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situations some theorists suggest that this area plays an important role.

Deficits in goal directed behavior

The last part that is affected by the breakdown of executive functions we want to discuss are the

problems in goal-directed behavior. This topic is closely related to the area of problem solving since this is nothing else than organizing behavior towards a goal.

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To make this more plastic, for the course of this topic we want to introduce an example that

requires an individual to behave goal-directed. Let us imagine that a person, call him John, has just got

up in the morning and wants to get dressed, in this case John’s goal is being dressed. For neurologically

intact people this task is not at all hard to master, they might not even realize that it is any task because

it is so trivial. But if you look closely, there are a lot of things that have to be taken into account while

working towards being fully dressed and any other task – trivial or not – in general.

What characterizes goal directed behavior?

Now, in the case of John, which are these?

Goal must be kept in mind

During the whole process it is improtant to always remember what it actually was that John wanted

to do. If he starts getting dressed and forgets that he wanted to get dressed quickly because he might

have oversplept and is late in time, and starts making his breakfast, he definitely will not reach his goal

of getting fully dressed.

Dividing into subtasks and sequencing

Most tasks have to de divided into subtasks, in John’s case: getting clothes, such as underwear, a

shirt, trousers, socks and a tie, and putting them on one after the other in a sensible order. This means

that John has to sequence the subtasks. He has to think about the fact that he cannot put on any clothes

that are still inside of the wardrobe and that he cannot put on the underwear after he has put on his


Completed portions must be kept in mind

John has to remember which of the subtasks he has performed already, meaning that he need not

do them again. He only needs to get one piece (or pair) of clothes of each kind out of the wardrobe and

after he has put on his tie he must know that he does not have to look for another one and put this on as


Flexibility and adaptability

Imagine that John has a shirt that is his favourite one and he plans on wearing it today. He looks

into the wardrobe and does not find it. Now he has to realize that the shirt is not inside the wardrobe

and has to develop alternative ways to complete the task of getting dressed. Maybe his wife has put the

shirt into the laundry because it was dirty? In this case, John has to adapt to this situation and has to

pick another shirt that was not in his plan originally.

Evaluation of actions

Along the way of reaching his ultimate goal John constantly has to evaluate his performance in

terms of ‘How am I doing considering that I have the goal of being dressed?’. If he is looking for socks

or is working on the knot of his tie (after he has put on all the other clothes), he should know that he is

doing perfectly fine in completing the subtasks required to reach his goal. But if he is distracted by his

new tuxedo inside the wardrobe and starts getting dressed in it just to see how it looks on him, he has to

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realize that he is not working towards his goal of being properly dressed for a day at the office. He also

will not reach his goal if he has the opinion that he is done getting dressed when he is only wearing his

underpants and socks.

As we have seen, goal directed bahaviour is by far not as easy as it looks on first sight. Most

people still will not have any trouble though, but think about what we have said about executive

functions already.

Executive dysfunction and goal directed behavior

The breakdown of executive functions impairs goal directed behavior to a large extend. In which

way cannot be stated in general, it depends on the specific brain regions that are damaged. So it is quite

possible that an individual with a particular lesion has problems with two or three of the five points

described above and performs within average regions when the other abilities are tested, however, if

only one link is missing from the chain, the whole plan might get very hard or even impossible to

master. Furthermore, the particular hemisphere affected plays a role as well. Patients with lesions in the

left hemisphere have difficulties with one aspect of a task and patients with lesions ind the right

hemisphere have difficulties with other aspects of the same tasks.

Problems in sequencing

For example, in an experiment (Milner, 1982) people were shown a sequence of cards with

pictures. The experiment included two different tasks: recognition trials and recency trials. In the

former the patients were shown two different pictures, one of them has appeared in the sequence

before, and the participants had to decide which one it was. In the latter they were shown two different

pictures, both of them have appeared before, they had to name the picture that was shown more

recently than the other one. The results of this experiment showed that people with lesions in temporal

regions have more trouble with the recognition trial and patients with frontal lesions have difficulties

with the recency trial since anterior regions are important for sequencing. This is due to the fact that the

recognition trial demanded a properly functioning recognition memory, the recency trial a properly functioning memory for item order. These two are dissociable and located in different areas of the brain.

