The New York Etching Club Minutes by Stephen Fredericks - HTML preview

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Chapter 22The Constitution of the New York Etching Club

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As recorded, initially, by James D. Smillie in the minutes book of the New York Etching Club.

Figure (graphics1.jpg)
Figure 22.1
Photocopy of original handwritten New York Etching Club minutes entry. (Archives of the National Academy of Design.)

Constitution of the New York Etching Club.

As approved at a meeting of the executive committee – Sat. evening Dec 8th 1877 and finally, by the club, at the Regular Monthly Meeting, Dec. 10th 1877. See minutes – page 10, this volume.


Article I

name and object

The name of this Association shall be: “The New York Etching Club”. Its location, the city of New York. Its object to advance the art of “Free Hand Etching”

Article II


Section 1. The members of this Association shall be divided into two classes, viz: Resident & Non Resident members.

Resident members

Section 2. Resident members shall be chosen only from among Residents of the city of New York or those residing within such distance as will not prevent regular attendance at the meetings or the performance of the ordinary duties of such membership. In them shall be vested all the powers of the Association to be delegated as herinafter mentioned.

non-resident members

Section 3. non-resident members shall be chosen from etchers not resident in the City of New York. They shall have all the privileges of Resident members except the right to vote and hold office and shall be exempt from dues.

Section 4. All nominations for membership must be made in writing by a Resident member and thereupon referred to the Executive Committee who shall make careful examination as to the qualifications and consider all communications in relation thereto: such proceedings to be secret and confidential. Each name shall be voted upon separately by ballot and two negative votes shall constitute rejection of the candidate. The names of the candidates approved by the Executive Committee shall be presented at the next regular meeting of the Association and voted upon separately by ballot. Negative votes to the number of one third of those cast shall exclude a candidate from membership and no person so excluded shall be eligible for one year thereafter.

initiation fees and dues

Insert as amended

Section 5. There shall be Amended Mch 31/82 neither initiation fees or dues but in leiu thereof such expenditures as shall have been unanimously agreed to by the Executive Committee shall be met by assessment upon the members.

Insert as Amended

Section 6.

Amended Mch 31-82

Any Resident member neglecting to attend the Regular meetings or failing to contribute two original etchings to said meetings

for one year shall thereby forfeit his membership unless upon furnishing sufficient reason he shall be excused by special vote of the Executive Committee.


Section 7. All resignations shall be made in writing to the Secretary, to be acted upon by the Executive Committee. All interests in the property of the Association of members resigning or otherwise ceasing to be members shall be vested in the Association.

Figure (graphics2.jpg)
Figure 22.2
Photocopy of original handwritten New York Etching Club minutes entry. (Archives of the National Academy of Design.)
Article III

Section 1. The officers of the Association shall be a President, and a Secretary, (who shall also act as Treasurer.) These, together with three other members shall constitute the Executive Committee, all to be elected at the Annual meeting.


Section 2. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee. He shall, with the Secretary, sign all written contracts and obligations of the Association and he shall perform such duties as shall be assigned to him by the Executive Committee. He shall be, ex officio a member of all committees.


Section 3. It shall be the Duty of the Secretary to keep a true record of the proceedings of the Association and of the Executive

Committee and to perform all the ordinary duties of his office.


Section 4. And in his capacity of Treasurer it shall be his duty to receive all the money due the Association and to pay all bills

contracted for upon their approval by the Executive Committee, keeping a correct account of the same in books provided for that

purpose which shall, at all reasonable times be open to the inspection of the Executive Committee. He shall make a full report at the Annual Meeting if the receipts and disbursements of the past year.

Executive Committee

Section 5. The Executive Committee shall have general charge of the affairs, funds and property of the Association. It shall be their duty to carry out the objects and purposes thereof and to this end they may exercise all the powers if the Association subject to the Constitution and By – Laws and to such action as the Association may take at its Business meetings. Three members shall constitute a

quorum. The minutes of their proceedings shall be kept in the same book with the general minutes of the Association.

