The New York Etching Club Minutes by Stephen Fredericks - HTML preview

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Chapter 151887 Minutes of the New York Etching Club

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1887 Events

  • The New York Etching Club held its annual exhibition from January 31 through February 26 at the National Academy of Design, and published a catalogue, illustrated with original etchings, to accompany and record the show.

  • A catalogue for the February exhibition and sale of the Stewart collection of art at the American Art Galleries was published in an edition de luxe numbering five hundred copies. In addition to nine photogravure reproductions, the catalogue included fifteen etchings, all reproductions of paintings. The catalogue reproduction editors included New York Etching Club Members Thomas Moran, Frederick S. Church, William M. Chase, R. Swain Gifford, Frederick Dielman, Hamilton Hamilton, William St. John Harper, and C.Y. Turner.

  • J. R. W. Hitchcock published Representative Etchings by Artists of Today in America.

  • The Boston Museum of Fine Art’s Print Department organized the Exhibition of the Work of the Women Etchers of America, which ran from November through December, 1887.

  • White Stokes & Allen published Notable Etchings by American Artists.

Figure (graphics1.jpg)
Figure 15.1
C. Morgan McIlhenney, Five O’Clock Tea, 1887. (Williams Print Collection.)

January 10th 1887

A special meeting was held at this date in the Secretary’s studio to take action upon a letter from the American Water Color Society given below.

The meeting was called to order by the President at half past four P. M. with the following members present – Messers. Baldwin, Dielman, Farrer, Freer, Thos. Moran, Nicoll, Sabin, Smillie, van Elten, and Wood.

The following letter was read.

To Mr. J. C. Nicoll

Secty New York Etching Club.

Dear Sir.

“At the meeting of the Board of Control this P.M. the following resolution was passed, viz: - “That it is the sense of this meeting the if there is no objection upon the part of the New York Etching Club, it would be to the advantage of both the Etching Club and theWater Color Society to have the etchings hung in the Corridor”

You are requested to lay this proposition before the Club as early as possible, and

kindly inform me of their decision.


(signed) Henry Farrer, Secty.

Mr. Smillie spoke of the circumstances that led to this proposition and argued in its favor. – After considerable discussion which was participated in by most of the members the following resolution was passed unanimously. –

“While we recognize the generous treatment in the past of the American Water Color Society in giving the Etching Club space for its Exhibition we can see no advantage to the club at the present time for hanging etchings in any different place that the one allotted for the purpose by the Water Color Society at its general meeting held in March last.”

After directing the Secretary to communicate this resolution to the Water Color Society the meeting adjourned.[36]

J. C. Nicoll



Feb 11/87

Figure (graphics2.jpg)
Figure 15.2
H.P. Share, Bright Outlook, 1887. (Williams Print Collection.)

February 11th 1887.

The regular meeting of the Club was held at this date in the Secretary’s studio with the following members present – viz Messers.

Church, Farrer, Freer, T. Moran, Nicoll, Satterlee, Schilling, Shelton, and Turner.

The meeting was called to order by the President at 8.30 P.M.

The minutes of the last regular meeting and the Special meeting of Jany 10th were read and approved.

The Secretary reported the balance in the treasury as $219.- against which was due to Messers Kimmel & Voigt $357.6 besides other bills for printing, tc. Not yet received.

The following gentlemen upon ballot were unanimously elected Resident Members – viz –

H. P. Share of N’ 6 East 18th St.

J. S. King 728 E. 142d St.

The Secretary proposed as Non-resident Member Mrs. Edith Loring Getchell (Neé Pierce)

Mr. Church proposed as Resident member Mr. W. L. Lathrop of Fordham, N.Y.

Upon motion duly seconded & carried the Secretary was directed to apply to the American Water Color Society for the same space in its twenty-first annual exhibition for use of the Etching Club and upon the same terms as have been granted in previous years.

The Secretary stated that having been unable to retain the services of Mr. E. Averill as Salesman, Mr. C. H. Greer had been secured

for the position.

