Astronomy for Young Folks by Isabel Martin Lewis - HTML preview

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The visible surface of the sun is called the photosphere. Even the smallest telescopes will show its peculiar "rice-grain" structure, consisting of intensely brilliant flecks or nodules about 500 miles in diameter, which can be resolved by the more powerful telescopes into smaller particles about 100 miles in diameter, against a darker background. It has been estimated that these bright nodules or rice-grains occupy only one-fifth of the total surface of the sun, yet radiate three-fourths of the total light.

It is generally believed that the "rice grains" are the summits of highly heated columns of gas, arising from the sun's interior, and that the darker portions between are cooler descending currents.

It is well known that the photosphere or visible surface of the sun appears to be much brighter in the center of the disk than near its circumference. This is due entirely to its gaseous nature and to the fact that it is surrounded by an atmosphere of dense enveloping cooler gases. Rays from the center of the disk travel a shorter distance through this atmosphere than the rays from the rim and therefore are absorbed less by surrounding gases. We look further down into the sun's  interior near the center of the disk than in the direction of its circumference and so the light appears more intense there.

The photosphere is the region where sun-spots appear and they are found in zones extending from 8° to 35° on either side of the solar equator, never appearing exactly at the equator or near the poles.

The disturbances that produce sun-spots and many allied phenomena occur cyclically in periods of eleven years on the average. The first outburst of the disturbance is manifested by the appearance of sun-spots in high solar latitudes. These break out and disappear and break out again with increased vigor, working gradually downward toward the solar equator, the maximum spottedness for a given period occurring in solar latitude about 16°. The disturbance finally dies out within 8° or 10° of the equator, but even before one cycle of disturbance has entirely passed away a new cycle has broken forth in high latitudes. So during the period of minimum spottedness there are four distinct belts, two in low latitudes, due to the dying disturbance, and two in high latitudes, due to the new disturbance. At sun-spot maximums there are two well-marked zones of great intensity, approximately 16° north and south of the sun's equator.

Sun-spots are solar cyclones, occurring usually in groups, though large single spots appear less frequently. Each spot is quite sharply divided into an umbra and a penumbra. The umbra is the darker central portion, the funnel of the whirling cyclone, and the penumbra is composed of the outspreading gases, and is less dark than the umbra. The peculiar "thatch-straw" structure of the penumbra is due, it is believed, to the fact that the columns of gases that usually rise vertically from the sun's interior and from the "rice grains" of the photosphere are drawn into a horizontal position by the whirling motion that exists in the penumbra regions of a sun-spot and therefore we get a longitudinal rather than a cross sectional view of them.

The umbra of a sun-spot is anywhere from a few hundred miles to fifty thousand miles in diameter, frequently exceeding the earth in size, while the penumbra occasionally reaches a diameter of two hundred thousand miles. Sun-spots of exceptional size can be seen even without the aid of a telescope.

The darkness of sun-spots is only by comparison with their more brilliant background. Owing to the rapid expansion and cooling of gases the temperature in sun-spot regions is far below the normal solar temperature of 6,000° Centigrade, lying between 3,000° and 4,000° Centigrade. At this temperature it is possible for the more refractory chemical compounds to form, the oxides and the hydrides, and the spectra of sun-spots reveal the presence of titanium oxide and magnesium and calcium hydride. At the higher solar temperatures that exist elsewhere in the photosphere and in its overlying gaseous envelopes all chemical elements occur in a free state, intermingling as incandescent vapors without the formation of any chemical compounds.

Strong magnetic fields exist in sun-spot regions and magnetic storms in our own atmosphere frequently accompany the appearance of exceptionally large sun-spots.

Directly above the photosphere of the sun lies the "reversing layer," which is about five hundred miles in depth and is composed of the incandescent vapors of all the chemical elements that exist on the sun, which are also the same familiar elements that exist on the earth, with the exception of coronium, the unknown element in the solar corona, there is no element in the sun that has not been found on our own planet.

The "reversing layer" receives its name from the fact that it reverses the solar spectrum. It produces by its absorption of the rays of light from gases below the dark absorption lines found in the spectrum that serve to identify all the elements existing in the sun. During the time immediately preceding and following a total eclipse of the sun this reversing layer produces what is known as the flash spectrum. When the photosphere, which gives the bright continuous background of the solar spectrum, is concealed by the moon, the normally dark lines of the reversing layer—dark only by contrast with the bright background—become momentarily intensely bright lines against a dark background. The flash spectrum only lasts a second or so, as the reversing layer itself is soon covered by the moon.

Just above the reversing layer lies the chromosphere, which is between five thousand and ten thousand miles in depth. Many of the gaseous vapors of the reversing layer are found in the chromosphere, thrown there continually by the vast upheavals of gases that are constantly disturbing the surface of the sun. The greater the solar activity the more is the chromosphere charged with the vapors of the lower strata of the sun's atmosphere. The gases that are most characteristic of the chromosphere, however, are the incandescent gases of hydrogen and calcium, which give it the pink or reddish tinge so noticeable during total solar eclipse. Helium is also found in great abundance in the solar chromosphere.

Shooting upward from the photosphere with the tremendous velocity of one hundred or more miles per second, can be seen at all times, by properly screening off the light from the photosphere, the vast solar eruptions known as the prominences. These are composed chiefly of hydrogen and calcium gas, though other elements also appear, especially near the bases of the prominences. Prominences are of two varieties, the quiescent, or cloud-like prominences, that float high above the solar surface for days at a time in some instances and resemble terrestrial clouds in form, and the eruptive, or metallic prominences, that dart up from the surface of the sun in an infinite variety of forms that may be entirely changed in the short interval of fifteen or twenty minutes.

These eruptive prominences usually attain heights of thirty or forty thousand miles on the average, but exceptional prominences reach heights of more than one hundred thousand miles and in a few rare cases have reached elevations of over five hundred thousand miles, or more than one-half of the solar diameter.

Prominences are the most spectacular and beautiful of all solar phenomena, with the possible exception of the solar corona, which is the outermost of all the solar envelopes and also the most tenuous. The extent of the corona is enormous. Its outer streamers extend usually to distances of several million miles from the center of the sun. Measurements of the coronal light during total eclipses of the sun have shown that its intensity is only about one-half that of full moonlight, and it seems almost impossible to devise methods for detecting it, except during total eclipses, on account of the extreme faintness of its light.

The sun, it is now known, is surrounded by a strong magnetic field in addition to the magnetic fields that exist in sun-spots. The cycle of sun-spot change is attended by marked changes in many forms of solar activity. The frequency of outbursts of eruptive prominences, the brightness and form of the corona, magnetic storms and weather changes on the earth are all closely associated with the sun-spot cycle.

The cause of this sun-spot cycle, with all the attendant changes in the general solar activity, and the source of the apparently limitless supply of solar energy still remain the two chief unsolved secrets of the sun.