Cell Biology and Cancer by National Institutes of Health. - HTML preview

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age at which the unlucky number first appears would be the age

at which they developed colon cancer.

• Record how many students developed cancer under this model

at each age on the column labeled “Number of People Who

Developed Cancer—One Hit.”

• Students will now approximate what might happen if the two-hit

hypothesis were true. Ask students to imagine that if they encountered

the second “unlucky” number in the “Gene 2” column, it meant they

experienced a cancer-causing mutation in another gene in the same

cell that experienced a cancer-causing mutation. Explain that the age

at which the second unlucky number first appears in the column

“Gene 2” is the age at which they experienced this second mutation.

If the two-hit hypothesis were correct, they did not develop colon

cancer until the age at which they encountered both unlucky numbers.

• Record how many students developed cancer at each age under this

second model, and add the data to the appropriate column.

• Work with the class to accumulate the running total of cancer cases in

the population at each age under the one-hit and two-hit models.

Write the values in the last two columns on the transparency.

Ask students whether they see any pattern in the incidence of cancer

Page 79

in this population (that is, the class).

Step 11

Give one copy of Master 3.4 to each student. Have students work in

Page 79

pairs to construct two graphs that illustrate the chances a person in

Step 12

this class would have developed colon cancer by a certain age under

the two models.


Student Lesson 3

Cell Biology and Cancer

What the Teacher Does

Page and Step

Ask students to examine the graphs and decide which hypothesis best

Page 79

fits the actual data on the incidence of colon cancer.

Step 13

Ask students to predict what the results of a simulation such as this

Page 79

might be if three, four, or five mutations (hits) must occur prior to the

Step 14

onset of cancer.

Give each student a copy of Master 3.5. Direct students to work in

Page 80

their groups and use the Web-based simulation to test their predictions Step 15

and answer the questions on the master. Students should decide what

type of model best fits the observed incidence for the development of

colon cancer.

Convene a class discussion and have students share their answers to

Page 80

the questions on Master 3.5.

Step 16

Challenge students to evaluate the models they used to test the

Page 83

different hypotheses for the development of cancer.

Step 17

Give each student a copy of Master 3.7. Ask students to use their

Page 83

understanding of cancer as a multistep process to explain each

Step 18

observation listed.

= Involves copying a master.

= Involves making a transparency.

= Involves using the Internet ( http://science.education.nih.gov/supplements/nih1/cancer/



Lesson 3 Organizer: PRINT VERSION

What the Teacher Does

Page and Step

Remind students of the increase in cancer incidence with age observed Page 75

in Lesson 1. Explain that students will now investigate the biological

Step 1

basis for this increase.

Give one copy of Master 3.1 to each student. Ask students to work in

Page 75

pairs to answer the questions.

Step 2

Project Master 3.1 and invite students to share their answers to the

Page 75


Step 3

Point out that the last question is the central issue in this lesson. Explain Page 76

that many years ago, epidemiologists recognized that this change in

Step 4

cancer risk provided an important clue about the cause of cancer.

Remind students that one way scientists answer questions is by

Page 76

developing and testing hypotheses. Briefly describe the one-hit

Step 5

hypothesis and the two-hit hypothesis. Ask students if they can

tell by looking at the colon cancer graph which hypothesis best

explains the data.

Explain that scientists often use models to test their explanations.

Page 76

Tell students they will use two simple models to test alternate

Step 6

explanations for the development of cancer.

Give each student one data set from Master 3.2. Explain that students Page 77

will use these data to understand the implications of the following two Step 7

hypotheses for the incidence of cancer in a population (the class):

1. Cancer develops as a result of a single mutation (one-hit hypothesis).

2. Cancer develops as a result of two independent mutations

(two-hit hypothesis).

Explain that the data sets are called random-number tables. The

Page 77

numbers, ranging from 1 to 25, correspond with the students’

Step 8

imagined life spans. The first column represents the students’ ages,

and the second and third columns represent the random numbers.

Conduct the following exercise:

Page 77

• Ask a student to draw a number out of a hat. Write the number on Step 9

the board.

• Explain that this number represents a mutation in Gene 1. Ask students

to examine the column labeled “Gene 1” on their random-number

table to determine whether they have the number chosen. If they

do, they should circle it and note the age at which it occurred.

• Ask another student to draw a number out of the hat. Write the

number on the board.


Student Lesson 3

Cell Biology and Cancer

What the Teacher Does

Page and Step

• Explain that this second number represents a mutation in Gene 2.

Ask students to examine the column labeled “Gene 2” on their

random-number table to determine whether they have the second

number chosen. If they do, they should circle it and note the age

at which it occurred.

Project Master 3.3. Explain that you will use this table to tal y the number

Page 78

of people in the class who have developed cancer at each age if the one-

Step 10

hit or two-hit hypotheses for the development of cancer were true.

Explain that to discover the number of people who would have developed

cancer, students will need to examine their random-number tables:

• Tell students that they will approximate what might happen if the

one-hit hypotheses were true. Ask students to imagine that if they

found the first “unlucky” number in the column labeled “Gene 1,”

it meant a gene in one of their cells experienced a cancer-causing

mutation. Explain that if the one-hit hypothesis were correct, the

age at which the unlucky number first appears would be the age

at which they developed colon cancer.

