History of the Donner Party by CF McGlashan - HTML preview

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after making him as comfortable as possible, they bade him good-by, and

he was left alone in that mountain wild. A strong will and an

unflinching determination to live through all the threatening dangers,

soon raised him from his bed and nerved him to action. He found some

steel traps among the goods stored, and with them caught foxes, which

constituted his chief or only article of food, until rescued by the

returning party, March 1, 1845.”

The Breen family moved into the Schallenberger cabin. Against the west

side of this cabin, Keseberg built a sort of half shed, into which he

and his family entered. The Murphys erected a cabin nearer the lake. The

site of this cabin is plainly marked by a large stone about ten or

twelve feet high, one side of which rises almost perpendicularly from

the ground. Against this perpendicular side the Murphys erected the

building which was to shelter them during the winter. It was about three

hundred yards from the shore of Donner Lake, and near the wide marshy

outlet. The Breen and Murphy cabins were distant from each other about

one hundred and fifty yards. The Graves family built a house close by

Donner Creek, and half or three quarters of a mile further down the

stream. Adjoining this, forming a double cabin, the Reeds built. The

Donner brothers, Jacob and George, together with their families, camped


in Alder Creek Valley, six or seven miles from Donner Lake. They were,

if possible, in a worse condition than the others, for they had only

brush sheds and their tents to shield them from the wintry weather. Mrs.

John App (Leanna C. Donner), of Jamestown, Tuolumne County, writes: ”We

had no time to build a cabin. The snow came on so suddenly that we had

barely time to pitch our tent, and put up a brush shed, as it were, one

side of which was open. This brush shed was covered with pine boughs,

and then covered with rubber coats, quilts, etc. My uncle, Jacob Donner,

and family, also had a tent, and camped near us.”

Crowded in their ill-prepared dwellings, the emigrants could not feel

otherwise than gloomy and despondent. The small quantity of provisions

became so nearly exhausted that it is correct to say they were compelled

to live on meat alone, without so much as salt to give it a relish.

There was an abundance of beautiful trout in the lake, but no one could

catch them. W. C. Graves tells how he went fishing two or three

dierent times, but without success. The lake was not frozen over at

first, and fish were frequently seen; but they were too coy and wary to

approach such bait as was oered. Soon thick ice covered the water, and

after that no one attempted to fish. In fact, the entire party seemed

dazed by the terrible calamity which had overtaken them.

Chapter VI.

Endeavors to Cross the Mountains

Discouraging Failures

Eddy Kills a Bear

Making SnowShoes

Who Composed the ”Forlorn Hope”

Mary A. Graves

An Irishman

A Generous Act

Six Days’ Rations

Mary Graves Account


C. T. Stanton’s Death

”I am Coming Soon”

Sketch of Stanton’s Early Life

His Charity and Self-Sacrifice

The Diamond Breastpin

Stanton’s Last Poem.

All knew that death speedily awaited the entire company unless some

could cross over the mountain barrier and hasten back relief parties.

Out of the list of ninety persons mentioned in the first chapter, only

Mrs. Sarah Keyes, Halloran, Snyder, Hardcoop, Wolfinger, and Pike had


perished, and only three, Messrs. Reed, Herron, and McCutchen, had

reached California. This left eighty-one persons at the mountain camps.

It was resolved that at the earliest possible moment the strongest and

ablest of the party should endeavor to cross the summits and reach the

settlements. Accordingly, on the twelfth of November, a party of twelve

or fifteen persons set out from the cabins. It was found impossible,

however, to make any considerable headway in the soft, deep snow, and at

midnight they returned to the cabins. They had not succeeded in getting

more than a mile above the head of the lake. In this party were Mr. F.

