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develop systems, that are able to act and react properly to the world; And some day, are able to act

intelligent, perhaps.

Hemispheric Distribution

After having dealt with how knowledge is stored in the brain we now turn to the question of

whether the brain is specialized and if it is which functions can be located where. These questions can

be subsumed under the topic “hemispheric specialisation” or “lateralization of processing” which looks

at the differences in processing between the two hemispheres of the human brain. Differences between

the hemispheres can be traced back to as long as 3.5 million years ago. Evidence for this are fossils of

australopithecines (which is an extinct ancestor of homo sapiens). Because differences have been

present for so long and survived the selective pressure they must be useful in some way for our

cognitive processes.

Differences in Anatomy and Chemistry

Although at first glance the two hemispheres look identically they differ in fact quite a lot in

various ways.

Concerning the anatomy, some areas are larger and the tissue contains more dendritic spines in one

hemisphere than in the other. An example of this is what used to be called “Broca’s area” in the left

hemisphere. This area which is –among other things- important for speech production shows greater

branching in the left hemisphere than in the respective right hemisphere area. Because of the left

hemisphere’s importance for language, with which we will deal later, one can conclude that anatomical

differences have consequences for lateralization in function.

Neurochemistry is another domain the hemispheres differ in: The left hemisphere is dominated by

the neurotransmitter dopamine, whereas the right hemisphere shows higher concentrations of

norepinephrine. Theories suggest that modules specialized on cognitive processes are distributed over

the brain according to the neurotransmitter needed. Thus, a cognitive function relying on dopamine

would be located in the left hemisphere.

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Historic Approaches

Hemispheric specialisation has been of interest since the days of Paul Broca and Karl Wernicke,

who discovered the importance of the left hemisphere for speech in the 1860s. Broca examined a

number of patients who could not produce speech but whose understanding of language was not

severed, whereas Wernicke examined patients who suffered the opposite symptoms (i.e. who could

produce speech but did not understand anything). Both Broca and Wernicke found that their patients’

brains had damage to distinct areas of the left hemisphere.

Because in these days language was seen as the cognitive process superior to all other processes,

the left hemisphere was believed to be superior to the right which was expressed in the “cerebral

dominance theory” developed by J.H. Jackson. The right hemisphere was seen as a “spare tire […]

having few functions of its own” (Banich, S.94). This view was not challenged until the 1930s. In this

decade and the following, research dramatically changed this picture. Of special importance for

showing the role of the right hemisphere was Sperry, who conducted several experiments in 1974 for

which he won the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology in 1981.

Experiments with Split-Brain-Patients

Sperry’s experiments were held with people who suffered a condition called “split brain syndrom”

because they underwent a commissurotomy. In a commissurotomy the corpus callosum which is the

major cortical connection between the two hemispheres is cut so that communication between the

hemispheres becomes severed in these patients. Before dealing with the role of the corpus callosum, we

will talk about Sperry’s pioneering experiments with which he wanted to find out whether the left

hemisphere really played such an important role in speech processing as was suggested by Broca and


Sperry used different experimental designs in his studies, but the basic assumption behind all

experiments of this type was that perceptual information received at one side of the body is processed

in the contralateral hemisphere of the brain.

In one of the experiments the subjects had to recognize objects by touching it with merely one

hand, while being blindfolded. He then asked the patients to name the object they felt and found that

people could not name it when touching it with the left hand (which is linked to the right hemisphere).

The question that arose was whether this inability was due to a possible function of the right

hemisphere as “spare tire” or due to something else. Sperry now changed the design of his experiment

so that patients now had to show that they recognized the objects by using it the right way. For

example, if they recognized a pencil they would use it to write. With this changed design, no difference

in performance between both hands were found.

Another experiment conducted by Sperry involved chimeric pictures. A chimeric picture is a

picture that is made up of two things that are each cut in half and then put together as one.

Experiments with Patients with other Brain-Lesions

Other experiments that were conducted with the aim to find out about hemispheric specialisation

was done with individuals who were about to receive surgery in which parts of one of their

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hemispheres was going to be removed due to epileptic seizures. Before the surgery was begun, it was

important to find out which hemisphere was responsible for speech in this individual. This was done

with the Wada-technique. Here, barbiturate was injected into one of the arteries supplying the brain

with blood. Shortly after the injection, the contralateral side of the body is paralysed. If the person was

now still able to speak, the doped hemisphere of the brain is not responsible for speech production in

this individual. With the results of this technique it could be estimated that 95% of all adult right-

handers use their left hemisphere for speech.


