Astronomy for Young Folks by Isabel Martin Lewis - HTML preview

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Jupiter shines by reflected sunlight with a brilliancy that usually exceeds that of the brightest of the stars, Sirius. When seen during the midnight hours the remarkable unflickering brightness of this largest and most distinguished member of the solar system at once serves to set it apart from the scintillating stars far beyond.

There is but one planet, Venus, that always surpasses Jupiter in brilliancy, though Mars on the occasions of its close approaches to the earth may equal or slightly surpass Jupiter in brightness. As Venus never departs more than forty-eight degrees from the sun, and so is never seen in the midnight hours, Jupiter usually shines without a rival when visible at midnight. To one who has observed the two planets together the silvery radiance and surpassing brilliancy of Venus, due not to its size, but to its comparative nearness to the earth, at once serves to distinguish it from the golden glow of Jupiter.

Even the smallest telescopes of two- or three-inch aperture will show the four historic moons of Jupiter which were the first celestial objects to be discovered when Galileo turned his crude telescope to the heavens in the year 1610.

The fact that these tiny points of light were actually revolving around the great planet was soon detected by the famous astronomer and we can imagine with what breathless interest he observed these satellites of another world whose discovery dealt such a severe blow to the old Ptolemaic theory that the earth was the center of the universe. It was not until the great telescopes of modern times were invented that the five additional moons of Jupiter were discovered. The four satellites first observed by Galileo were fancifully named Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, in the order of their positions outward from the planet, but these names are rarely used now, the satellites being designated for convenience I, II, III and IV, respectively. The first of the new satellites to be discovered was Satellite V, which is the nearest to Jupiter of all the nine moons. It is an extremely small body, not more than one hundred miles in diameter, and to discover this tiny body as it skirted rapidly around the great planet within sixty-seven thousand miles of its surface, nearly lost in the glaring rays, was a difficult feat even for an experienced observer. It was accomplished, however, by Prof. E. E. Barnard with the great Lick refractor in 1892. Satellite V is hopelessly beyond the reach of any but the greatest telescopes, as are also the four satellites discovered since that date. In fact, most of these tiny moons are observed photographically. Satellites VI and VII were discovered photographically in 1905. They are both about seven million miles from the planet and their paths loop through one another; they are, moreover, highly inclined to each other at an angle of nearly thirty degrees. When nearest together they are separated by a distance of two million miles. Two more extremely small bodies, known as Satellites VIII and IX, have been discovered since then, one at Greenwich, England, in 1908, the other at the Lick Observatory in 1914. These excessively faint bodies are the most remote satellites of Jupiter and they are of particular interest because they travel around the planet in a retrograde direction, or from east to west, which is opposite to the direction of revolution prevailing in the solar system. The ninth and most distant satellite of Saturn also retrogrades, or revolves in a clockwise rather than a counter-clockwise direction around the planet. One explanation given for this peculiarity of the outermost satellites of Jupiter and Saturn is that this backward revolution around the planet is more stable when the satellites are at great distances from the primary, and the gravitational control that the planet exerts is therefore weak. The moons of the planets are, of course, subject to the attraction of the sun as well as to the attraction of the controlling planet, and the greater the distance of the satellite from the planet the stronger the pull exerted by the sun and the weaker the bonds that bind the moon to the planet. Beyond a certain limit it would be impossible for the planet to hold the satellite against the sun's greater attraction and the satellite would leave the planet to revolve directly around the sun, thereby becoming a planet. It appears that as this danger limit is neared it is safer for the satellite to "back" around the planet than to follow the usual "west to east" direction of revolution. The eighth satellite of Jupiter is more than fourteen million and the ninth more than fifteen million miles from the parent planet and they require about two years and three years, respectively, to complete one trip around Jupiter. When we consider that Satellite V darts around the planet in less than twelve hours at a distance of only sixty-seven thousand miles from its surface we realise what tremendous differences exist in the distances and periods of revolution of the nine moons. There is also great disparity in the sizes of the various moons. The five moons discovered in modern times are all excessively faint and extremely small. The diameter of the largest of these, Satellite V, is less than one hundred miles. On the other hand, the four historic moons of Jupiter are of planetary dimensions. The smallest, Satellite II, is slightly larger than our own moon, while the largest, Satellite III, has a diameter, according to measurements made with the 40-inch Yerkes refractor in 1916, of three thousand nine hundred and eight miles, which is only four hundred miles less than the diameter of Mars. The periods of revolution of these four satellites range from one day and eighteen hours for the nearest, which is about two hundred and sixty-one thousand miles from the center of Jupiter, to sixteen days and sixteen and one-half hours for the most distant, which is more than one million one hundred and sixty thousand miles from the planet. These four moons are so near to the great planet that they are continually dipping into his huge shadow and experiencing an eclipse of the sun which, owing to the nearness and great size of Jupiter, lasts for two or three hours. At times of eclipse the moon suddenly disappears from the observer's view, though it may be considerably to one side of the planet. Its reappearance later on is just as sudden, or it may pass out of the shadow while hidden from us behind the disk of the planet, in which case its reappearance is invisible from the earth. The occultations of the satellites, or, in other words, their disappearance behind the planet's disk, are also interesting phenomena to observe, as are their "transits" across the disk of the planet as the satellite passes in front of it. Not only the satellite itself but its shadow as well can be seen, a small black dot passing over the surface of Jupiter. The satellite is totally eclipsing the sun for this small dark portion of the planet's disk. Two satellites and their shadows are frequently seen crossing the face of the planet at the same time. It is possible to observe all the phenomena of the satellite's transits and shadows, eclipses and occultations with very small telescopes. From observations of the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites the important discovery of the finite velocity of light was first made as far back as the year 1675.

