The Big Shiny Prison by Ryan Bartek - HTML preview

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Satanism develop and what was your initial introduction to black metal?”

“My initial interest in Satanism began when I started high school. As a person gets older

and begins to develop their views about the world, they either embark on a sojourn of true

contemplation or blindly accept the status quo and remain a part of the herd. I chose to shun the

herd. I found black metal a short time later when I read an article about Emperor. I found it

fascinating that BM was more than just music. The musicians were soldiers as well as Satanists.

BM became a way to expand Satanism, and these artists had substance behind their beliefs. I find

it lamentable that BM has become so watered down. I laugh at the keyboard commandos who

love to hypothecate and analyze what others have done when they are not men of action -- and

quite frankly, not men at all. In my world, they don't get a vote.”


“How does your ideology differ from LaVey's or Gilmore's?” 

“Anton LaVey represents modern Satanism. In theory, his church was the embodiment of

sinister Satanic Imperium on earth needed to bring about the new Dark Age. In reality, it was

nothing more than a sideshow for occult dabblers, the rebellious, and cowards searching for an

excuse to indulge their petty weaknesses without feeling like outcasts. His church presented

prime time entertainment for the masses, offering just enough hedonistic atheism and mindless

psychodrama to offend the Nazarene majority to remain in the limelight and proclaim themselves

the “true authority.” LaVey was a showman and a politician: he endeavored to shock audiences

sufficiently to keep their attention, but not so much as he wouldn't be acceptable. Peter Gilmore,

LaVey's former crony and current know-nothing, is like the inept child who's found his father's

gun -- too afraid to use it and knowing that if he does he'll probably shoot himself in the foot. Is it

any wonder modern Satanism seems to have been laid to rest along with its founder? In contrast

to both LaVey and Gilmore, I am a Traditional Satanist. I apply the Septenary Tradition to life

and the cosmos in order to bring forth evolutionary change via internal and Aeonic magick.

Through my experiences and the seven-fold way, I continue to evolve my own consciousness and

that of the cosmos as well as aid the sinister dialectic. Satanism is a practical way of living, and

when applied correctly can be a means to self-awareness, evolution, and even immortality. It

concerns making conscious our shadow nature through magick and experience. The Satanist

believes we are gods already. Satanists are strong, proud, and defiant.  They detest all faith-based

religions. The Nazarene faith has been the scourge of western civilization for over a thousand

years; it has inverted all natural values and set back the course of our conscious evolution. In

contrast, Satanism is a natural expression of our ‘Promethean’ urge to evolve, and Satanic magick

and experience are a means to awaken the potential within all humankind.”

“Explain the Septenary tradition…”

“In the Septenary tradition there is a belief in magick. Fundamental to this is the belief

that all living things possess certain energies. These energies may be said to derive from the

‘ACAUSAL,’ a parallel universe not limited by our spatial dimensions or linear time. Every

living being is a point where these energies manifest, and because of our consciousness, we

humans are ‘gates’ to this realm. We possess the ability to ‘open the gate’ to the ‘acausal’ that

exists in our psyche. External magick is the use of these energies to bring changes in the causal,

while internal magick is the use of ‘acausal’ energies to bring about psychic, internal change. In

ancient Greece Socrates declared the psyche was immortal. Thousands of years later, we still

acknowledge it as the source of our humanity. An important part of the psyche is the unconscious,

the area which the individual is unaware and where the archetypes may be said to ‘reside.’ The

Septenary teaches the psyche is capable of development. The individual's psyche may be said to

be both ‘above’ and ‘below.’ There is usually something unconscious as well as the potential for

future development toward greater consciousness. The archetypal images, ego, self, and

‘immortal’ are all part of the psyche. In the past the striving for ‘self-hood’ was often represented

by myth. Another term used is ‘individuation’ (C. G. Jung). Esoterically, in the Septenary this is

Adeptship. However, Adeptship implies a conscious, rational understanding of one’s self and

others, as well as mastery of certain esoteric arts. It also implies a cosmic or Aeonic perspective

to Wyrd and the self. Jung's individuation may be considered a ‘natural’ stage. In contrast,

