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General Chemistry II

By: John Hutchinson

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General Chemistry II

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. The Ideal Gas Law




Observation 1: Pressure-Volume Measurements on Gases

Observation 2: Volume-Temperature Measurements on Gases

The Ideal Gas Law

Observation 3: Partial Pressures

Review and Discussion Questions

Chapter 2. The Kinetic Molecular Theory




Observation 1: Limitations of the Validity of the Ideal Gas Law

Observation 2: Density and Compressibility of Gas

Postulates of the Kinetic Molecular Theory

Derivation of Boyle's Law from the Kinetic Molecular Theory

Interpretation of Temperature

Analysis of Deviations from the Ideal Gas Law

Observation 3: Boiling Points of simple hydrides

Review and Discussion Questions

Chapter 3. Phase Equilibrium and Intermolecular Interactions




Observation 1: Gas-Liquid Phase Transitions

Observation 2: Vapor pressure of a liquid

Observation 3: Phase Diagrams

Observation 4: Dynamic Equilibrium

Review and Discussion Questions

Chapter 4. Reaction Equilibrium in the Gas Phase




Observation 1: Reaction equilibrium

Observation 2: Equilibrium constants

Observation 3: Temperature Dependence of the Reaction Equilibrium

Observation 4: Changes in Equilibrium and Le Châtelier's Principle

Review and Discussion Questions

Chapter 5. Acid-Base Equilibrium




Observation 1: Strong Acids and Weak Acids

Observation 2: Percent Ionization in Weak Acids

Observation 3: Autoionization of Water

Observation 4: Base Ionization, Neutralization and Hydrolysis of Salts

Observation 5: Acid strength and molecular properties

Review and Discussion Questions

Chapter 6. Reaction Rates




Observation 1: Reaction Rates

Observation 2: Rate Laws and the Order of Reaction

Concentrations as a Function of Time and the Reaction Half-life

Observation 3: Temperature Dependence of Reaction Rates

Collision Model for Reaction Rates

Observation 4: Rate Laws for More Complicated Reaction Processes

Review and Discussion Questions

Chapter 7. Equilibrium and the Second Law of Thermodynamics




Observation 1: Spontaneous Mixing

Probability and Entropy

Observation 2: Absolute Entropies

Observation 3: Condensation and Freezing

Free Energy

Thermodynamic Description of Phase Equilibrium

Thermodynamic description of reaction equilibrium

Thermodynamic Description of the Equilibrium Constant

Review and Discussion Questions



Chapter 1. The Ideal Gas Law


We assume as our starting point the atomic molecular theory. That is, we assume that all matter is

composed of discrete particles. The elements consist of identical atoms, and compounds consist of

identical molecules, which are particles containing small whole number ratios of atoms. We also

assume that we have determined a complete set of relative atomic weights, allowing us to

determine the molecular formula for any compound.


The individual molecules of different compounds have characteristic properties, such as mass,

structure, geometry, bond lengths, bond angles, polarity, diamagnetism or paramagnetism. We

have not yet considered the properties of mass quantities of matter, such as density, phase (solid,

liquid or gas) at room temperature, boiling and melting points, reactivity, and so forth. These are

properties which are not exhibited by individual molecules. It makes no sense to ask what the

boiling point of one molecule is, nor does an individual molecule exist as a gas, solid, or liquid.

However, we do expect that these material or bulk properties are related to the properties of the

individual molecules. Our ultimate goal is to relate the properties of the atoms and molecules to

the properties of the materials which they comprise.

Achieving this goal will require considerable analysis. In this Concept Development Study, we

begin at a somewhat more fundamental level, with our goal to know more about the nature of

gases, liquids and solids. We need to study the relationships between the physical properties of

materials, such as density and temperature. We begin our study by examining these properties in


Observation 1: Pressure-Volume Measurements on Gases

It is an elementary observation that air has a "spring" to it: if you squeeze a balloon, the balloon

rebounds to its original shape. As you pump air into a bicycle tire, the air pushes back against the

piston of the pump. Furthermore, this resistance of the air against the piston clearly increases as

the piston is pushed farther in. The "spring" of the air is measured as a pressure, where the

pressure P is defined


F is the force exerted by the air on the surface of the piston head and A is the surface area of the piston head.


For our purposes, a simple pressure gauge is sufficient. We trap a small quantity of air in a

syringe (a piston inside a cylinder) connected to the pressure gauge, and measure both the volume

of air trapped inside the syringe and the pressure reading on the gauge. In one such sample

measurement, we might find that, at atmospheric pressure (760 torr), the volume of gas trapped

inside the syringe is 29.0 ml. We then compress the syringe slightly, so that the volume is now

23.0 ml. We feel the increased spring of the air, and this is registered on the gauge as an increase

in pressure to 960 torr. It is simple to make many measurements in this manner. A sample set of

data appears in Table 1.1. We note that, in agreement with our experience with gases, the pressure increases as the volume decreases. These data are plotted here.