W. Graves and his two daughters, Mary A. Graves, and Mrs. Sarah Fosdick.

The rest, with the exception of Jay Fosdick and Wm. H. Eddy, were young,

unmarried men, as, for instance, Stanton, Smith, Spitzer, Elliott,

Antoine, John Baptiste, and the two Indians. It was comparatively a

trifling eort, but it seemed to have the eect of utterly depressing

the hopes of several of these men. With no one in the camps dependent

upon them, without any ties of relationship, or bonds of aection,

these young men were be first to attempt to escape from their prison

walls of snow. Failing in this, many of them never again rallied or made

a struggle for existence. Not so, however, with those who were heads of

families. A gun was owned by William Foster, and with it, on the

fourteenth of November, three miles north of Truckee, near the present

Alder Creek Mill, Mr. Eddy succeeded in killing a bear. This event

inspired many hearts with courage; but, alas it was short-lived. No

other game could be found except two or three wild ducks. What were

these among eighty-one people! Mr. F. W. Graves was a native of Vermont,

and his boyhood days had been spent in sight of the Green Mountains.

Somewhat accustomed to snow, and to pioneer customs, Mr. Graves was the

only member of the party who understood how to construct snow-shoes. The

unsuccessful attempt made by the first party proved that no human being

could walk upon the loose snow without some artificial assistance. By

carefully sawing the ox-bows into strips, so as to preserve their curved

form, Mr. Graves, by means of rawhide thongs, prepared very serviceable

snow-shoes. Fourteen pair of shoes were made in this manner. It was

certain death for all to remain in camp, and yet the first attempt had

shown that it was almost equally certain death to attempt to reach the

settlements. There was not food for all, and yet the ones who undertook

to cross the mountains were undoubtedly sacrificing their lives for

those who remained in camp. If some should go, those who were left

behind might be able to preserve life until spring, or until relief

came. The stoutest hearts quailed before the thought of battling with

the deep drifts, the storms, and the unknown dangers which lurked on the

summits. The bravest shuddered at the idea of leaving the cabins and

venturing out into the drear and dismal wilderness of snow. Yet they

could count upon their fingers the days that would elapse before the

provisions would be exhausted, and starvation would ensue, if none left

the camps.

Day after day, with aching hearts and throbbing brows, the poor

imprisoned wretches gazed into each other’s faces in blank despair. Who

should be sacrificed? Who would go out and seek a grave ’neath the


crashing avalanche, the treacherous drifts, or in the dreary famished

wilderness, that those left behind might live? Who would be the forlorn

hope of the perishing emigrants?

Once, Messrs. Patrick Breen, Patrick Dolan, Lewis Keseberg, and W. H.

Eddy, are said to have attempted to reach the summit. On another

occasion these same parties, with Mrs. Reed and family, Mr. Stanton and

the two Indians, made an unsuccessful attempt. Still another time, a

large party, among whom were Mrs. Murphy and the older members of her

family, made the eort, and even succeeded in crossing the topmost

ridge and reaching Summit Valley, one and a half miles west of the

summit. But all these parties were forced to return to the cabins, and

each failure confirmed the belief that no living being could cross the

mountains. In this manner time dragged wearily along until the tenth,

or, as some say, the sixteenth of December. The mere matter of the date

is of trifling importance. At all events a forlorn hope was organized.

Seventeen names were enrolled as volunteers. Of these, Charles Burger

went only a short distance, turning back weary and exhausted. Wm. G.

Murphy, who is described as a most brave and resolute boy of eleven

years of age, accompanied the party as far as the head of Donner Lake.

He and his brother Lemuel were without snowshoes. It was expected they

would step in the beaten tracks of those who had shoes, but this was

soon proven to be utterly impracticable. The party made snow-shoes for

Lemuel on the first night, out of the apara jos which had been brought by

Stanton from Sutter’s Fort. Wm. G. Murphy saved his life by returning to

the cabins. No human being could have endured the trip without

snow-shoes. Fifteen remained in the party, and these pressed forward

without so much as daring to look back to the dear ones whose lives

depended upon this terrible venture. Without forgetting William G.

Murphy and Charles Burger, who started with this little band, the first

party who crossed the Sierra will in future be termed the fifteen. Who

composed this party? Mothers, whose babes would starve unless the

mothers went; fathers, whose wives and children would perish if the

fathers did not go; children, whose aged parents could not survive

unless the children, by leaving, increased the parents’ share of food.

