History Of Busoga by Y.K Lubogo - HTML preview

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Lubandi was Kitimbo’s son and Kibalya’s brother. Once Kibalya was given lands of his own, Lubandi felt offended and left his father’s home. He wandered about hunting wild animals until he reached a place which had no inhabitants at all. He built his mbuga in this place. He had many followers with him. The place in which Lubandi built his mbuga was known as Nabikunyu but later the area was named after him and became known as Bulubandi.

At one time Lubandi fought a battle against some Baganda who were trying to come into Busoga and do havoc. The battle was a bloody one and there were many casualties among whom Lubandi himself was included. Many women and children were captured and taken into slavery by Baganda who also carried away much property as spoils of war. Lubandi left two sons, Lubandi, the eldest and another whose name is not known. 

The following are the successive Lubandi rulers:-

1. Lubandi I

2. Lubandi II succeeded his father Lubandi I

3. Kiguwa succeeded his father Lubandi II

4. Magalo succeeded his father Kiguwa

5. Mulowoza succeeded his father Magolo 6.

6. Kasa succeeded his father Mulowoza

7. Kintu succeeded his father Kasa.

Owing to the fact that the old people who knew the history of the lineage of Lubandi are all dead, I have collected this meagre information from their neighbours. It has  been very difficult for me to feel certain about the truth of this information. What I have written is confirmed as being true by member’s of Kitimbo’s lineage. There is some doubt concerning the names of successive rulers.  I have had to reject some names because no sufficient proof could be given.