The Secretary reported that there had been no response to the request for etchings for the Club’s portfolio, and only one answer to notices sent three times to members delinquent in dues.

The resignation of Mr. Charles H. Miller sent December 15th 1886 was formally accepted.

The meeting was then adjourned without further action.

J. C. Nicoll,


Approved Feby 15/87

Figure (graphics3.jpg)
Figure 15.3
Frederick Freer, Honey Suckle, 1887. (Williams Print Collection.)

April 15th 1887

The Annual Meeting was held at this date in the Secretary’s Studio, with the following members present, viz – Messers. Church, Dielman, Farrer, King, Monks, Thos. Moran, Nicoll, Share, Shelton, van Elten, and Wood.

The minutes of the meeting held Feby 11th were read and approved.

The Secretary’s annual report was read and approved subject to examination by the Auditing Committee.

The following officers were elected for the ensuing year.

President - Henry Farrer

Secty. & Treas. W. H. Shelton

Executive Committee Fredericks Dielman, Thomas Moran, F. S. Church

The chair appointed as Auditing Committee Messers. Smillie and Baldwin.

Mrs. Edith Loring Getchell was unanimously elected Non-Resident Member.

The following gentlemen were proposed as Resident Members, viz: -

Reginald Cleveland Coxe, 58 W 57th St by Mr. Share

C. M. Mc Ilhenney 822 Broadway by Mr. Moran.

Contributions to the port-folio of the Club were received from Messers Thomas and Nimmo Moran, Nicoll, Shelton, van Elten, Wood, and Gaugingigl.

The names of those delinquent in payment of dues were read and in the case of Mr. Shirlaw who had never paid any dues or contributed to the exhibitions the Secretary was directed to send a marked copy of the constitution calling attention to its requirements.

The following gentlemen were elected to be invited to contribute plates for the next annual catalogue, viz: - Messers. Church, Dielman, Farrer, King, Nimmo Moran, Nicoll, Share, and van Elten, and as substitutes Mrs. Getchell and Mr. Hamilton.[37]

Mr. Moran stated that Dr. Purdy and others proposed holding a retrospective exhibition of etchings next winter under the auspices of the Club, and, the officers were appointed to confer with him upon the matter.

The meeting adjourned without further business at 10 P.M.

J. C. Nicoll


Figure (graphics4.jpg)
Figure 15.4
W.H. Lippincott, Infantry in Arms, 1887. (Williams Print Collection.)

Dec. 9th, 1887

The regular meeting of the club was held on the evening of Friday Dec. 9th, at the studio of the Secretary. Of members, there were present Messr’s. Church, Farrer, Free, Thos. Moran, Nicoll, Sabin, Shelton, Schilling, Share, Van Elten, Twachtman & Smillie.

The minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

The following candidates were then unanimously elected to Membership.[38]

W. L. Lathrop 822 Broadway

Jos. Lauber The Brunswick.Madi Sq.

Reginald Cleveland Cox, 58. West .57th, St.

C. Morgan McIlhenny, 822 Broadway

Proposed for membership by Mr Church

Robt. F. Bloodgood, 58. East 13th St.

J. H. Twachtman & H. Pruet Share by due process of ballot were constituted a hanging Committee.

After brief discussion, on motion of Mr Share, it was voted to continue placing plate printing of the Club in the hands of Messr’s

Kimmel and Voigt, 242 Canal St.

On Motion, The President, The Secretary and Mr. Nicoll were chosen a Committee to secure a salesman for the pending exhibition.

The Secy’, was instructed to remind members of their obligation to the Club portfolio—also to communicate with the gentlemen appointed to make the etchings for the Catalogue.

The accounts of the retiring Secretary and Treasurer, were duly audited by Mr. Smillie and the balance to the credit of the Club found to be $168.55

W. H. Shelton


Figure (graphics5.jpg)
Figure 15.5
Reginald Cleveland Coxe, Drifting, 1887. (Williams Print Collection.)
Figure (graphics6.jpg)
Figure 15.6
William L. Lathrop. (Private collection.)