Each were included in the forlorn hope.

It was time for some one to leave the cabins. During the days that had

elapsed, no word had been received from the Donner brothers at Alder

Creek, nor from the emigrants who camped with them. Alder Creek is a

branch of Prosser Creek, and the Donners encamped on the former stream

about a mile and a half above the junction.

On the ninth of December, Milton Elliott and Noah James started back to

learn some tidings of these people. Soon after they left the camps at

the lake, a terrific storm came down from the mountains, and as nothing

had been heard from them, it was considered certain they had perished.

About this time, starvation and exposure had so preyed upon one of the

company, Augustus Spitzer, that one day he came reeling and staggering


into the Breen cabin and fell prostrate and helpless upon the floor.

Poor fellow, he never rallied, although by careful nursing and kindest

attentions he lingered along for some weeks. The emigrants were no

longer on short allowance, they were actually starving! Oh! the horror!

the dread alarm which prevailed among the company! C. T. Stanton, ever

brave, courageous, lion-hearted, said, ”I will bring help to these

famishing people or lay down my life.” F. W. Graves, who was one of the

noblest men who ever breathed the breath of life, was next to volunteer.

Mr. and Mrs. Graves had nine children, the youngest being only nine

months old. Generously had they parted with the cattle which they

brought to the lake, dividing equally with those families who had no

food. Mary A. Graves and her elder sister, Mrs. Sarah Fosdick,

determined to accompany their father, and as will presently be seen,

their hearts failed not during trials which crushed strong men. Mary

Graves was about nineteen years old. She was a very beautiful girl, of

tall and slender build, and exceptionally graceful carriage. Her

features, in their regularity, were of classic Grecian mold. Her eyes

were dark, bright, and expressive. A fine mouth and perfect set of

teeth, added to a luxuriant growth of dark, rebelliously wavy hair,

completed an almost perfect picture of lovely girlhood. Jay Fosdick

resolved to share with his wife the perils of the way. Mrs. Murphy

oered to take care of the infant children of her married daughters,

Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Pike, if they would join the party. The dear, good

mother argued that what the daughters would eat would keep her and the

little ones from starving. It was nobly said, yet who can doubt but

that, with clearer vision, the mother saw that only by urging them to

go, could she save her daughters’ lives. With what anguish did Mrs.

Harriet F. Pike enroll her name among those of the ”Forlorn Hope,” and

bid good-by to her little two-year-old Naomi and her nursing babe,

Catherine! What bitter tears were shed by Mr. and Mrs. Foster when they

kissed their beautiful baby boy farewell! Alas! though they knew it not,

it was a long, long farewell. Mrs. Eddy was too feeble to attempt the

journey, and the family were so poorly provided with food that Mr. Eddy

was compelled to leave her and the two little children in the cabins,

and go with the party. Mrs. McCutchen also had an infant babe, and Mrs.

Graves employed the same reasoning with her that Mrs. Murphy had so

eectively used with Mrs. Pike and Mrs. Foster. That these three young

mothers left their infant children, their nursing babes, with others,

and started to find relief, is proof stronger than words, of the

desperate condition of the starving emigrants. The Mexican Antoine, the

two Indians Lewis and Salvador, and an Irishman named Patrick Dolan,

completed the fifteen. This Patrick Dolan deserves more than a passing

word. He had owned a farm in Keokuk, Iowa, and selling it, had taken as

the price, a wagon, four oxen, and two cows. With these he joined the

Donner Party, and on reaching the lake had killed his cattle and stored

them away with those killed by the Breens. Dolan was a bachelor, and

about forty years of age. He was possessed of two or three hundred

dollars in coin, but instead of being miserly or selfish, was

characterized by generous openheartedness. ”When it became apparent that

there was to be suering and starvation” (this quotation is from the


manuscript of Hon. James F. Breen), ”Dolan determined to lighten the

burden at the camps, and leave with the party that was to attempt the