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Acting on

to improve personal and public health. Translating our


understanding of science into public policy can raise a variety

About Cancer

of issues, such as the degree to which society should govern

the health practices of individuals. Such issues often involve a

tension between the values of preserving personal and public

health and preserving individual freedom and autonomy.


Cell Biology and Cancer

Table 2. Correlation between lessons and high school biology topics.

High School Biology Topic

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Biology of Cancer






Cell Cycle and Regulation of Cell Division












Cancer and Personal and Public Health






Although we encourage you to use the lessons

• Instructors place less emphasis on

in the sequence outlined in Table 1, many of the

transmitting information and more

lessons can be taught individually, to replace

emphasis on developing students’ skills.

or enhance a more traditional approach to

• Students are involved in higher-order

the same or related content. Table 2 provides

thinking (for example, analysis, synthesis,

recommendations for inserting the lessons into a

and evaluation).

standard high school curriculum in biology.

• Students are engaged in activities

(for example, reading, discussing,

How Does the Module Correlate with

and writing).

the National Science Education Standards?

• Instructors encourage students’ exploration

Cell Biology and Cancer supports teachers in their

of their own understandings, attitudes,

efforts to reform science education in the spirit

and values.

of the National Research Council’s 1996 National

Science Education Standards (NSES). Table 3 lists

Most teachers endorse the use of active learning.

the content and teaching standards that this

We know intuitively, if not experientially and

module primarily addresses.

explicitly, that learning does not occur through

a process of passive absorption. But often, we do

How Does the BSCS 5E Instructional

not realize how active students must be for real

Model Promote Active, Collaborative,

learning to occur. Typically, the answer to this

Inquiry-Based Learning?

question is more active than we might expect.

The activities in this module are designed to

offer students the opportunity to participate in

The lessons in this module were designed with

active, collaborative, and inquiry-based learning

the following assumptions about active learning

in biology. But what do these terms mean?

(BSCS, 1999):

Despite their current popularity, many teachers

1. An activity promotes active learning to the

think of active, collaborative, and inquiry-based

degree to which all students, not simply a

learning rather generically. Defining these three

vocal few, are involved in mental processing

key terms specifically will provide a foundation

related to the content.

on which we can build a detailed description of

2. An activity promotes active learning to the

the instructional approach that the five lessons in

degree that it offers extended opportunities

this module advocate and implement.

for students to become personally engaged

with the content.

Conceptually the broadest of the three, active

3. An activity promotes active learning to the

learning, means that students are involved “in

degree that it involves students in thinking

doing things and thinking about the things

deeply about content.

they are doing” (Bonwell and Eison, 1991, p. 2).

These authors elaborate by listing the following

The activities also make extensive use of

characteristics typically associated with strategies

collaborative learning. Collaborative and

that deserve to be labeled “active”:

cooperative learning currently enjoy “favorite

• Students are involved in more than listening.

child” status among the many strategies available

to teachers. Teachers are using group approaches


Table 3. Correlation to the National Science Education Standards.

A. The Content Standards

Standard A: As a result of activities in grades 9–12,

Correlation to Cell

all students should develop abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry

Biology and Cancer

and understandings about scientific inquiry

• Identify questions and concepts that guide scientific investigations.

Lessons 2, 3, and 4

• Design and conduct scientific investigations.

Lesson 4

• Use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and

Lesson 3


• Formulate and revise scientific explanations and models using logic

Lessons 2, 3, and 4

and evidence.

• Recognize and analyze alternative explanations and models.

Lessons 3

• Communicate and defend a scientific argument.

Lessons 4

• Understanding scientific inquiry.

Lessons 2, 3, and 4

Standard C: As a result of their activities in grades 9–12,

Correlation to Cell

all students

Biology and Cancer

should develop understanding of the cell:

• Cells store and use information to guide their functions.

Lesson 2 and 3

• Cell functions are regulated.

should develop understanding of the molecular basis of heredity:

• In all organisms, the instructions for specifying the characteristics of the

Lesson 2 and 3

organism are carried in the DNA.

• Changes in DNA occur spontaneously at low rates.

should develop understanding of the interdependence of organisms:

• Human beings live within the world’s ecosystems.

Lesson 5

Standard E: As a result of activities in grades 9–12,

Correlation to Cell

all students

Biology and Cancer

should develop abilities of technological design and understandings about

science and technology:

• Science often advances with the introduction of new technologies.

Lesson 2

• Creativity, imagination, and a good knowledge base are all required in the

Lessons 1–5

work of science and engineering.