Research with people who suffer brain lesions or even a commissurotomy has some major draw

backs: The reason why they had to undergo such surgery is usually epileptic seizures. Because of this,

it is possible that their brains are not typical or have received damage to other areas during the surgery.

Also, these studies have been performed with very limited numbers of subjects, so the statistical

reliability might not be high.

Experiments with Neurologically Intact Individuals

In addition to experiments with brain-severed patients,

studies with neurologically intact individuals have been

conducted to measure perceptual asymmetries. These are usually

performed with one of three methods: Namely the “divided visual

field technique”, “dichaptic presentation” and “dichotic

presentation”. Each of them again has as basic assumption the

fact that perceptual information received at one side of the body

is processed in the contralateral hemisphere.

The divided visual field technique is based on the fact that the

visual field can be divided into the right (RVF) and left visual

field (LVF). Each visual field is processed independently from

the other in the contralateral hemisphere. The divided visual field Highly simplified picture of the visual

technique includes two different experimental designs: The pathway.

experimenter can present one picture in just one of the visual fields and then let the subject respond to

this stimulus. The other possibility involves showing two different pictures in each visual field. A

problem that can occur using the visual field technique is that the stimulus must be presented for less

than 200 ms because this is how long the eyes can look at one point without shifting of the visual field.

In the dichaptic presentation technique the subject is presented two objects at the same time in

each hand. (c.f. Sperry’s experiments)

The dichotic presentation technique enables researchers to study the processing of auditory

information. Here, different information is presented simultaneously to each ear. Experiments with

these techniques found that a sensory stimulus is processed 20 to 100 ms faster when it is initially

directed to the specialized hemisphere for that task and the response is 10% more accurate.

Explanations for this include three hypotheses, namely the direct access theory, the callosal relay

model and the activating-orienting model. The direct access theory assumes that information is

processed in that hemisphere to which it is initially directed. This may result in less accurate responses,

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if the initial hemisphere is the unspecialised hemisphere. The Callosal relay model states that

information if initially directed to the wrong hemisphere is transferred to the specialized hemisphere

over the corpus callosum. This transfer is time-consuming and is the reason for loss of information

during transfer. The activating-orienting model assumes that a given input activates the specialized

hemisphere. This activation then places additional attention on the contralateral side of the activated

hemisphere, “making perceptual information on that side even more salient”. (Banich)


All experiments had some basic findings in common: The left hemisphere is superior at verbal

tasks such as the processing of speech, speech production and recognition of letters whereas the right

hemisphere excels at non-verbal tasks such as face recognition or tasks that involve spatial skills such

as line orientation, or distinguishing different pitches of sound. This is evidence against the cerebral

dominance theory which appointed the right hemisphere to be a spare tire! In fact both hemispheres are

distinct and outclass at different tasks, and neither one can be omitted without this having high impact

on cognitive performance.

Although the hemispheres are so distinct and are experts at their assigned functions, they also have

limited abilities in performing the tasks for which the other hemisphere is specialized.

Do the Hemispheres Differ in What or How They Process?

There are two sets of approaches to the

whole question of hemispheric specialisation.

One set of theories goes about the topic by

asking the question “What tasks is each

hemisphere specialized for?”. Theories that

belong to this set, assign the different levels of

ability to process sensory information to the

different levels of abilities for higher cognitive

skills. One theory that belongs to this set is the

“spatial frequency hypothesis”. This hypothesis

states that the left hemisphere is important for

fine detail analysis and high spatial frequency

in visual images whereas the right hemisphere

is important for low spatial frequency. We have

pursued this approach above.

Experiment on local and global processing with patients with

left- or right-hemisphere damage

The other approach does not focus on what type of information is processed by each hemisphere

but rather on how each hemisphere processes information. This set of theories assumes that the left

hemisphere processes information in an analytic, detail- and function-focused way and that it places

more importance on temporal relations between information, whereas the right hemisphere is believed

to go about the processing of information in a holistic way, focusing on spatial relations and on

appearance rather than on function.

