The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, Vol. 4 by Monstrelet - HTML preview

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[A.D. 1418.]



AT the beginning of this year, John duke of Burgundy arranged the establishment of the queen of France in Troyes; and having ordered some of his captains, such as Charlot de Dueilly, John du Clau, John d'Aubigny, and others, with two thousand men at arms, to march to Senlis, and combat the army of the king and the constable, he took leave of the queen, and set out from Troyes to Dijon to visit his duchess and daughters.

Having resided there some time, he departed for Montmeliart, to meet Sigismund emperor of Germany, with whom he had a conference. This being finished, they separated with many tokens of respect for each other, and the duke returned to Burgundy.

During this time, Philip count de Charolois came to Arras; and by commands from the queen and his father, he convoked all the barons, knights, esquires and clergy of Picardy and other parts under his obedience, to meet him on a certain day in Arras. On their being assembled, they were required by master Philip de Morvillers to swear allegiance to the queen and the duke of Burgundy against all persons whatever, excepting the king of France: which oath they all took, namely, sir John de Luxembourg, sir James de Harcourt, the vidame of Amiens, the lords d'Antoing and de Fosseux, the lord d'Auxois, sir Emond de Lombers, and many more, who declared they would serve him with their lives and fortunes so long as they should breathe.

Those who had been deputed from the principal towns were required to raise a certain sum of money from their constituents. The meeting was then adjourned to Amiens where they were desired to assemble,—for within a few days the count de Charolois would go thither, to consult on further measures for the relief of Senlis. The different commanders were ordered to raise as many men at arms and archers as they possibly could by that day.

The count de Charolois was at Amiens on the appointed time, whither also came the aforesaid lords, and a number of deputies from the great towns. There were likewise some from Rouen, who had been sent to request advice and support from the count as the representative of the duke of Burgundy, adding, that they were daily expecting to be besieged by king Henry's army; that they had often been under the obedience of the duke, in preference to the king, the dauphin, the constable, and all others; and that should they fail of having succours from him, in whom was their only hope, they could not expect them from any other person.

The count by advice of his council, replied by requesting them to nourish such good intentions,—and that within a short time they should have, with God's pleasure, effectual aid. Letters, addressed to the magistrates and principal citizens in Rouen, were also given them, with which they returned.

When this matter had been settled, the count de Charolois directed master Philip de Morvillers to declare to the assembly of nobles and others from the towns, who were collected in the great hall of the bishop's palace, that it would be necessary and expedient for each of the towns to make a free gift in money, and for the clergy to pay half a tenth, for the carrying on the war.

This business, however, could not be hastily concluded; and in the mean time messengers arrived from those in Senlis, who brought letters to the count, to say that if they were not succoured on or before the 19th of April, they must surrender the place to the king and constable having given hostages to that effect.

The count and his council, on receiving this news, determined to provide a remedy; and he was very desirous of marching thither himself, but his council would not consent to it: he therefore ordered, as principal commanders of the reinforcement, sir John de Luxembourg and the lord de Fosseux, having under them the whole of the forces in Picardy and on the frontiers.

These commanders, having collected their men, marched off in haste, and arrived at Pontoise on the 17th of April, when they resolved to proceed during the night of the morrow for Senlis. Their army might amount to about eight thousand combatants, who gallantly took the field at the appointed time. A body of light troops were ordered to advance to different places on the road, toward Senlis, to gain intelligence of the enemy.

With sir John de Luxembourg and the lord de Fosseux were le veau de Bar bailiff of Auxois, the lord de l'Isle-Adam, sir Emond de Bonberch, the lord d'Auxois, Hector and Philip de Saveuses, Ferry de Mailly, Louis de Varigines, sir Philip de Fosseux, James and John de Fosseux, the lord de Cohen, sir Janet de Poix, the lord de Longueval, the lord de Miraumont, and in general all the nobles and gentlemen of Picardy, who made a handsome appearance with vanguard, rearguard and main battalion, and thus marched to within a league of Senlis.

The lord d'Armagnac, constable of France, was closely besieging the town of Senlis, when he received intelligence from his scouts that the nobles of Picardy were approaching with a large army to to offer him battle: in consequence he commanded his men to arm without delay, and advance in battle-array to the plain, that he might avoid being attacked in his camp. The besieged, observing about day-break great bustle and confusion in the enemy's camp, with good order and courage made a sally from the town, set fire to the tents and quarters of the constable, killed numbers of the sick, and others, whom they found in the camp, and returned to the town with a large booty in sight of their enemies.

The constable, vexed at this, sent them a summons to surrender the town according to their promise, but on their answering that the time was not yet expired, he caused the heads of four of the hostages to be cut off, their bodies to be quartered, and hung on a gibbet. Of these four, two were gentlemen, namely Guillaume Mauchelier and Boudart de Vingles: the two others were citizens, named Guillaume Escallot and master John Beaufort, king's advocate in the town. The remaining two (for there were six in all), sir John Durant priest and a monk of St Vincent, were carried prisoners to Paris.

In revenge, the besieged beheaded sixteen of the constable's men: two were hanged and two women were drowned. The count d'Armagnac then marched his army in battle-array to the Pas-de-Larron between Criel and Gouvieux, to wait for the enemy; and dispatched some of his captains to seek the king at Criel and make him take the road toward Paris.

Sir John de Luxembourg and the lord de Fosseux had advanced so rapidly with their army that they were rather before hand with the king, and halted at a place called l'Estoing, where the king and his army must pass. Soon after, the van of the constable made its appearance, and the light troops of both sides began a sharp skirmish, when many lances were broken, and men at arms unhorsed, slain or terribly wounded.

Upon this, the king and the constable sent two heralds to these lords, to know who they were, and what they wanted. The lord de Luxembourg made answer, 'I am John of Luxembourg, having with me the lord de Fosseux and many other noble men, sent hither by the duke of Burgundy to serve the king, and to succour the good town of Senlis against the count d'Armagnac, whom, and his abettors alone, we are ready to to combat, if he be willing to afford us an opportunity, but not against the king; for we are ready to serve him as his loyal vassals and subjects.'

The heralds returned with this answer to the king and the constable, when the latter said aloud, 'Since neither the duke of Burgundy nor his son be with their army, we cannot gain much by battle: I therefore advise that we retreat, for these are soldiers only anxious for plunder, who have not themselves much to lose.' The constable had already heard that Charlot de Dueilly and other captains were in great force toward Dammartin: therefore he made the king and his army retreat, in order of battle toward Paris, ordering a sufficient number of his ablest combatants to his rear, to prevent the enemy from giving them any disturbance.

Thus, without halting at any place did king Charles and his constable, the count d'Armagnac, march back to Paris, to the great vexation of many of the Parisians, who murmured loudly against the constable.

Sir John de Luxembourg and the lord de Fosseux returned with their army to Pontoise, very much rejoiced to have accomplished their object without any considerable loss or inconvenience. It would take up too much time were I to detail all the skirmishes that took place: suffice it to say, that very many on both sides behaved gallantly. The lord de Miraumont commanded the picard archers, and, according to his orders, kept them in handsome array. When these lords had refreshed themselves at Pontoise, they all went to their different homes.

They were very much esteemed for their good conduct and valour in this expedition by the duke of Burgundy, the count de Charolois, and by all of that party. The bastard de Thian governor-general in Senlis, Troullart de Moncruel, sir Mauroy de St Legier, and the other captains within the town during the siege, had repaired the towers and walls which had been much damaged by the engines of the constable, and then kept up a more severe warfare against the king's party than before.


H. Bryer, Printer, Bridge-street,
 Blackfriars, London.