Another interesting result was the fact that lesions in the frontal lobes of left and right hemisphere

impaired different abilities. While a lesion in the right hemisphere caused trouble in making recency

judgements, a lesion in the left hemisphere impaired the patient’s performance only when the presented

material was verbal or in a variation of the experiment that required self-ordered sequencing. Because

of that we know that the ability to sequence behavior is not only located in the frontal lobe but in the

left hemisphere particularly when it comes to motor action.

The frontal lobe is not only important for sequencing but also for working memory because the patient has to keep track of the items presented to them to make recency judgements. This idea is

supported by the fact that lesions in the lateral regions of the frontal lobe are much more likely to

impair this ability than damage to other areas of the frontal cortex.

But this is not the only thing there is to sequencing. For reaching a goal in the best possible way it

is important that a person is able to figure out which sequence of actions, which strategy, best suits the

purpose, in addition to just being able to develop a correct sequence. This is proven by an experiment

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called 'Tower of London' (Shallice, 1982) which is similar to the famous 'Tower of Hanoi' task with the

difference that this task required three balls to be put onto three poles of different length so that one

pole could hold three balls, the second one two and the third one only one ball, in a way that a

changeable goal position is attained out of a fixed initial position in as few moves as possible.

Especially patients with damage to the left frontal lobe proved to work inefficiently and ineffectively

on this task, they needed many moves and engaged in actions that did not lead toward the goal. But in

the end, although there are differences in how executive functions are affected depending on the

particular hemisphere where the frontal lobe lesion is located, abilities connected with sequencing are

mostly provided by overlapping structures in both frontal lobes.

Problems in shifting and modifying strategies

The intact neuronal tissue in the frontal lobe is also crucial for another exectuvie function

connected with goal directed behavior that we described above: flexibility and adaptability. This means

that a person with frontal lobe damage will have difficulties in shifting in set - meaning creating a new

plan after it has been found out that the original one cannot be carried out for some reason - and in

modifying the initial strategy according to this new set. In what particular way this can be observed in

patients can again not be stated in general but depends on the nature of the shift that has to be made.

An experiment (Owen, 1991) that presented patients with pictures that required different kinds of

conceptual shifts, discrimination between two black shapes, between two black shapes while ignoring

intermingled white shapes ('intradimensional') and between the two white shapes ('extradimensional'),

showed that patients with lesions in the frontal lobe have difficulties only with the extradimensional

shift. This shows that these people cannot apply general rules to situations that are different from the

origninal situations when these rules were learned. Besides, they are unable to create alternatives to

their original plans because they stay fixed on their original way of dealing with a situation and cannot

disengage from it. This is also part of the usual perseveration problems found in patients with executive


Another problem of patients with frontal lobe damage is that they do not use as many appropriate

hypotheses for creating a strategy as people with damage to other brain regions do or they suddenly

abandon it when they have found an appropriate hypothesis. Also, it seems not very surprising that they

have big trouble switching beteen hypotheses indicated by Owen's experiment. Even when it is clear

that one hypothesis cannot be the right one, patients will stick to it nevertheless and are unable to

abandon it (called 'tunnel vision').

These earlier described problems of 'redirecting' of one's strategies stand in contrast to the atcual

'act of switching' between tasks. This is yet another problem for patients with frontal lobe damage.

Since the control system that leads task switching as such is independent from the parts that actually

perform these tasks, the task switching is particularly impaired in patients with lesions to the

dorsolateral prefrontal cortex while at the same time they have no trouble with performing the single

tasks alone. This of course, causes a lot of problems in goal directed behavior because as it was said

before, most tasks consist of smaller subtasks that have to be completed.