The picture above shows an exemplary response to different target stimuli in an experiment on

global and local processing with patients who suffer right- or left-hemisphere damage. Patients with

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damage to the right hemisphere often suffer a lack of attention to the global form, but recognize details

with no problem. For patients with left-hemisphere-damage this is true the other way around. This

experiment supports the assumption that the hemispheres differ in the way they process information.

Communication Between the Hemispheres via the Corpus Callosum

After we have looked at the different functions of each hemisphere and how researchers went

about finding this out, we will now look at the role of the corpus callosum. With its 250 million nerve

fibres the corpus callosum is like an Autobahn for neural data connecting the two hemispheres. There

are in fact smaller connections between the hemispheres but these are little paths in comparison to the

corpus callosum. All detailed higher order information must pass through the corpus callosum when

being transferred from one hemisphere to the other. The transfer time which can be measured with ERP

takes between 5 to 20 ms.

So why is this transfer needed at all if the hemispheres are so distinct concerning functioning,

anatomy, chemistry and the transfer results in degrading of quality of information and takes time? The

reason is that the hemispheres, although so different, do interact. This interaction has important

advantages because as studies by Banich and Belger have shown it may “enhance the overall

processing capacity under high demand conditions” (Banich). (Under low demand conditions the

transfer does not make as much sense because the cost of transferring the information to the other

hemisphere are higher than the advantages of parallel processing.)

The two hemispheres can interact over the corpus callosum in different ways. This is measured by

first computing performance of each hemisphere individually and then measuring the overall

performance of the whole brain.

In some tasks one hemisphere may dominate the other in the overall performance, so the overall

performance is as good or bad as the performance of one of the single hemispheres. What’s surprising

is that the dominating hemisphere may very well be the one that is less specialized, so here is another

example of a situation where parallel processing is less effective than processing in just one half of the


Another way of how the hemispheres interact is that overall processing is an average of

performance of the two individual hemispheres.

The third, most surprising way the hemispheres can interact is that when performing a task

together the hemispheres behave totally different than when performing the same task individually.

This can be compared to social behavior of people: Individuals behave different in groups than they

would when being by themselves.

Individual Factors may Influence Lateralization

After having looked at hemispheric specialization from a general point of view, we now want to

focus on differences between individuals concerning hemispheric specialization. Aspects that may have

an impact on lateralization might be age, gender or handed-ness.

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Let’s first look at whether the age of an individual decides in how far each hemisphere is used at

specific tasks. Researchers have suggested that lateralization develops with age until puberty. Thus

infants should not have functionally-lateralized brains. Here are four pieces of evidence that speak

against this hypothesis:

Infants already show the same brain anatomy as adults. This means the brain of a new born is

already lateralized. Following the hypothesis that anatomy is linked to function this means that

lateralization is not developed at a later period in life.

Differences in perceptual asymmetries that means superior performance at processing verbal vs.

non-verbal material in the different hemispheres cannot be observed in children aged 5 to 13, i.e.

children aged 5 process the material the same way 13 year olds do.

Experiments with 1-week-old infants showed that they responded with increased interest to verbal

material when this was presented to the right ear than when presented to the left ear and increased

interest to non-verbal material when presented to the left ear. The infants’ interest was hereby measured

by the frequency of soother sucking.

Although children who underwent hemispherectomy (the surgical removal of one hemisphere) do

develop the cognitive skills of the missing hemisphere (in contrast to adults or adolescents who cannot

compensate for missing brain parts), they do not develop these skills to the same extent as a child with

hemispherectomy of the other hemisphere. For example: A child whose right hemisphere has been

removed will develop spatial skills but not to the extent that a child whose left hemisphere has been

removed, and thus still possesses the right hemisphere.


Another factor that might influence brain lateralization is handedness. There is statistical evidence

that left-handers have a different brain organization than right-handers. 10% of the population is left-

handed. Whereas 95% of the right-handed people process verbal material in a superior manner in the

left-hemisphere, there is no such a high figure for verbal superiority of one hemisphere in left-handers:

70% of the left-handers process verbal material in the left-hemisphere, 15% process verbal material in

the right hemisphere (so the functions of the hemispheres are simply switched around), and the

remaining 15% are not lateralized, meaning that they process language in both hemispheres. Thus as a

group, left-handers seem to be less lateralized. However a single left-handed-individual can be just as

lateralized as the average right-hander.