• Record how many students developed cancer under this model

at each age on the column labeled “Number of People Who

Developed Cancer—One Hit.”

• Students will now approximate what might happen if the two-

hit hypothesis were true. Ask students to imagine that if they

encountered the second “unlucky” number in the “Gene 2”

column, it meant they experienced a cancer-causing mutation in

another gene in the same cell that experienced a cancer-causing

mutation. Explain that the age at which the second unlucky number

first appears in the column “Gene 2” is the age at which they

experienced this second mutation. If the two-hit hypothesis were

correct, they did not develop colon cancer until the age at which

they encountered both unlucky numbers.

• Record how many students developed cancer at each age under this

second model, and add the data to the appropriate column.

• Work with the class to accumulate the running total of cancer cases in

the population at each age under the one-hit and two-hit models.

Write the values in the last two columns on the transparency.

Ask students whether they see any pattern in the incidence of cancer

Page 79

in this population (that is, the class).

Step 11

Give one copy of Master 3.4 to each student. Have students work in

Page 79

pairs to construct two graphs that illustrate the chances a person in

Step 12

this class would have developed colon cancer by a certain age under

the two models.


What the Teacher Does

Page and Step

Ask students to examine the graphs and decide which hypothesis best

Page 79

fits the actual data on the incidence of colon cancer.

Step 13

Ask students to predict what the results of a simulation such as this

Page 79

might be if three, four, or five mutations (hits) must occur prior to the

Step 14

onset of cancer.

Give each student one copy of Master 3.5 and of Master 3.6. Direct

Page 80

students to work in their groups, follow the instructions to text their

Step 15

predictions, and answer the questions on Master 3.5. Students should

decide what type of model best fits the observed incidence for the

development of colon cancer.

Convene a class discussion and have students share their answers to

Page 80

the questions on Master 3.5.

Step 16

Challenge students to evaluate the models they used to test the

Page 83

different hypotheses for the development of cancer.

Step 17

Give each student a copy of Master 3.7. Ask students to use their

Page 83

understanding of cancer as a multistep process to explain each

Step 18

observation listed.

= Involves copying a master.

= Involves making a transparency.


Student Lesson 3


L E S S O N 4


Evaluating Claims

about Cancer


At a Glance

Students identify claims about UV-light exposure presented in a selection of

media items, then design, conduct, and report the results of an experiment

designed to test one such claim.

Major Concepts

Scientists use systematic and rigorous criteria to evaluate claims about

factors associated with cancer. Consumers can evaluate such claims by

applying criteria related to the source, certainty, and reasonableness of

the supporting information.


After completing this lesson, students will

• understand that many people and organizations make claims about

factors associated with the development of cancer and about agents

that may help prevent or cure cancer;

• be able to explain that scientists evaluate such claims by applying

systematic and rigorous criteria;

• be able to apply criteria such as the source, certainty, and reasonableness

of the supporting information to media claims about cancer; and

• recognize that understanding the biology of cancer and the nature

of science can help individuals and society make reasoned choices

about factors related to cancer.

Prerequisite Knowledge

Students should have sufficient understanding of the methods of science

to develop a hypothesis, design an experiment to test that hypothesis,

and draw reasonable conclusions from the results.

Basic Science–Public Health Connection

This lesson provides the opportunity for students to discover how

science can help individuals and society evaluate claims about cancer.

Estimated Time: 45–50 minutes without experiment;

up to 90 minutes with experiment


Cell Biology and Cancer

Although most of your students will never acquire or need a detailed


understanding of the biology of cancer, all of them will need to

understand and evaluate claims about cancer that they encounter in

casual conversation, in media items, and even in reports from healthcare

workers. Some of these claims may be vague, either in substance or in

origin. Some may be exciting and seem to offer great hope. Others may

be alarming. In some cases, these claims may conflict.

How do scientists evaluate claims about cancer? And how can your

students, as scientifically literate citizens, evaluate such claims, both

for their own satisfaction and as a solid foundation for thinking about

and voting on policy issues?

In this lesson, students examine several media items about exposure to the

sun and the development of skin cancer and work in groups to identify the

claims that each media item makes. Students are challenged to describe

ways that scientists might evaluate these claims, and then are introduced

to a model system involving yeast sensitive to UV (ultraviolet) light that

they can use to test aspects of these claims. Each group designs, conducts,

and presents the results of a controlled experiment testing one of these

aspects. The lesson ends with a class discussion of 1) how scientists

evaluate claims about cancer and 2) the criteria that nonscientists can

use to evaluate such claims.

Web-Based Activities

In Advance


Materials and Preparation

Photocopies and Transparencies

Equipment and Materials

• Enough copies of Masters

• Order and prepare materials

4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4 for

for the lab exercise. See

one-fourth of the class*

“Laboratory Preparation,”

• 1 copy of Master 4.5 for

page 96.

each student

• 1 copy of Master 4.6 for

each student

* You will need one Media Item handout for each student in your class.