Problems with the interpretation of available information

Quite often, if we want to reach a goal, we get hints on how to do it best. This means we have to be

able to interpret the available information in terms of what the appropriate strategy would be. For many

patients of executive dysfunction this is not an easy thing to do either. They have trouble to use this

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information and thus, engage in inefficient actions and it takes them much longer to solve a task than it

would if they took into account the extra information and developed an effective strategy.

Problems with self-criticism and -monitoring

The last problem for people with frontal lobe damage we want to present here is the last point in

the above list of properties important for proper goal directed behavior. It is the ability to evaluate one's

actions, an ability that is missing in most patients. These people are therefore very likely to 'wander off

task' and engage in behavior that does not help them to attain their goal. In addition to that, they are

also not able to determine whether their task is already completed at all. Reasons for this are thought to

be a lack of motivation or lack of concern about one's performance (frontal lobe damage is usually

accompanied by changes in emotional processing) but these are probably not the only explanations

there are for these problems.

Another important brain region in this context – the medial portion of the frontal lobe – is

responsible for detecting behavioral errors made while working towards a goal. This has been shown

by ERP experiments where there was an error-related negativity 100ms after an error has been made. If this area is damaged, this mechanism cannot work properly anymore and the patient loses the ability to

detect errors and thus monitor his own behavior.

However, in the end we must add that although executive dysfunction causes an enormous number

of problems in behaving correctly towards a goal, most patients when assigned with a task are indeed

anxious to solve it but are just unable to do so which can manifest in all the various ways discussed in

the passages above.

Theories of Frontal Lobe Function in Executive Control

In order to explain that patients with frontal lobe damage have difficulties in performing executive

functions, four major approaches have developed. Each of them leads to an improved understanding of

the role of frontal regions in executive functions, but none of these theories covers all the deficits


Role of Working Memory

The most anatomically specific approach assumes the dorsolateral prefrontal area of the frontal

lobe to be critical for working memory. The working memory which has to be clearly distinguished

from the long term memory keeps information on-line for use in performing a task.

Not being generated for accounting for the broad array of dysfunctions it focuses on the three

following deficits. Sequencing information and directing behavior toward a goal, understanding of

temporal relations between items and events, and some aspects of environmental dependency and


Research on monkeys has been helpful to develop this approach (the delayed-respone paradigm,

Goldman-Rakic, 1987, serves as a classical example.

In 2000 the working memory was defined by Baddeley as “a limited capacity system for temporary

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storage and manipulation of information for complex tasks such as comprehension, learning, and

reasoning” (Goldstein) consisting of three components. The central executive coordinating the activity

of the phonological loop (which holds verbal and auditory information) and the visuospatioal sketch

pad (which holds visual and spatial information) and pulling information from long-term memory is the

most important part.

Role of Controlled Versus Automatic Processes

There are two theories based on the underlying assumption that “the frontal lobes are especially

important for controlling behavior in nonroutine situations and for overriding typical stimulusresponse

associations, but contribute little to automatic and effortless behavior.” (Banich, p. 397).

Stuss and Benson (1986) consider control over behavior to occur in a hierarchical manner. They

distinguish between three different levels, of which each is associated with a particular brain region. In

the first level sensory information is processed automatically by posterior regions, in the next level

(associated with the executive functions of the frontal lobe) conscious control is needed to direct

behavior toward a goal and at the highest level controlled self-reflection takes place in the prefrontal


This model is appropriate for explaining deficits in goal-oriented behavior, in dealing with novelty,

the lack of cognitive flexibility and the environmental dependency syndrome. Furthermore it can

explain the inability to consciously control action and to self-criticize.

The second model developed by Shalice (1982) proposes a system consisting of two parts to

influence the choice of behavior. The first part, a cognitive system called contention scheduling, is in

charge of more automatic processing. Various links and processing schemes cause a single stimulus to

result in an automatic string of actions. Once an action is initiated, it remains active until inhibited.

The second cognitive system is the supervisory attentional system which directs attention and

guids action through decision processes and is only active “when no processing schemes are available,

when the task is technically difficult, when problem solving is required and when certain response

tendencies must be overcome” (Banich).