Table 1.1. Sample Data from

Pressure-Volume Measurement

Pressure (torr) Volume (ml)













Figure 1.1. Measurements on Spring of the Air

An initial question is whether there is a quantitative relationship between the pressure




measurements and the volume measurements. To explore this possibility, we try to plot the data in

such a way that both quantities increase together. This can be accomplished by plotting the

pressure versus the inverse of the volume, rather than versus the volume. The data are given in

Table 1.2 and plotted here.

Table 1.2. Analysis of Sample Data

Pressure (torr) Volume (ml) 1/Volume (1/ml) Pressure × Volume

























Figure 1.2. Analysis of Measurements on Spring of the Air

Notice also that, with elegant simplicity, the data points form a straight line. Furthermore, the

straight line seems to connect to the origin {0, 0}. This means that the pressure must simply be a

constant multiplied by :


If we multiply both sides of this equation by V, then we notice that


PV= k

In other words, if we go back and multiply the pressure and the volume together for each

experiment, we should get the same number each time. These results are shown in the last column

of Table 1.2, and we see that, within the error of our data, all of the data points give the same value of the product of pressure and volume. (The volume measurements are given to three

decimal places and hence are accurate to a little better than 1%. The values of

(Pressure × Volume) are all within 1% of each other, so the fluctuations are not meaningful.)

We should wonder what significance, if any, can be assigned to the number 22040( torrml) we

have observed. It is easy to demonstrate that this "constant" is not so constant. We can easily trap

any amount of air in the syringe at atmospheric pressure. This will give us any volume of air we

wish at 760 torr pressure. Hence, the value 22040( torrml) is only observed for the particular

amount of air we happened to choose in our sample measurement. Furthermore, if we heat the

syringe with a fixed amount of air, we observe that the volume increases, thus changing the value

of the 22040( torrml). Thus, we should be careful to note that the product of pressure and

volume is a constant for a given amount of air at a fixed temperature. This observation is

referred to as Boyle's Law, dating to 1662.

The data given in Table 1.1 assumed that we used air for the gas sample. (That, of course, was the only gas with which Boyle was familiar.) We now experiment with varying the composition of the

gas sample. For example, we can put oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, helium, argon, carbon dioxide,

water vapor, nitrogen dioxide, or methane into the cylinder. In each case we start with 29.0 ml of

gas at 760 torr and 25°C. We then vary the volumes as in Table 1.1 and measure the pressures.

Remarkably, we find that the pressure of each gas is exactly the same as every other gas at each

volume given. For example, if we press the syringe to a volume of 16.2 ml, we observe a pressure

of 1360 torr, no matter which gas is in the cylinder. This result also applies equally well to

mixtures of different gases, the most familiar example being air, of course.

We conclude that the pressure of a gas sample depends on the volume of the gas and the

temperature, but not on the composition of the gas sample. We now add to this result a conclusion

from a previous study. Specifically, we recall the Law of Combining Volumes, which states that, when gases combine during a chemical reaction at a fixed pressure and temperature, the ratios of

their volumes are simple whole number ratios. We further recall that this result can be explained

in the context of the atomic molecular theory by hypothesizing that equal volumes of gas contain

equal numbers of gas particles, independent of the type of gas, a conclusion we call Avogadro's

Hypothesis. Combining this result with Boyle's law reveals that the pressure of a gas depends on

the number of gas particles, the volume in which they are contained, and the temperature of the sample. The pressure does not depend on the type of gas particles in the sample or whether they

are even all the same.

We can express this result in terms of Boyle's law by noting that, in the equation PV= k, the

"constant" k is actually a function which varies with both number of gas particles in the sample and the temperature of the sample. Thus, we can more accurately write


PV= k( N, t)

explicitly showing that the product of pressure and volume depends on N, the number of particles

in the gas sample, and t,the temperature.

It is interesting to note that, in 1738, Bernoulli showed that the inverse relationship between

pressure and volume could be proven by assuming that a gas consists of individual particles

colliding with the walls of the container. However, this early evidence for the existence of atoms

was ignored for roughly 120 years, and the atomic molecular theory was not to be developed for

another 70 years, based on mass measurements rather than pressure measurements.

Observation 2: Volume-Temperature Measurements on Gases

We have already noted the dependence of Boyle's Law on temperature. To observe a constant

product of pressure and volume, the temperature must be held fixed. We next analyze what

happens to the gas when the temperature is allowed to vary. An interesting first problem that

might not have been expected is the question of how to measure temperature. In fact, for most

purposes, we think of temperature only in the rather non-quantitative manner of "how hot or cold"

something is, but then we measure temperature by examining the length of mercury in a tube, or

by the electrical potential across a thermocouple in an electronic thermometer. We then briefly

consider the complicated question of just what we are measuring when we measure the


Imagine that you are given a cup of water and asked to describe it as "hot" or "cold." Even without a calibrated thermometer, the experiment is simple: you put your finger in it. Only a qualitative

question was asked, so there is no need for a quantitative measurement of "how hot" or "how

cold." The experiment is only slightly more involved if you are given two cups of water and asked

which one is hotter or colder. A simple solution is to put one finger in each cup and to directly

compare the sensation. You still don't need a calibrated thermometer or even a temperature scale

at all.

