History of the Donner Party by CF McGlashan - HTML preview

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dierent parts of the world, and eight Kanakas.

Dunbar, in describing Sutter’s situation, says: ”This portion of upper

California, though fair to look upon, was peculiarly solitary and

uninviting in its isolation and remoteness from civilization. There was

not even one of those cattle ranches, which dotted the coast at long

intervals, nearer to Sutter’s locality than Suisun and Martinez, below

the mouth of the Sacramento. The Indians of the Sacramento were known as

’Diggers.’ The eorts of the Jesuit Fathers, so extensive on this

continent, and so beneficial to the wild Indians wherever missions were

established among them, never reached the wretched aborigines of the

Sacramento country. The valley of the Sacramento had not yet become the

pathway of emigrants from the East, and no civilized human being lived

in this primitive and solitary region, or roamed over it, if we except a

few trappers of the Hudson Bay Company.”

Out of this solitude and isolation, Sutter, as if with a magician’s

wand, brought forth wealth and evolved for himself a veritable little

kingdom. Near the close of the year 1839, eight white men joined his

colony, and in 1840 his numbers were increased by five others. About

this time the Mokelumne Indians became troublesome, and were conquered.

Other tribes were forced into submission, and Sutter was practically

monarch of the Sacramento and San Joaquin. The old pioneers speak with

pride of the wonderful power he exerted over these Indians, teaching

them the arts of civilization, forming them into military companies,

drilling them in the use of firearms, teaching them to till the soil,

and making them familiar with the rudiments of husbandry. The vast herds

of cattle which in process of time he acquired, were tended and herded

principally by these Indians, and the cannon which ultimately came into

his possession were mounted upon the Fort, and in many instances were

manned by these aborigines. Hides were sent to Yerba Buena, a trade in

furs and supplies was established with the Hudson Bay Company, and

considerable attention was given to mechanical and agricultural


In 1841, Sutter obtained grants from Governor Alvarado of the eleven

leagues of land comprised in his New Helvetia, and soon afterwards


negotiated a purchase of the Russian possessions known as ”Ross and

Bodega.” By this purchase, Sutter acquired vast real and personal

property, the latter including two thousand cattle, one thousand horses,

fifty mules, and two thousand five hundred sheep. In 1845 Sutter

acquired from Gov. Manuel Micheltorena the grant of the famous Sobrante,

which comprised the surplus lands over the first eleven leagues included

within the survey accompanying the Alvarado grant.

As early as 1844 a great tide of emigration began flowing from the

Eastern States toward California, a tide which, after the discovery of

gold, became a deluge. Sutter’s Fort became the great terminal point of

emigration, and was far-famed for the generosity and open-heartedness of

its owner. Relief and assistance were rendered so frequently and so

abundantly to distressed emigrants, and aid and succor were so often

sent over the Sierra to feeble or disabled trains, that Sutter’s charity

and generosity became proverbial. In the sunny hillslopes and smiling

valleys, amidst the graceful groves and pleasant vineyards of this

Golden State, it would be dicult to find localities where pioneers

have not taught their children to love and bless the memory of the great

benefactor of the pioneer days, John A. Sutter. With his commanding

presence, his smiling face, his wealth, his power, and his liberality,

he came to be regarded in those days as a very king among men. What he

did for the Donner Party is but an instance of his unvarying kindness

toward the needy and distressed. During this time he rendered important

services to the United States, and notably in 1841, to the exploring

expedition of Admiral Wilkes. The Peacock, a vessel belonging to the

expedition, was lost on the Columbia bar, and a part of the expedition

forces, sent overland in consequence, reached Sutter’s Fort in a

condition of extreme distress, and were relieved with princely

hospitality. Later on he gave equally needed and equally generous relief

to Colonel Fremont and his exploring party. When the war with Mexico

came on, his aid and sympathy enabled Fremont to form a battalion from

among those in Sutter’s employ, and General Sherman’s testimony is,

”that to him (Sutter) more than any single person are we indebted for

the conquest of California with all its treasures.”

In 1848, when gold was discovered at Sutter’s Mill, near Coloma, quoting

again from Dunbar: ”We find that Captain Sutter was the undisputed

possessor of almost boundless tracts of land, including the former

Russian possessions of Ross and Bodega, and the site of the present city

of Sacramento. He had performed all the conditions of his land grants,

built his fort, and completed many costly improvements. At an expense of

twenty-five thousand dollars he had cut a millrace three miles long, and

nearly finished a new flouring mill. He had expended ten thousand

dollars in the erection of a saw-mill near Coloma; one thousand acres of

virgin soil were laid down to wheat, promising a yield of forty thousand

bushels, and extensive preparations had been made for other crops. He

owned eight thousand cattle, two thousand horses and mules, two thousand

sheep, and one thousand swine. He was the military commander of the

district, Indian agent of the territory, and Alcalde by appointment of


Commodore Stockton. Respected and honored by all, he was the great man

of the country.”

Subsequently he was a member of the Constitutional Convention at

Monterey, and was appointed Ma jor General of militia. Would that the

sketch of his life might end here; but, alas! there is a sad, sad

closing to the chapter. This can not be told more briefly and eloquently

than in the language of the writer already mentioned:

”As soon as the discovery of gold was known, he was immediately deserted

by all his mechanics and laborers, white, Kanaka, and Indian. The mills

were abandoned, and became a dead loss. Labor could not be hired to

plant, to mature the crops, or reap and gather the grain that ripened.”