Election of officers

Section 6. All officers shall be elected by ballot from among the Resident members at the Annual Meeting, a majority of all votes cast being necessary to elect. They shall hold office for one year from the first of November following the date of their election.

Removal of officers

Section 7. Any officer may be removed for cause by a three fourths vote of the members present at a Business meeting of the Association, ten days notice, at least, of such proposed action having been sent to him.

Forfeiture of office

Section 8. Any officer failing to attend three consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee unless excused by the other members of said committee shall be deemed to have forfeited his office.

Vacancies in office

Section 9. Any vacancy in office shall be filled for the remainder of the term by the Executive Committee.

Article IV

Insert as amended

Amended Mch 31/82

Section 1. There shall be Regular Monthly meetings on the Second Monday evening of each month from November to May, inclusive, the meeting in May to be known as the Annual meeting.


Section 2. one third of the members shall constitute a quorum.

Figure (graphics3.jpg)
Figure 22.3
Photocopy of original handwritten New York Etching Club minutes entry. (Archives of the National Academy of Design.)
Article V

Amendments to Constitution

Section 1. This Constitution may be amended only by a two thirds vote at a Regular meeting of the Association, notice of the

proposed amendment having been given at the Regular meeting immediately previous.

After approval, the following named gentlemen affixed their signatures to a copy of the Constitution in the order given.

Leroy Milton Yale,

James D.Smillie,

Henry C. Eno,

R. Swain Gifford,

A. H. Baldwin,

E. Wood Perry Jr.

T. W. Wood,

H. W. Robbins Jr.

Chas. H. Miller,

Chas. S. Reinhart,

Edwin A. Abbey,

Laurence Johnson,

Frederick Dielman,

Louis C. Tiffany,

Walter Shirlaw,

Henry Farrer,

A. F. Bellows,

Saml. Colman,

Jos. F. Sabin,

J. C. Nicoll,

F. S. Church.

True Copy

James D. Smillie.


Dec 1’0”, 1877

Amendments Ratified mach 31st 1882

Art.II. Sec. 5. – An initiation fee of ten dollars shall be paid by each newly elected Resident Member, within thirty days after notice in writing of his election; and in case of default thereof he shall be deemed to have declined membership.

The annual dues shall be three dollars a year payable by each Resident Member at the Annual Meeting.

Art.IV. Sec. 1. Three Regular Meetings for the transaction of business shall be held in each year – viz: on the second Friday in February, April and December; - the April Meeting to be known as the Annual Meeting.

Amendment passed March 31st 1882.

Art.II. Sec.6. Any Resident Member neglecting to attend the regular meetings of the Club for one year, or failing to contribute, to each Annual Exhibition, shall thereby forfeit his membership, unless, upon furnishing sufficient reason, he shall be excused by a special vote of the Club.

Roll called at meetings held

Dec 8 1879 Jan 12 1880 Feby 8 1880

1 L. M. Yale late

2 J. D. Smillie P P P

3 H. C. Eno

4 R. Swain Gifford P P

5 A. H.Baldwin P P

6 T. W. Wood Late P

7 H. W. Robbins

8 C. H. Miller

* 9 C. S. Reinhart L P

* 10 E. A. Abbey

11 L. Johnson

12 F. Dielman P L

13 L. C. Tiffany

* 14 W. Shirlaw P P

15 H. Farrer P P P

16 A. F. Bellows P L P

17 S. Colman P

18 J. F. Sabin P P

19 J. C. Nicoll P P P

20 W. M. Chase P P

21 F. S. Church P P P

22 G. H. Smillie P P P

23 C. A. Vanderhoof

24 K. van Elten P P

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Figure (graphics4.jpg)
Figure 22.4
Photocopy of original handwritten New York Etching Club minutes entry. (Archives of the National Academy of Design.)