This theory supports the observations of few deficits in routine situations, but relevant problems in

dealing with novel tasks (e.g. the Tower of London task, Shallice), since no schemes in contention

scheduling exist for dealing with it. Impulsive action is another characteristic of patients with frontal

lobe damages which can be explained by this theory. Even if asked not to do certain things, such

patients stick to their routines and cannot control their automatic behavior.

Use of Scripts

The approach based on scripts, which are sets of events, actions and ideas that are linked to form a

unit of knowledge was developed by Schank (1982) amongst others.

Containing information about the setting in which an event occurs, the set of events needed to

achieve the goal and the end event terminating the action, such managerial knowledge units (MKUs)

are stored in the prefrontal cortex. They are organized in a hierarchical manner being abstract at the top

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and getting more specific at the bottom.

Damage of the scripts leads to not being able to behave goal-directed, finding it easier to cope with

usual situations (due to the difficulty of retrieving a MKU of a novel event) and deficits in the initiation

and cessation of action (because of MKUs specifying the beginning and ending of an action.)

Role of a goal list

The perspective of artificial intelligence and machine learning introduced an approach which

assumes that each person has a goal list, which contains the tasks requirements or goals. This list is

fundamental to guiding behavior and since a frontal lobe damage disrupts the ability to form a goal list,

the theory helps to explain difficulties in abstract thinking, perceptual analysis, verbal output and

staying on task. It can also account for the strong environmental influence on patients with frontal lobe

damages, due to the lack of internal goals and the difficulty of organizing actions toward a goal.


• Goldstein, E. Bruce (2005). Cognitive Psychology - Connecting, Mind Research, and

Everyday Experience. Thomson Wadsworth.

• Marie T. Banich (1997). Neuropsychology. The neural bases of Mental Function. Houghton


• Wilson, Robert A.& Keil, Frank C. (1999). The The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive

Sciences. Massachusetts: Bradford Book.

• Schmalhofer, Franz. Slides from the course: Cognitive Psychology and Neuropsychology,

Summer Term 2006, University of Osnabrueck.



Quizz to check whether you understood the difference of deduction and induction

Short text with graphics

Reasoning in geometry

Decision making

How to make good decisions

Making ethical decisions

Web-published journal by the Society for Judgement and Decision Making

Executive functions

Elaborate document (pdf) from the Technical University of Dresden (in German)

Text from the Max Planck Society, Munich (in English)

Short description and an extensive link list

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Decision Making and Reasoning

Executive functions & ADHD

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"It's hard to make predictions - especially about the future." — Robert Storm Petersen


Until now

eveloping from the information processing approach, today's cognitive psychology differs from

Dclassical psychological approaches in the methods they use as well as in the interdisciplinary

connections to other sciences. Apart from rejecting introspection as a valid method to analyze mental

phenomenon, cognitive psychology introduces further, mainly computer-based, techniques that had not

been in the range of methods used by classical psychology so far.

Introducing new methods

By using imaging-techniques like fMRI scans cognitive psychology is able to analyze the relation

between the physiology of the brain and mental processes. In the future cognitive psychology will even

more concentrate on computer-related methods. Hereby it profits from improvements in this area. E.g.

fMRI scans nowadays still have many possible error sources, which should be solved in the future.

Thereby the approach becomes more powerful and precise. In addition to that the computer approach

can be combined with the classical behavior approach, where one inferes a participant's mental states

from the behavior that is shown.

Possible development

Apart from using the methods developed by other sciences cognitive psychology also collaborates

with topic-related sciences like artificial intelligence, neuroscience, linguistics and philosophy. The

different perspectives on the topic made it possible to confirm one's results as well as gaining new

accesses to the study of the mind. Modern studies of cognitive psychology more and more critize the

classical information processing approach. Instead of that other theories acquire more importance. E.g.

the classical approach is modified to a parallel information processing approach, which more resembles

the method of working of the mind. Furthermore different theor