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This book had its origin in a one-year course that I taught at Yale

throughout the decade of the 1970’s. The course was for non-science majors

who were interested in learning about the major branches of Physics. In the

first semester, emphasis was placed on Newtonian and Einsteinian Relativity.

The recent popularity of the Einstein exhibit at the American Museum of

Natural History in New York City, prompted me to look again at my fading

lecture notes. I found that they contained material that might be of interest to

today’s readers. I have therefore reproduced them with some additions, mostly

of a graphical nature. I recall the books that were most influential in my

approach to the subject at that time; they were Max Born’s The Special Theory

of Relativity, Robert Adair’s Concepts of Physics, and Casper and Noer’s

Revolutions in Physics. These three books were written with the non-scientist

in mind, and they showed what could be achieved in this important area of

teaching and learning; I am greatly indebted to these authors.




This brief book is for the inquisitive reader who wishes to gain an understanding of the

immortal work of Einstein, the greatest scientist since Newton. The concepts that form the

basis of Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity are discussed at a level suitable for Seniors in

High School. Special Relativity deals with measurements of space, time and motion in inertial

frames of reference (see chapter 4). An introduction to Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity,

a theory of space, time, and motion in the presence of gravit y, is given at a popular level. A

more formal account of Special Relativity, that requires a higher level of understanding of

Mathematics, is given in an Appendix.

Historians in the future will, no doubt, choose a phrase that best characterizes the 20th-

century. Several possible phrases, such as “the Atomic Age”, “the Space Age” and “the

Information Age”, come to mind. I believe that a strong case will be made for the phrase “the

Age of Einstein”; no other person in the 20th-century advanced our understanding of the

physical universe in such a dramatic way. He introduced many original concepts, each one of

a profound nature. His discovery of the universal equivalence of energy and mass has had, and

continues to have, far-reaching consequences not only in Science and Technology but also in

fields as diverse as World Politics, Economics, and Philosophy.


The topics covered include:

a) understanding the physical universe;

b) describing everyday motion;

relative motion,

Newton’s Principle of Relativity,

problems with light,

c) Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity;

simultaneity and synchronizing clocks,

length contraction and time dilation,

examples of Einstein’s world,

d) Newtonian and Einsteinian mass;

e) equivalence of energy and mass, E = mc2;

f) Principle of Equivalence;

g) Einsteinian gravity;

gravity and the bending of light,

gravity and the flow of time, and

red shifts, blue shifts, and black holes.


We would be justified in thinking that any attempts to derive a small set of fundamental

laws of Nature from a limited sample of all possible processes in the physical universe, would


lead to a large set of unrelated facts. Remarkably, however, very few fundamental laws of

Nature have been found to be necessary to account for all observations of basic physical

phenomena. These phenomena range in scale from the motions of minute subatomic systems

to the motions of the galaxies. The methods used, over the past five hundred years, to find the

set of fundamental laws of Nature are clearly important; a random approach to the problem

would have been of no use whatsoever. In the first place, it is necessary for the scientist to have

a conviction that Nature can be understood in terms of a small set of fundamental laws, and

that these laws should provide a quantitative account of all basic physical processes. It is

axiomatic that the laws hold throughout the universe. In this respect, the methods of Physics

belong to Philosophy. (In earlier times, Physics was referred to by the appropriate title,

“Natural Philosophy”).

2.1 Reality and Pure Thought

In one of his writings entitled “On the Method of Theoretical Physics”, Einstein stated:

“If, then, experience is the alpha and the omega of all our knowledge of reality, what then is the

function of pure reason in science?” He continued, “Newton, the first creator of a

comprehensive, workable system of theoretical physics, still believed that the basic concepts

and laws of his system could be derived from experience.” Einstein then wrote “But the

tremendous practical success of his (Newton’s) doctrines may well have prevented him, and

the physicists of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, from recognizing the fictitious

character of the foundations of his system”. It was Einstein’s view that “. the concepts and


fundamental principles which underlie a theoretical system of physics are free inventions of the

human intellect, which cannot be justified either by the nature of that intellect or in any other

fashion a priori.” He continued, “If, then, it is true that the axiomatic basis of theoretical

physics cannot be extracted from experience but must be freely invented, can we ever hope to

find the right way? .. Can we hope to be guided safely by experience at all when there exist

theories (such as Classical (Newtonian) Mechanics) which to a large extent do justice to

experience, without getting to the root of the matter? I answer without hesitation that there is, in

my opinion, a right way, and that we are capable of finding it.” Einstein then stated

“Experience remains, of course, the sole criterion of the physical utility of a mathematical

construction. But the creative principle resides in Mathematics. . . I hold it true that pure

thought can grasp reality, as the ancients dreamed.”


3.1 Motion in a straight line (the absence of forces)

The simplest motion is that of a point, P, moving in a straight line. Let the line be

labeled the “x-axis”, and let the position of P be measured from a fixed point on the line, the

origin, O. Let the motion begin (time t = 0) when P is at the origin (x = 0). At an arbitrary time,

t, P is at the distance x:


P [x, t]

-x O position, x +x

at time t

If successive positions of P are plotted, together with their corresponding times, we can

generate what is called the “world line” of P.

Let us observe a racing car moving at high speed along the straight part of a race track

(the x−axis), and let us signal the instant that it passes our position, x = 0, by lowering a flag:

An observer, standing at a measured distance D, from x = 0, starts his clock at the instant, t = 0,

when he sees the flag lowered, and stops his clock at the instant t = T, as the car passes by.

We can obtain the average speed of the car, v, during the interval T, in the standard way; it is

v = D/T (in units of velocity).

If, for example, D = 1 mile, and T = 20 seconds (1/180 hour), then

v = 1 (mile)/(1/180) (hour) = 180 miles per hour.

This is such a standard procedure that we have no doubt concerning the validity of the result.

3.2 The relativity of everyday events

Events, the description of when and where happenings occur, are part of the physical

world; they involve finite extensions in both time and space. From the point of view of a

theory of motion, it is useful to consider “point-like” events that have vanishingly small

extensions in time and space. They then can be represented as “points” in a space-time


geometry. We shall label events by giving the time and space coordinates: event E → E[t, x],

or in three space dimensions, E[t, x, y, z], where x, y, z are the Cartesian components of the

position of the event. There is nothing special about a Cartesian coordinate system, it is a

mathematical construct; any suitable coordinate mesh with a metrical property (measured

distances defined in terms of coordinates) can be used to describe the spatial locations of

events. A familiar non-Cartesian system is the spherical polar coordinate system of the lines of

latitude and longitude on the surface of the earth. The time t can be given by any device that is

capable of producing a stable, repetitive motion such as a pendulum, or a quartz-controlled

crystal oscillator or, for high precision, an atomic clock.

Suppose we have an observer, O, at rest at the origin of an x−axis, in the F-frame. O

has assistants with measuring rods and clocks to record events occurring on the x-axis:


-x O +x

We introduce a second observer, O′, at rest at the origin of his frame of reference, F′. O′ has

his assistants with their measuring rods (to measure distances, x′) and clocks (to measure times,

t′) to record events on the x′-axis. (The F′-clocks are identical in construction and performance

to the clocks in the F-frame). Let O′ coincide with O at a common origin O = O′ (x = x′ = 0), at

the synchronized time zero t = t′ = 0. At t = t′= 0, we have


-x′ O′ +x′


Suppose that the observer O′, and his assistants with rods and clocks, move to the right with

constant speed V along the common x, x′−axis. At some later time t, the two sets of observers,

represented by O and O′, record a common event that they write as E[t, x] and E′[t′, x′],

respectively. The relative positions of the two observers at time t is:

F E[t. x]

-x O x +x

D F′⇒ E′[t′, x′]

-x′ O′ x′ +x′

where D = Vt is the distance that O′ moves at constant speed V, in the time t.

