe succeeded his father, sleeping-sickness was prevalent in the whole country, and Yusufu Nalwebe was obliged to migrate to Buganda. Later on he took up employment with a certain European and became an experienced cook. After a period of good service, Yusufu Nalwebe returned to his country and resumed his chieftainship.