Adeptship is a goal attained by following a specific esoteric way. Individuation is a stage, not the

end of personal development. There is no end to the refinement of the self. The esoteric path

followed in the Septenary is the seven-fold way. This is inner-alchemy aimed at creating a higher

being capable of immortality. These ideas of alchemy were thought to be developed during the

Middle Ages, are actually a continuation of earlier ones, particularly from the mystery schools of

ancient Greece. The goal, as always, is both heretic and Satanic: to obtain immortality

independent of ‘God.’ There are no limitations but those that are self-imposed, and even these are

meant to be transcended. Physical action, warfare, and the culling of the human herd are all


acceptable in disrupting the existing order and aiding evolution. Therefore, although there may be

parallels between Traditional and modern Satanism, the differences couldn't be greater.” 

“Do you dig the Beatles?”

“I'm not much of a Beatles fan, but I dig Frank Zappa -- he makes me laugh.”

“As I understand, you are still actively writing music from behind bars. Do they allow

musical equipment in the cellblock?”

“Our equipment is shit and the pigs fuck us over every chance they get. Only recently

have they begun to allow us to possess guitars in the cells, but the actual music program is a total

joke. Sol Evil will go on with me wherever I travel. The music is stronger than any prison


“What other music do you enjoy outside of BM?”

“I like music that invokes emotion. I'm into death metal, melodic metal, hardcore, punk,

electronic, retro, classical, in addition to a myriad of other types of music. I love the Cure, and

Billy Corgan is my favorite artist. I also enjoy The Doors, Pink Floyd, Depeche Mode, The

Smiths, and Bjork. I enjoy some hardcore/metalcore, particularly bands like Dead to Fall and

Heaven Shall Burn.”

“Tell me about The Satanic Inquisition.” 

“The Satanic Inquisition is a publication Eugene Alexander Dey and I created in order to

bring forth greater Satanic awareness. The other aspects of the publication (e.g. music,

journalism, humor, etc.) are meant to complement the overall message while offering something

different. Most publications today concentrate on only a few aspects that concern the Satanist

way of life; the SI endeavors to encompass the whole through our collective writings. Satanism is

a misunderstood belief system. As successful as LaVey was at letting the world know Satanism

existed in one form or another, the majority of the population is still ignorant of even the basics. It

can't be said enough that Satanism has nothing to do with “Devil Worship” and is not based on

the inversion of Nazarene beliefs. The concept of Satan as the archetypal accuser or adversary

predates Christianity, and in fact the words “Satan” and “Devil” are derived from the ancient

Greek aitia and diabole, that were synonymous in their use of denoting an accusation. Likewise,

the Hebrews stole Zoroastrian’s concept of an ‘evil’ deity to oppose the ‘good’ from the

Babylonian gods Ahura Mazda and Ahriman to create an opponent for their YHWH.” 

“How do you feel about the way you've been portrayed in the press?”

“I suppose that would depend on which press you mean. Originally, the OC Weekly ran a

series of articles about the crimes and spun them in such a way as to invoke ‘sympathy for the

devil.’ All the ‘acceptable’ aspects of my life were championed and excuses were made for my

actions and deeds. Rather than being portrayed as a ‘terrorist,’ I was depicted as a confused,

misguided, even inebriated youth who had done something stupid. On the Internet, among other

places, many of the reactions were typical and expected. The average person is dross and easily

swayed by popular opinion. Thus, when it was publicized that my actions were ‘a stupid thing to

do,’ and desire for fame was cited as my reasoning, the bandwagon of the mediocre filled rather

quickly, and many lined-up to express their condemnation. It’s always easy to attack someone in

absentia, but the way these character assassinations were executed sounded too much like an

internet circle-jerk to be taken seriously. People will believe what they want, but popular opinion

doesn't constitute fact. To some I am a ‘terrorist,’ to others a ‘sensitive young man.’ Which of

these, both or neither are true is subjective. Every individual will have to decide for his/her self.” 

“Do you have a strong sense of family, or are you a throwaway with a strong sense of

street family? I ask this because often when an individual fosters such extreme ideas regarding

fringe movements as concrete reality -- and this is not to discredit your views because reality

only exists within the minds eye -- they are a product of being kicked to the curb by society on a

repeated basis. What is your background as an individual? What was your childhood like, your

teenage years? Were you a drop out or runaway?? Give us a deeper understanding of who you

are as a person.”