Faint surface markings have been made out at certain times on the largest of the four satellites, Satellite III, and also on Satellite I. Observations of the markings on the former seem to indicate that it always keeps the same face turned toward Jupiter as does our own moon toward the earth.

There are also reasons for believing that the equatorial regions of Satellite I are light colored and the polar regions dark. There is the possibility that forms of life may exist on these satellites of Jupiter, though they are more likely barren, lifeless worlds, such as Mercury and the moon. Their great distance from the earth, never less than three hundred and sixty-eight million miles, makes observations of their surface markings very difficult.

How beautiful beyond description must the heavens appear as viewed from the satellites of Jupiter! Viewed from the distance of Io, or Satellite I, the mighty planet Jupiter presents a spectacle such as the eye of man has never been privileged to behold. The huge flattened globe, ninety thousand miles in equatorial diameter, equal in mass to three hundred planets such as our own and in volume to nearly fourteen hundred, fills a space in the heavens nearly twenty degrees in extent as viewed from this satellite. Fifteen hundred of our own full moons would hardly fill the same space. Whirling on its axis with frightful speed in a period of less than ten hours, the huge ball glides rapidly but majestically onward through the sky. A far distant sun shrunk to but one-fifth the diameter of the full moon throws light and shade across the rapidly changing surface of the planet, rich in the reds, browns and yellows and all the gorgeous shades and tints of its dense, seething, gaseous envelope. The phases of the moon on a greatly enlarged scale rapidly succeed each other on Jupiter as it is viewed from the satellite in all positions with reference to the sun. The cause of the belts of Jupiter, that lie parallel to the planet's equator and are constantly changing in number, width and shade, as well as the nature of all the peculiar splashes of color and intensely white flecks that come and go in the dense atmosphere of the planet would not be such a mystery to us were it possible to view the great planet from the distance of Satellite I, which is about as far from the surface of Jupiter as the moon is from the earth. It is uncertain whether the planet is entirely gaseous throughout or has a central core of solid or liquid matter. Its density is only one and one-quarter times that of water and slightly less than that of the sun, showing that it is composed largely, if not entirely, of matter in a gaseous state. Jupiter is a world as different from our own as it is possible to imagine. There is no visible surface crust and there are no permanent markings. Different spots on the planet's disk give different periods of rotation showing that it is atmospheric phenomena that we observe. All is constant flux and change on Jupiter. Dense vapors arise from a highly heated interior and spread out into belts parallel to the equator in the direction of the planet's rotation. From its nearest satellite all the interesting changes of color and form that constantly take place in the atmosphere of this great globe could be observed in great detail. The high percentage of light and heat that Jupiter reflects from the sun to its nearer satellites makes it a secondary sun to them of tremendous size though feeble strength.

As seen from Satellite I the other three major moons of Jupiter present all the phases of our own moon in rapid succession, due to their constantly changing positions with reference to the sun. The five small moons, discovered in modern times, are so minute that they are simply star-like points of light even when viewed from the other moons of Jupiter.

To keep track of the rapidly changing positions and various phases of the moons of Jupiter as seen from any one of them, as well as the rapid apparent motion of the planet through the sky due to the revolutions of the satellite around the planet, would be a troublesome task for an astronomer stationed on one of these far distant worlds. It would be a common sight to see in the sky at one time the huge planet, the far-distant, shrunken sun, and one, two or three moons. Seen from the moons of Jupiter the constellations would appear as they do to us on earth, for such a slight change in position as five hundred million miles, more or less, is trivial when one is looking at the stars. Observations of the stars from the nearest moon of Jupiter would be attended with great difficulties at times, since reflected sunlight from a body nearly twenty degrees in diameter would be extremely troublesome, especially were the phases of the planets near that of the full moon. We know how the presence of our own moon in the heavens at the full dims the brightness of the stars so that only the brightest stars are seen. Even as viewed from the fourth or most distant of the major satellites the planet subtends an angle of nearly five degrees. Occultations of the stars are many and frequent as the huge planet globe glides swiftly through the heavens. Many a moonlight night appears almost as day owing to the presence of the enormous, brilliantly reflecting ball of light and at times two or three moons in addition. Only the brightest stars could possibly be seen under such circumstances. When, however, the small worlds pass into the shadow of the great mother planet and not only the light of the sun but also the reflected light of Jupiter disappears for many minutes, the stars shine forth in all their glory there as here. At such times some of the larger moons would usually be seen shining by the reflected light of the far distant sun. Saturn also would be visible as a magnificent star, but beautiful Venus and ruddy Mars would fail to appear. Tiny bodies, mere specks of light at this distance, they would be lost to view in the glare of the sun.