The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, Vol. 4 by Monstrelet - HTML preview

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TOWARDS the end of October, Sigismund of Bohemia, king of Hungary, Croatia and Dalmatia, a valiant man at arms, and a catholic, came with his queen, the daughter of count Cilley, a Sclavonian, and a grand retinue, to Aix la Chapelle[12]. Sigismund was first raised by the electors to be king of the Romans, and then emperor of Germany. On the eighth day of November, he was consecrated and crowned emperor, by the archbishop of Cologne, in the church of our Lady at Aix la Chapelle, as is customary; after which ceremony, he was to be confirmed in his dignity by the pope of Rome.

He and his empress then received the homage and oaths of allegiance from the barons of the empire, promising at the same time that he would attend the general council that was to be holden at Constance for the good of the whole church. This council was to have commenced in the month of April in the year 1412, under pope Alexander or his successor, but it had been hitherto delayed.

This city of Constance is seated on the Rhine, in the circle of Suabia, and its bishop is a suffragan to the archbishop of Mentz. It was proclaimed, that the council thus deferred would be held by pope John XXII. successor to the aforesaid Alexander.

Here follow the names of the dukes, prelates, counts, barons, and others, who were present at the coronation of the emperor Sigismund at Aix la Chapelle, on the 8th of November, 1414.

First, duke Louis of Bavaria, count palatine of the Rhine, elector of Germany; the duke of Saxony, marshal of the empire, another elector of Germany; Bourgion de Nuremburgh, who performed the office of the marquis of Brandenburgh, an elector, and other dukes, namely, those of Lorraine, Gueldres, Juliers, and Tede, duke of Russia: two archbishops, viz. those of Cologne and Treves, who are also electors of the empire.

Item, John duke of Bavaria, elected prince of Liege, duke of Bouillon and count of Los.

Item, the council of the king of Bohemia, elector of the empire: the council of the archbishop of Mentz, another elector of Germany. Five bishops, namely, those of Viseburg[13], Pussau, de St Prude d'Aylac in Hungary, de la Cure; the grand master of the german knights-hospitallers, namely of Prussia, and the count of Cleves.

Item, Accusaire, son to the marquis of Montferrat, de Meurs, and de Saussebourg; the lord de Haudeshon and de Renuen.

Item, de Dezaine, and three counts de Nassau; the count de Cassuelbonne and his son; the counts de Rayneck, and Hanyberck de Viectem, de Mestan, the count de Disby, and with him two other counts; de Villestam, de Wide, de Blancquehem, de Samecte, and de Viestam; sir John Chaule, viscount de Milan, the lord de Brimor, de Bestille, the lord de Bavonne.

Now follow the names of those who came from Hungary:

First, Charles de Nicolay, grand palatine of Hungary, Marcial Nicolay his son, count de Tenuse, Wart lord de Strebourg, governor of seven castles, two counts ambassadors from Vallanc[14] of the country of Servia, Vergufiam, Vaida, Siandrias, Peduricolaus, Lasque Jacobiadis de Vaida, Lasqudany his brother, the count John de Carnassie, the count George de Carnassie, Penyemericus, sir Laurens de Ront de Pasto, the lord Tarte Nicolay, sir Chechy Nicolay, sir Janus Vaida, grand master of the household of king Sigismund, sir Baufil de Symon, Peron Emerick, Thomas Perisii, Resquoy Estewan Sywaidu Desno Charpictre, marshal of Hungary.

Item, the barons of Bohemia that attended at this coronation were, first, sir William le Haze, sir Vincelan de Douy, sir Suit de Sida, and three barons of his lineage with him, sir Gaspard de Douy, the lord d'Illebourg, the lord de Blentenon, sir Andrew Balesqui.

Now follow the names of the barons of lower Germany:

The lord de Hausseberch, the damoiseau d'Ercles, sir John de Namur, the lords de Hainault, de Lembourg, Vinstghen, de Belay, de Picquebat, and two other barons with the baron de Bendecte, de Yussebourg, and two other barons with him, de Berdecte, Hanrech, de Wysebeche, de Toncle, sir Fulco de Honnestam, Bougraine, de Raynech, the lords de Holloch, de Vestrebourg, de Connebourg, and two other barons with him, sir Florin du Bos, the lords de Horne and Derke, sir Fucho de Cologne mareschal d'Absectes, sir Othe de l'Abecque, the lord de Zenemberghe, the lord de Marc.

The names of those princes and others who sent ambassadors to this coronation:

First, the ambassadors from the king of Bohemia, the ambassadors from the king of England, the ambassadors from the archbishop of Mentz, from the count of Hainault, from de Posti Romaine, from the count of Savoy, from the duke of Brabant, from the duke of Luxembourg, from the abbot of Stabuleuse[15], from the cities of Cambray, Cologne, Toul, and Verdun, from the abbot of Sainte Corneille de Compiégne.