Standard F: As a result of activities in grades 9–12,

Correlation to Cell

all students should develop understanding of

Biology and Cancer

should develop understanding of:

• personal and community health

Lessons 1, 4, and 5

• natural and human-induced hazards

Lessons 1, 4, and 5

• science and technology in local, national, and global challenges

Lesson 5

Standard G: As a result of activities in grades 9–12,

Correlation to Cell

all students

Biology and Cancer

should develop understanding of:

• science as a human endeavor

Lessons 2 and 4

• nature of scientific knowledge

Lessons 2, 3, and 4

• historical perspectives

Lesson 2


Implementing the Module

Cell Biology and Cancer

Table 3. Correlation to the National Science Education Standards.

B. The Teaching Standards

Standard A: Teachers of science plan an inquiry-based

Correlation to Cell Biology and Cancer

science program for their students. In doing this, teachers

• develop a framework of yearlong and short-term goals for

Each lesson provides short-term objectives


for students. Table 1, Conceptual Flow of the

Activities and Table 7, Timeline for Teaching

the Module, also help teachers plan.

• select science content and adapt and design curriculum to

Using the module helps teachers update their

meet the interests, knowledge, understanding, abilities, and

curriculum in response to their students’

experiences of students.

interest in this topic.

• select teaching and assessment strategies that support

The focus on active, collaborative, and

the development of student understanding and nurture a

inquiry-based learning in the activities helps

community of science learners.

teachers meet this standard.

Standard B: Teachers of science guide and facilitate learning. Correlation to Cell Biology and Cancer

In doing this, teachers

• focus and support inquiries while interacting with students.

All of the activities in the module encourage

and support student inquiry.

• orchestrate discourse among students about scientific ideas.

All of the activities in the module promote

discourse among students.

• challenge students to accept and share responsibility for their All of the activities in the module challenge own learning.

students to accept and share responsibility for

their learning.

• recognize and respond to student diversity and encourage all Combining the BSCS 5E Instructional Model students to participate fully in science learning.

with active, collaborative learning is an

effective way of responding to the diversity of

stu dent backgrounds and learning styles.

• encourage and model the skills of scientific inquiry, as well as Annotations for the teacher that occur the curiosity, openness to new ideas and data, and skepticism throughout the lessons provide many that characterize science.

suggestions for how teachers can model these


Standard C: Teachers of science engage in ongoing

Correlation to Cell Biology and Cancer

assessment of their teaching and of student learning.

In doing this, teachers

• use multiple methods and systematically gather data about

Each lesson has a variety of assessment

student understanding and ability

components embedded within its structure.

Annotations draw teachers’ attention to these

opportunities for assessment.

• analyze assessment data to guide teaching

Annotations provide answers to questions

that can help teachers analyze student

feedback. The annotations also suggest ways

for teachers to change their approach to

students, based on that feedback.

Standard E: Teachers of science develop communities of

Correlation to Cell Biology and Cancer

science learners that reflect the intellectual rigor of scientific

inquiry and the attitudes and social values conducive to

science learning. In doing this, teachers

• display and demand respect for the diverse ideas, skills, and

The answers provided in the annotations for

experiences of all students

teachers model these qualities.

• nurture collaboration among students

All the lessons are designed to be completed

by students working in collaborative groups.

• structure and facilitate ongoing formal and informal discussion All the discussions in the lessons model the based on a shared understanding of rules of scientific discourse

rules of scientific discourse.

• model and emphasize the skills, attitudes, and values of

The annotations for teachers provide many

scientific inquiry

suggestions about how to model these skills,

attitudes, and values.


across disciplines, for in- and out-of-class

or her initial understandings through interactions

assignments, with large and small classes, and

with phenomena, the environment, and other

with beginning and advanced students. In fact,

individuals. In short, the student interprets

you will often find that collaborative activities go

objects and phenomena and then internalizes this

hand-in-hand with active learning.

interpretation in terms of previous experiences.

Collaborative and cooperative learning, which

A constructivist view of learning recognizes that

have long theoretical and empirical histories, come

the development of ideas and the acquisition of

out of different academic traditions, operate on

lasting understandings take time and experience

different premises, and use different strategies.

(Saunders, 1992). In the typical classroom, this

But both approaches share a fundamental

means that fewer concepts and subjects can be

commitment to the notion that students learn from

covered during the school year or, in this case,

and with each other—“learning through joint

in five days of instruction. Nevertheless, research

intellectual effort,” according to one expert (Brody,

suggests that students who are given time and

1995, p. 134). In the interest of brevity, we will

opportunity to thoroughly grasp a small number

leave undiscussed the finer distinctions between

of important concepts do better on traditional

the two, offering in this curriculum a mix of

tests than students who are exposed briefly to a

strategies that put students together and engage

large number of ideas (Sizer, 1992; Knapp et al.,

them in tasks that encourage learning together.