”At an early period subsequent to the discovery, an immense emigration

from overland poured into the Sacramento Valley, making Sutter’s domains

their camping-ground, without the least regard for the rights of

property. They occupied his cultivated fields, and squatted all over his

available lands, saying these were the unappropriated domain of the

United States, to which they had as good a right as any one. They stole

and drove o his horses and mules, and exchanged or sold them in other

parts of the country; they butchered his cattle, sheep, and hogs, and

sold the meat. One party of five men, during the flood of 1849-50, when

the cattle were surrounded by water, near the Sacramento river, killed

and sold $60,000 worth of these - as it was estimated and left for the

States. By the first of January, 1852, the so-called settlers, under

pretense of pre-emption claims, had appropriated all Sutter’s lands

capable of settlement or appropriation, and had stolen all of his

horses, mules, cattle, sheep, and hogs, except a small portion used and

sold by himself.”

”There was no law to prevent this stupendous robbery; but when law was

established, then came lawyers with it to advocate the squatters’

pretensions, although there were none from any part of Christendom who

had not heard of Sutter’s grants, the peaceful and just possession of

which he had enjoyed for ten years, and his improvements were visible to


”Sutter’s eorts to maintain his rights, and save even enough of his

property to give him an economical, comfortable living, constitute a sad

history, one that would of itself fill a volume of painful interest. In

these eorts he became involved in continuous and expensive litigation,

which was not terminated till the final decision of the Supreme Court in

1858-59, a period of ten years. When the United States Court of Land

Commissioners was organized in California, Sutter’s grants came up in

due course for confirmation. These were the grant of eleven leagues,

known as New Helvetia, and the grant of twenty-two leagues, known as the

Sobrante. The land commissioners found these grants perfect. Not a flaw

or defect could be discovered in either of them, and they were confirmed

by the board, under the provisions of the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.”


”The squatter interest then appealed to the United States District Court

for the Northern District of California. This court confirmed the

decision of the land commissioners. Extraordinary as it may appear, the

squatter interest then appealed both cases to the Supreme Court of the

United States at Washington, and still more extraordinary to relate,

that court, though it confirmed the eleven-league grant, decided that of

the Sobrante - twenty-two leagues - in favor of the squatters. The court

acknowledged that the grant was a ”genuine and meritorious” one, and

then decided in favor of the squatter interest on purely technical


”Sutter’s ruin was complete, and its method may be thus stated: He had

been sub jected to a very great outlay of money in the maintenance of his

title, the occupancy and the improvement of the grant of New Helvetia.

From a mass of interesting documents which I have been permitted to

examine, I obtained the following statement relative to the expenses

incurred on that grant:

Expenses in money, and services which formed the original

consideration of the grant $50,000

Surveys and taxes on the same 50,000

Cost of litigation extending through ten years, including

fees to eminent counsel, witness fees, traveling

expenses, etc. 125,000

Amount paid out to make good the covenants of deeds upon

the grant, over and above what was received from sales 100,000



”In addition, General Sutter had given titles to much of the Sobrante

grant, under deeds of general warranty, which, after the decision of the

supreme court of the United States in favor of the squatter interest,

Sutter was obliged to make good, at an immense sacrifice, out of the New

Helvetia grant; so that the confirmation of his title to this grant was

comparatively of little advantage to him. Thus Sutter lost all his

landed estate.”

”But amid the wreck and ruin that came upon him in cumulative degree,

from year to year, Sutter managed to save, for a period, what is known

as Hock farm, a very extensive and valuable estate on the Feather River.

This estate he proposed to secure as a resting-place in his old age, and

for the separate benefit of his wife and children, whom he had brought

from Switzerland in 1852, having been separated from them eighteen

years. Sutter’s titles being generally discredited, his vast flocks and

herds having dwindled to a few head, and his resources being all gone,

he was no longer able to hire labor to work the farm; and as a final

catastrophe, the farm mansion was totally destroyed by fire in 1865, and

with it all General Sutter’s valuable records of his pioneer life.” As

diculties augmented, Hock farm became incumbered with mortgages, and


ultimately it was swallowed up in the general ruin.”

For some years he received a small allowance from the State of

California; but after a time this appropriation expired, and was never

thereafter renewed. The later years of the pioneer’s life were passed at

Litiz, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and his time was devoted to

endeavoring to obtain from Congress an appropriation of $50,000, as

compensation for the expenditures he made for the relief of the early

settlers of California. His death occurred at Washington, D. C., on the

eighteenth day of June, 1880, and his remains were laid at rest in

Litiz, Pennsylvania. The termination of this grand, heroic life, under

circumstances of ab ject poverty and destitution, forms as strange and

mournful a story as can be found in the annals of the present age.

In concluding this chapter, it may not be inappropriate to quote from a

private letter written by Mrs. S. O. Houghton, ne Eliza P. Donner,

immediately after the General’s death. It aptly illustrates the feeling

entertained toward him by the members of the Donner Party. Writing from

San Jose, she says:

”I have been sad, oh! so sad, since tidings flashed across the continent

telling the friends of General Sutter to mourn his loss. In tender and

loving thought I have followed the remains to his home, have stood by

his bier, touched his icy brow, and brushed back his snowy locks, and

still it is hard for me to realize that he is dead; that he who in my

childhood became my ideal of all that is generous, noble, and good; he

who has ever awakened the warmest gratitude of my nature, is to be laid

away in a distant land! But I must not yield to this mood longer. God

has only harvested the ripe and golden grain. Nor has He left us

comfortless, for recollection, memory’s faithful messenger, will bring

from her treasury records of deeds so noble, that the name of General

Sutter will be stamped in the hearts of all people, so long as

California has a history. Yes, his name will be written in letters of

sunlight on Sierra’s snowy mountain sides, will be traced on the clasps

of gold which rivet the rocks of our State, and will be arched in

transparent characters over the gate which guards our western tide. All

who see this land of the sunset will read, and know, and love the name

of John A. Sutter, who fed the hungry, clothed the naked, and comforted

the sorrowing children of California’s pioneer days.”