Note that every student in one group gets the same handout, and different

groups get different handouts.




Estimated time:

1. Divide the class into four groups. Distribute the masters so that each

group has a different master; each member of a particular group

45–50 minutes

should have the same master.

without doing the

experiment; at least

2. Direct students to read their media items, then work together to

75 minutes with

identify the major claims that their assigned item makes about the

the experiment

product, ultraviolet (UV) light, and cancer. Ask students to also

describe the evidence on which these claims seem to be based.

Give the groups about 5 minutes for this discussion.

3. Conduct a brief class discussion about the media items by asking

the following questions:

• What claims did you find in the media items, and what evidence

did the items provide to support these claims?

Students should not find it difficult to identify these claims. Possible

answers include the following:

Media Item 1: A new sunscreen gives 10 times more protection

against sunburn than others but still allows tanning.

Media Item 2: A new brand of sunglasses protects eyes against

UV light.

Media Item 3: Cellophane protects against sunburn but still

allows tanning.

Media Item 4: Some clothing offers higher protection from

UV light than other clothing.

The media items do not provide any evidence to support these claims.

• What claims about such products and/or cancer have you heard

during your lifetime, and from whom (and where) do you hear

such claims?

Students likely have heard many claims. Allow them to list not only

outlandish claims that they may have heard in the media, but also

more reasonable claims that they may have heard from parents,

friends, and even reputable magazines and healthcare professionals.

Technically, any information that we hear or read about cancer is a

“claim” that someone is making.

• How do scientists evaluate such claims?

Students should already understand that scientists evaluate such

claims through rigorous experimentation, the requirement of

evidence to support a claim, careful review by other scientists of

procedures and conclusions, and the requirement that results be


Student Lesson 4


Cell Biology and Cancer

replicable. Look for these and similar answers from your students;

if they are not forthcoming, ask probing questions such as, “Is it

sufficient for a scientist to make a claim without providing evidence

to back it up?” and “If certain results can be obtained only by one

scientist working in a particular laboratory, what would you think

of claims based on these results?”

4. Explain that in this lesson, students will have an opportunity to test

claims that are similar to those they encountered in their media items

and will learn questions that citizens can ask about claims they hear

Students have the

in the popular press and from other sources.

opportunity here to

5. Give each student one copy of Master 4.5, Using a Model System to Test

experience how scientific

Claims about UV Light. Ask students to work in their groups to design experiments can lead to

and conduct a controlled experiment that tests a claim related to their

reasonable claims about

media item.

how individuals can help

prevent skin cancer. Point

You may wish to explain that often, scientists use model systems to

out that basic experiments,

evaluate certain claims that would not be appropriate to test using

such as the one they are

people as subjects. Often, these model systems involve other species.

about to conduct, have led

In this activity, students will use yeast as their model system.

to a variety of actions on

behalf of public health,

Circulate through the room as students read the information provided

including the banning of

on Master 4.5 and begin to design and execute their experiments.

certain food additives and

Notice that students will not be able to test the actual claims their

the warnings they see on

media items make, but they should be able to test related claims.

You may have to ask probing questions to help students see how

consumer products.

to use the yeast to test these claims. Following are suggestions for

possible experiments:

Media Item 1: Students can test the relative abilities of

different brands of sunscreen or different SPF values to

protect the yeast from UV light.

Media Item 2: Students can test the relative abilities of

different brands and types of sunglasses to protect the

yeast from UV light.

Media Item 3: Students can test the relative abilities of

different colors of cellophane to protect the yeast from

UV light.

Media Item 4: Students can test the relative abilities of

different colors and thicknesses of cloth to protect the

yeast from UV light.

Tip from the field test. Although students will only be able to test

certain aspects of the claims each media item makes, you may wish to

challenge your students to identify what part(s) of the claim they are

not testing and to describe how they might test those parts of the claim.

6. Conclude Day 1 by asking each group to describe to the class the

claim they are testing and the method they are using to test the claim.


DAY 2 (or DAY 3 if yeast are incubated at room temperature)

7. Direct students to collect the plates from their experiments and

record their results. Then, convene a class discussion and ask each

group to report briefly on its experiment. As each group reports,

ask students what additional information they would need to

answer the experimental question more completely or to apply

their findings to humans.

Students should follow the outline provided in Master 4.5 as they

report on their experiments.

8. Acknowledge the value of scientific research in evaluating claims,

then ask students how nonscientists can evaluate similar claims

they encounter in the media or from other sources. List their

ideas on the board or a transparency.

Students should recognize that they do not have the expertise,

equipment, or time to experimentally evaluate each claim they hear

about cancer, but they can carefully consider claims to determine their

source, whether they are supported by evidence, and how reasonable

they are (that is, whether they seem to fit within existing knowledge

or seem outlandish). Sometimes, “outlandish” claims are correct, but

this is usually not the case, and students should understand this.

9. Challenge each group to use the results of its own experiment to

develop a media item similar to the item they used in Step 1. Point