1995). In fact, the intensive thinking involved

in constructing a thorough understanding of a

Finally, the activities in the module use inquiry-

few major ideas appears to benefit all students,

based strategies. All truly inquiry-based activities

regardless of ability.

share the characteristics of active learning. In

addition, inquiry-based strategies emphasize

Tables 4 and 5 illustrate the key components

discovery: the process of observation, followed by

of the BSCS 5E Instructional Model, so-called

analysis, that leads to explanation, to conclusion,

because it takes students through five phases of

or to the next question. Note that an activity need

learning that are easily described using five words

not involve students in active experimentation to

that begin with the letter “E”: Engage, Explore,

be fundamentally an inquiry experience.

Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate.

More than active or collaborative learning, inquiry-

This instructional model allows students to share

based strategies attempt to teach students how

common experiences related to cancer, to use and

biologists see the world, how they think about

build on prior knowledge, to construct meaning,

what they see, and how they draw conclusions

and to assess continually their understanding

that are consistent with observations and current

of a major concept. It avoids excessive use of

knowledge. Such strategies say to the student, in

lecture because research shows that 10 minutes

effect, “This is science as a way of knowing.”

is near the upper limit of comfortable attention

that students give to lecture material, whereas

The BSCS 5E Instructional Model

the attention span in an investigative activity is

The lessons in the module were designed using

far longer (Project Kaleidoscope, 1991). In the 5E

an instructional model to organize and sequence

Model, the teacher acts as facilitator and coach

the experiences offered to students. This model,

much more frequently than he or she acts as the

called the BSCS 5E Instructional Model, is based

disseminator of information.

on constructivism, a term that expresses a view

of the student as an active agent who “constructs”

The following paragraphs illustrate how the

meaning out of his or her interactions with events

5Es are implemented across the lessons in this

(Perkins, 1992). According to this view, rather

module. They also provide suggestions about

than passively absorbing information, the student

effective teaching behaviors that help students

redefines, reorganizes, elaborates, and changes his

experience each phase of the learning cycle.


Implementing the Module

Cell Biology and Cancer

Table 4. The key components of the BSCS 5E Model: What the teacher does.


What the teacher does that’s

What the teacher does that’s

consistent with the 5E Model

inconsistent with the 5E Model


• Creates interest

• Explains concepts

• Generates curiosity

• Provides definitions and answers

• Raises questions

• States conclusions

• Elicits responses that uncover what students • Provides premature answers to

know or think about the concept or subject

students’ questions

• Lectures


• Encourages students to work together

• Provides answers

without direct instruction from teacher

• Tells or explains how to work through

• Observes and listens to students as they

the problem


• Tells students they are wrong

• Asks probing questions to redirect students’ • Gives information or facts that solve investigations when necessary

the problem

• Provides time for students to puzzle

• Leads students step-by-step to a

through problems


• Acts as a consultant for students


• Encourages students to explain concepts

• Accepts explanations that have no

and definitions in their own words


• Asks for justification (evidence) and

• Neglects to solicit students’

clarification from students


• Formally provides definitions, explanations, • Introduces unrelated concepts or skills and new labels

• Uses students’ previous experiences as the

basis for explaining concepts

Elaborate • Expects students to use formal labels,

• Provides definitive answers

definitions, and explanations provided

• Tells students they are wrong


• Lectures

• Encourages students to apply or extend

• Leads students step-by-step to a

concepts and skills in new situations


• Reminds students of alternative

• Explains how to work through the



• Refers students to existing data and

evidence and asks, “What do you already

know?” “Why do you think ... ?”


• Observes students as they apply new

• Tests vocabulary words, terms, and

concepts and skills

isolated facts

• Assesses students’ knowledge and/or skills

• Introduces new ideas or concepts

• Looks for evidence that students have

• Creates ambiguity

changed their thinking or behaviors

• Promotes open-ended discussion

• Allows students to assess their own learning

unrelated to concept or skill

and group-process skills

• Asks open-ended questions, such as, “Why

do you think . . . ?” “What evidence do you

have?” “What do you know about x?” “How

would you explain x?”


Table 5. The key components of the BSCS 5E Model: What the students do.


What the students do that’s

What the students do that’s

consistent with the 5E Model

inconsistent with the 5E Model


• Become interested in and curious about the • Ask for the “right” answer


• Offer the “right” answer

• Express current understanding of a concept • Insist on answers or explanations

or idea

• Seek closure

• Raise questions such as, What do I already

know about this? What do I want to know

about this? How could I find out?


• “Mess around” with materials and ideas

• Let others do the thinking and

• Conduct investigations in which they

exploring (passive involvement)

observe, describe, and record data

• Work quietly with little or no

• Try different ways to solve a problem or

interaction with others (only

answer a question

appropriate when exploring ideas or

• Acquire a common set of experiences so


they can compare results and ideas