The New York Etching Club Minutes by Stephen Fredericks - HTML preview

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Chapter 51877 Minutes of the New York Etching Club

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1877 Events

  • The American Society of Painters in Water Colors held its Tenth Annual Exhibition during February and early March at the National Academy of Design. Among some one hundred “Works in Black and White” listed in the show catalogue were etchings by Dr. Leroy M. Yale, a future president of the New York Etching Club, Seymour Haden, James McNeil Whistler, Flameng, and several others. There were many more additional works of graphic art in lead pencil, sepia, pen and ink, charcoal, and crayon exhibited alongside the etchings. James D. Smillie, the future founder of the New York Etching Club, was president of the American Society of Painters in Water Colors at the time of this exhibition.

  • Publication of Peter Moran’s 1876 Centennial Exhibition etchings, and their successful review at a National Academy of Design exhibition later in the year.

  • Society of American Artists was founded in New York City.

Minutes of the first regular monthly meeting of the New York Etching Club. held in the studio of James D. Smillie, 337 Fourth Ave. Monday eveng. Nov. 12th. 1877.

The President, Leroy M. Yale in the chair – A quorum being present at 8.30 the meeting was called to order. The Secretary pro tem, called the roll. Present, Messrs L.M. Yale., Chas. Miller., Louis C. Tiffany., Henry C. Eno., Saml. Colman, A. F. Bellows, Fred. Dielman, Walter Shirlaw, Henry Farrer, A. H. Baldwin, Chas. S. Reinhart, Laurence Johnson, and later in the eveng, James D. Smillie. In all, 13. The first business being the draughting of a constitution it was moved & seconded that the matter be referred to the Executive Committee with instructions to report at the next regular meeting. Carried. no further business being presented the meeting resolved itself into an informal exhibition of Etchings by members.

Mr. Henry Farrer presented 15 proofs

Figure (graphics1.jpg)
Figure 5.1
The property containing James D. Smillie’s studio, 337 Fourth Avenue, continues to stand today at the southeast corner of 25th Street and Park Avenue South. Renovated and restored for commercial use, the building still features full-height artist studio windows and skylights facing north, easily visible from the sidewalks below.

Mr. Chas. Miller 5 pfs.

“ Henry C. Eno 2 “

“ Jos. F. Sabine 8 “

“ L. M. Yale 6 “

“ Jas. D. Smillie 2 “ __23.

This was followed by a general interchange of criticism and information concerning practices & processes. At 10.30, it being duly moved and seconded the meeting adjourned –

James D. Smillie, Secty

(Approved. Dec. 10th., 1877)

Minutes of a meeting of the Executive Committee of the N. Y. Etching Club held in Jas. D. Smillie’s studio, 337 Fourth Ave. Saturday eveng. Dec. 8” 1877.

At 8.20 Dr. L.M. Yale called the meeting to order. All the members of the committee were present, to wit; L.M. Yale, R.S. Gifford, H. C. Eno, A. H. Baldwin & James D. Smillie _ 5. The meeting being called to consider the matter of a constitution for the

Club that business was immediately taken up. Messrs Yale & Smillie having prepared a form it was read and discussed, section by section, and finally approved for presentation to the Second regular monthly meeting of the Club to be held on the following Monday eveng.

At 10 o’clk. It being regularly moved and seconded, the meeting was adjourned.

James D. Smillie Secty

(Approved, Dec 10” 1877)

Figure (graphics2.jpg)
Figure 5.2
The first etching created by the New York Etching Club. (From Etching in America; private collection.)

Second regular monthly meeting of the N. Y. Etching Club, held in the studio of James D. Smillie, 337 Fourth Ave. Monday

evening Dec 10” 1877

The President, L.M. Yale in the chair. At 8.30 a quorum being present, the meeting was called to order. The Secty pro tem,

called the roll _ Present, Messrs Yale, Johnson, Sabin, Farrer, Gifford, Abbey, Nicoll, Miller, Reinhart & Baldwin. Later in the eveng. Smillie came _ 11.

Figure (graphics3.jpg)
Figure 5.3
James David Smillie. (Courtesy of Ms. Rona Schneider.)

The minutes of preceding meetings were read and approved _ A form or draught of Constitution for the club was then reported from the Executive Committee. It was read, discussed, amended and approved section by section. A copy in its complete form is written out upon the pages near the end of this volume .

After this business a general discussion concerning metals and mordants best suited to freehand etching, also, of printing processes, followed. Mr. Gifford presented 1 pf. of etching

“ Farrer “ 2 ‘ “

“ Miller “ 1 ‘ “

“ Johnson “ 1 ‘ “

“ Sabin “ 3 ‘ “

Dr. Yale “ 1 “ Dry Point

9 pfs.

At 10 o’clk it being regularly moved & seconded, the meeting was adjourned.

James D. Smillie

Approved, Jany, 21st, 1878. Secty

Figure (graphics4.jpg)
Figure 5.4
Robert Swain Gifford. (Private collection.)