We therefore write the relationship between the two measurements by the plausible equations

(based on everyday experience):

t′ = t (everyday identical clocks tick at the same rate)


x′ = x − D = x − Vt.

These are the basic equations of relative motion according to the concepts first put forward by

Galileo and Newton. They are fully consistent with measurements made in our real world (the

world of experience). They are not, however, internally consistent. In the equation that relates

the measurement of distance x′ in the F′-frame to the measurements in the F-frame, we see that


the space part, x′, in the F′-frame, is related to the space part, x, and the time part, t, in the F-

frame: space-time in one frame is not related to space-time in the other frame! Furthermore,

the time equation makes no mention of space in either frame. We see that there is a

fundamental lack of symmetry in the equations of relative motion, based on everyday

experience. The question of the “symmetry of space-time” will lead us to Einstein’s

philosophy of the “free invention of the intellect”.

3.3 Relative velocities

We have seen that the position of an event, E[t, x], measured by an observer O, is

related to the position of the same event, E′[t′, x′], measured by an observer O′, moving with

constant speed V along the common x, x′−axis of the two frames, by the equation

x′ = x − Vt .

The speed v of a point P[t, x], moving along the x−axis, is given by the ratio of the finite

distance the point moves, Δx, in a given finite time interval, Δt:

v = Δx/Δt .

We can obtain the speeds v, and v′ of the same moving point, as measured in the two frames,

by calculating v = Δx/Δt and v′ = Δx′/Δt′, as follows:

Δx′/Δt′ = v′ = Δx/Δt − VΔt/Δt (where we have used Δt′ = Δt because t = t′ in everyday


We therefore find

v′ = v − V,


the speeds differ by the relative speed of the two frames. This is consistent with experience: if

a car moves along a straight road at a constant speed of v = 60 mph, relative to a stationary

observer O, and an observer O′ follows in a car at a constant speed of V = 40 mph relative to

O, then the speed of the first car relative to the occupant of the second car is v′ = 20 mph.

3.4 The Newtonian Principle of Relativity

The Newtonian Principle of Relativity asserts that, in the inertial frames F, F′, the

following two situations

x = x′ = 0 at t = t′ = 0


−x O +x

D = Vt ⇒ +V F′ (moves to right

at speed V)

O′ +x′

D′ = Vt′ F′

O′ +x′

V ⇐ F (moves to left at speed V)

O +x

cannot be distinguished by experiments that involve mechanical systems (classical systems

that obey Newton’s Laws of Motion).


The speed V has been written in bold face to remind us that here we are dealing with a

vector quantity that has both magnitude (the speed in mph) and a sense of direction: +V in the

+x-direction and −V in the −x-direction.

3.5 Problems with light

We are accustomed to the notion that waves propagate through a medium, required to

support the waves. For example, sound waves propagate as pressure variations in air, and water

waves propagate as coupled displacements of the water molecules, perpendicular to the

direction of the wave motion. In the 19th-century, Maxwell discovered that light waves are

electromagnetic phenomena. This great work was based on theoretical arguments, motivated

by the experimental results of Faraday and Henry. One of the most pressing questions facing

scientists of the day was:

“what is waving when a beam of light propagates through empty space?”

It was proposed that the universe is filled with a medium called the aether with the property of

supporting light waves, and having no other physical attributes. (For example, it would have

no effect on the motion of celestial bodies). In the latter part of the 19th-century, Michelson

and Morley carried out a famous experiment at the Case Institute in Cleveland that showed

there is no experimental evidence for the aether. Light travels through the void, and that is that.

Implicit in their work was the counter-intuitive notion that the speed of light does not depend

on the speed of the source of the light.