Gender is another aspect that is believed to have impact on the hemispheric specialization. In

animal studies, it was found that hormones create brain differences between the genders that are related

to reproductional functions. In humans it is hard to determine to which extent it is really hormones that

cause differences and to which extent it is culture and schooling that are responsible.

One brain area for which a difference between the genders was observed is the corpus callosum.

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Although one study found that the c.c. is larger in women than in men these results could not be

replicated. Instead it was found that the posterior part of the c.c. is more bulbous in women than in

men. This might however be related to the fact that the average woman has a smaller brain than the

average man and thus the bulbousness of the posterior section of the c.c. might be related to brain size

and not to gender.

In experiments that measure performance in various tasks between the genders the cultural aspect

is of great importance because men and women might use different problem solving strategies due to



Although the two hemispheres look like each other’s mirror images at first glance, this impression

is misleading. Looking closer, the hemispheres not only differ in their conformation and chemistry, but

most importantly in their function. Although both hemispheres can perform all basic cognitive tasks,

there exists a specialization for specific cognitive demands. In most people, the left hemisphere is an

expert at verbal tasks, whereas the right hemisphere has superior abilities in non-verbal tasks. Despite

the functional distinctness the hemispheres communicate with each other via the corpus callosum.

This fact has been utilized by Sperry’s experiments with split-brain-patients. These are outstanding

among other experiments measuring perceptual asymmetries because they were the first experiments to

refute the hemispheric dominance theory and received recognition through the Nobel Prize for

Medicine and Physiology.

Individual factors such as age, gender or handed-ness have no or very little impact on hemispheric



Editors: Robert A. Wilson and Frank C. Keil.(Eds.) (online version july 2006). The MIT

Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (MITECS), Bradford Books

Knowledge Representation

Goldstein, E. Bruce.(2005). Cognitive Psychology - Connecting, Mind Research, and Everyday

Experience. Thomson, Wadsworth. Ch 8 Knowledge, 265-308.

Sowa, John F.(2000). Knowledge Representation - Logical, Philosophical, and Computational

Foundations. Brooks/Cole.

Slides concerning Knowledge from: , Knowledge: Propositions and

images. Knowledge: Concepts and categories.

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Hemispheric Specialisation/Distribution

Banich, Marie T.(1997).Neuropsycology - The Neural Bases of Mental Function. Hougthon

Mifflin Company. Ch 3 Hemispheric Specialisation, 90-123.

Hutsler, J. J., Gillespie, M. E., and Gazzaniga (2002). The evolution of hemispheric specialization.

In Bizzi, E., Caliassano, P. and Volterra V. (Eds.) Frontiers of Life, Volume III: The Intelligent

Systems Academic Press: New York.

Birbaumer, Schmidt(1996). Biologische Psychologie. Springer Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg.

3.Auflage. Ch 24 Plastizität, Lernen, Gedächtnis. Ch 27 Kognitive Prozesse (Denken).

Kandel, Eric R.; Schwartz, James H.; Jessel, Thomas M.(2000). Principles of Neural Science. Mc

Graw Hill. edition. Part IX, Ch 62 Learning and Memory.

Ivanov, Vjaceslav V.(1983). Gerade und Ungerade - Die Assymmetrie des Gehirns und der

Zeichensysteme. S.Hirzel Verlag Stuttgart.

David W.Green ; et al.(1996). Cognitive Science - An Introduction. Blackwell Publishers Ltd. Ch

10 Learning and Memory(David Shanks).


Knowledge Representation

From Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: knowledge analysis, knowledge by acquaintance and

knowledge by description

Lecture on Knowledge and Reasoning, University of Erlangen Germany

Links to Knowledge-Base and Ontology Projects Worldwide

Links on Ontologies and Related Subjects

Knowledge Representation: Logical, Philosophical, and Computational Foundations, by Sowa,

John F.

Hemispheric Specialisation

Evolution of Hemispheric Specialisation, by Hutsler, Gillespie, Gazzaniga

Cerebral specialisation and interhemispheric communication, by Gazzaniga,in Oxford Journals

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