“Just like anyone, I have disagreements with my family. But they are never

irreconcilable. We stick by each other regardless of the circumstances. True, they don't embrace

or adopt my Satanic beliefs, but we agree to disagree and acknowledge there are countless other

facets of life to consider. I had a relatively normal childhood. As a kid, I got straight A's and had

perfect attendance. I played sports and my dad coached my baseball teams. As a teenager things

did get wild after a while, but not to the point where I did drugs or got arrested. In high school I

joined a party crew ‘UNIVERSOUL’ and at some point went out looking for trouble. But once

the excitement of gang fights and occasional shoot outs dissipated, I backed away and graduated

with my class in 1998. After this I worked as a special education teacher, attended college, and

had my own place. Aside from my decision to dramatically rise above the herd in the instant

matter, I am a friendly, easy going person with a passion for life. As with most revolutionaries, if

not for love of self, family, and friend, there would be nothing left for which to fight.”

“How has your blood family taken to all of this?”

“Their disappointment is expected. They aren't too happy, and feel I should have found

other ways to get my points across. Nonetheless, they do support me, and that's what counts.”

“You have stated in no uncertain terms that the mission statement and philosophy of

Sol Evil is to spread "violence and terrorism" against the followers of all white-light religions.

However, at the same time you have processed a deep personal belief in "freedom from man,

God, societies and ideals," particularly in the question of whether or not you subscribed to any

neo-Nazi or NSBM ideology. So obviously, a paradox exists. This is not to say hypocrisy,

because I believe what you are describing is a view of necessary organized resistance against

something you view as inherently detrimental with a lavish history of tyrannical oppression at

every socio-political level. You've also spoken regularly of your zealot-like aggression against

"puritanical totalitarianism." So what I ask then -- is the practice of fascism to counter

fascism something that truly can be embraced as a means to an end?”

“Admittedly, I was more blatant and aggressive in my youth. When I said the goal is to

spread violence and terrorism against all white-light religions, it was coming from a younger,

wilder, and less experienced version of myself. I don't retract anything I've said; but as an older,

more mature Satanist, I acknowledge there is a lot more to Satanism than merely declaring a

global war. As a youngster, I was full of piss and vinegar and wanted nothing more than to

engage my enemies on the field of battle. Since then I have distinguished myself as someone

willing to fight based on ideals. The goal isn't complete annihilation of the herd, or even the herd

mentality, but to win the right to apply our virtues of strength and honor, without the mass

hysteria of subservient morality condemning us for our vitality. All insurgencies must start

somewhere, and revolutions are generally very violent -- but political and philosophical resistance

are both essential elements in order to wage true warfare. A worldwide Satanic Armageddon is

more of a metaphor. I fight for the right to serve as a legitimate adversarial spokesperson against

the ultra-inf1uentia1 religious institutions who seduce the world with their intoxicating messages

of zealous servitude. There are always going to be rules, norms, and leaders. Every movement

must have a set of guidelines. I don't see organized resistance as fascism to counter fascism, since

everyone is free to choose where to stand in the fight. But organized resistance can absolutely be

a means to an end. As I've said on numerous occasions, one voice spoken among many is nothing

compared to many voices spoken as one. Organization among like-minded individuals is the only

way to make a difference.”

“Where is the line drawn?”

“I draw the line only where the fight against one sort of oppression becomes the fight for


“Is there any question of morality involved or is this something to be seen as a

symbolic concept, as in more of a mental war to awaken the masses than that of a physical

war? That is, should I say, except for the occasional violent outburst such as 1-19-03?”


“A Satanic war should absolutely be both mental and physical. Just look at the power of

the Church. They have some of the sharpest tacticians in the world. Through philosophical

enlightenment, one can begin to awaken those who have the potential to transcend the herd. By

taking a physical stance, one makes the powerful point, such as, ‘I mean what I say.’ Few people

can stomach being a Satanist, and only a small number have what it takes. For the rest, the herd,

they are what they are -- and I am who I am. It is conceivable to begin an era where strength,

honor, and loyalty are virtuous. Anything is possible through the will of the people.”

“How has prison altered your view of race/class war?”

“Since California is the most racist prison system in