Finally, imagine that you are given a cup of water each day for a week at the same time and are

asked to determine which day's cup contained the hottest or coldest water. Since you can no longer

trust your sensory memory from day to day, you have no choice but to define a temperature scale.

To do this, we make a physical measurement on the water by bringing it into contact with

something else whose properties depend on the "hotness" of the water in some unspecified way.

(For example, the volume of mercury in a glass tube expands when placed in hot water; certain

strips of metal expand or contract when heated; some liquid crystals change color when heated;

etc. ) We assume that this property will have the same value when it is placed in contact with two

objects which have the same "hotness" or temperature. Somewhat obliquely, this defines the

temperature measurement.


For simplicity, we illustrate with a mercury-filled glass tube thermometer. We observe quite

easily that when the tube is inserted in water we consider "hot," the volume of mercury is larger

than when we insert the tube in water that we consider "cold." Therefore, the volume of mercury is

a measure of how hot something is. Furthermore, we observe that, when two very different objects

appear to have the same "hotness," they also give the same volume of mercury in the glass tube.

This allows us to make quantitative comparisons of "hotness" or temperature based on the volume

of mercury in a tube.

All that remains is to make up some numbers that define the scale for the temperature, and we can

literally do this in any way that we please. This arbitrariness is what allows us to have two

different, but perfectly acceptable, temperature scales, such as Fahrenheit and Centigrade. The

latter scale simply assigns zero to be the temperature at which water freezes at atmospheric

pressure. We then insert our mercury thermometer into freezing water, and mark the level of the

mercury as "0". Another point on our scale assigns 100 to be the boiling point of water at

atmospheric pressure. We insert our mercury thermometer into boiling water and mark the level

of mercury as "100." Finally, we just mark off in increments of

of the distance between the "0"

and the "100" marks, and we have a working thermometer. Given the arbitrariness of this way of

measuring temperature, it would be remarkable to find a quantitative relationship between

temperature and any other physical property.

Yet that is what we now observe. We take the same syringe used in the previous section and trap

in it a small sample of air at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. (From our observations

above, it should be clear that the type of gas we use is irrelevant.) The experiment consists of

measuring the volume of the gas sample in the syringe as we vary the temperature of the gas

sample. In each measurement, the pressure of the gas is held fixed by allowing the piston in the

syringe to move freely against atmospheric pressure. A sample set of data is shown in Table 1.3

and plotted here.

Table 1.3. Sample Data from



Temperature (°C) Volume (ml)



















Figure 1.3. Volume vs. Temperature of a Gas

We find that there is a simple linear (straight line) relationship between the volume of a gas and

its temperature as measured by a mercury thermometer. We can express this in the form of an

equation for a line:


V= αt+ β

where V is the volume and t is the temperature in °C. α and β are the slope and intercept of the line, and in this case, α=0.335 and, β=91.7. We can rewrite this equation in a slightly different form:


This is the same equation, except that it reveals that the quantity must be a temperature, since

we can add it to a temperature. This is a particularly important quantity: if we were to set the

temperature of the gas equal to

, we would find that the volume of the gas would be

exactly 0! (This assumes that this equation can be extrapolated to that temperature. This is quite

an optimistic extrapolation, since we haven't made any measurements near to -273°C. In fact, our

gas sample would condense to a liquid or solid before we ever reached that low temperature.)

Since the volume depends on the pressure and the amount of gas (Boyle's Law), then the values of

α and β also depend on the pressure and amount of gas and carry no particular significance.

However, when we repeat our observations for many values of the amount of gas and the fixed




pressure, we find that the ratio

does not vary from one sample to the next. Although we

do not know the physical significance of this temperature at this point, we can assert that it is a

true constant, independent of any choice of the conditions of the experiment. We refer to this

temperature as absolute zero, since a temperature below this value would be predicted to produce

a negative gas volume. Evidently, then, we cannot expect to lower the temperature of any gas

below this temperature.

This provides us an "absolute temperature scale" with a zero which is not arbitrarily defined. This

we define by adding 273 (the value of ) to temperatures measured in °C, and we define this scale

to be in units of degrees Kelvin (K). The data in Table 1.3 are now recalibrated to the absolute temperature scale in Table 1.4 and plotted here.

Table 1.4. Analysis of Volume-Temperature Data

Temperature (°C) Temperature (K) Volume (ml)