The Aether Theory was popular for many years. Non-traditional theories were

proposed to account for the null-result of the Michelson-Morley experiment. Fitzgerald

(Trinity College, Dublin) proposed that the Michelson-Morley result could be explained, and

the Aether Hypothesis retained, if the lengths of components in their apparatus were “velocity-

dependent” − lengths contract in the direction of motion, and lengths remain unchanged when

perpendicular to the direction of motion. He obtained the result

L = [1/


√(1 − (v/c)2)] L ≡ γL

⇑ ⇑

(length of rod at rest) (length of rod moving at speed v)

Here, c is the constant speed of light (2.99 … × 108 meters/second).

All experiments are consistent with the statement that the ratio v/c is always less than 1, and

therefore γ is always greater than 1. This means that the measured length of the rod L , in its


rest frame, is always greater than its measured length when moving.

At the end of the 19th-century, Larmor introduced yet another radical idea: a moving

clock is observed to tick more slowly than an identical clock at rest. Furthermore, the

relationship between the clock rates in the moving and rest frames is given by the same factor,

γ, introduced previously by Fitzgerald. Specifically,

Δt = γΔt


⇑ ⇑

(an interval on a moving clock) (an interval on a clock at rest)


Since the velocity-dependent term γ is greater than 1, the intervals of time Δt (moving), are

greater than the intervals Δt (at rest).


Fitzgerald, Larmor, and other physicists at that time considered length contraction and

time dilation to be “real” effects, associated with minute physical changes in the structure of

rods and clocks when in motion. It was left to the young Einstein, working as a junior Patent

Officer in Bern, and thinking about space, time, and motion in his spare time, to introduce a

new Theory of Relativity, uninfluenced by the current ideas. Although, in later life, Einstein

acknowledged that he was aware of the Michelson-Morley result, and of the earlier work on

length contraction and time dilation, he neither used, nor referred to, the earlier results in his first

paper on Relativity.


In 1905, Einstein published three great papers in unrelated areas of Physics. In this

chapter, we shall discuss his new ideas concerning the relative motion of beams of light, and of

objects that move at speeds close to that of light. His independent investigations were based

upon just two postulates:

1. The generalized Principle of Relativity: no mechanical or optical experiments can

be carried out that distinguish one inertial frame of reference from another. (This is a

development of Newton’s Principle of Relativity that is limited to mechanical experiments,

involving speeds much less than the speed of light; it applies to experiments in the everyday



Inertial frames of reference are non-rotating, and move in straight lines at constant

speed. They are non-accelerating.

2. The speed of light in a vacuum is a constant of Nature, and is independent of the

velocity of the source of the light.

Einstein was not concerned with questions having to do with the Aether; for him, a true theory

of the physical properties of the universe could not rest upon the mysterious qualities of such an

unobservable. As we shall see, Einstein was concerned with the precise meaning of

measurements of lengths and time intervals. In his later years, he recalled an interesting

thought that he had while in school. It had to do with the meaning of time. Our lives are

dominated by “psychological time”; for example, time seems to go by more quickly as we

grow older. For the young Einstein, time in the physical world was simply the reading on a

clock. He therefore imagined the following: if the schoolroom clock is reading 3PM, and I

rush away from the clock at the speed of light, then the information (that travels at the speed of

light) showing successive ticks on the clock, and therefore the passage of time, will never reach

me, and therefore, in my frame of reference, it is forever 3PM − time stands still. He therefore

concluded that the measurement of time must depend, in some way, on the relative motion of

the clock and the observer; he was, by any standards, a precocious lad.

If we apply the Galilean-Newtonian expression for the relative velocities v, v′,

measured in the inertial frames F, F′, (moving with relative speed V), to the measurements of

flashes of light, v = c, the speed of light in F, and v′ = c′, the speed of light in F′, we expect


c′ = c − V (corresponding to v′ = v − V for everyday objects).

Modern experiments in Atomic, Nuclear, and Particle Physics are consistent with the fact that

c = c, no matter what the value of the relative speed V happens to be.

At the end of the 19th-century, a key question that required an answer was therefore: -

why does the Gali