Fig. No.
Transrectal ultrasonogram of nonpregnant uterus of an ewe
with a 7.5 MHz transducer showing the uterus (Ut) and the
urinary bladder (UB) in a sagittal section with dorsoven-
trally directed beam. The uterus appeared homogenous
coarsely granular close to the anterior border of bladder.
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 18 of
pregnancy with a 7.5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing
echoic streak of conceptus (C) in anechoic fluid (F).
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 25 of
pregnancy with a 7.5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing
embryonic vesicle (EV) attached to one side of endometrium
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 25 of
pregnancy with a 7.5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing
dark image i.e. accumulated uterine fluid (shown by ar-
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 25 of
pregnancy with a 7.5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing
anechoic line shown by arrow demarkating the fetus in two
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 32 of
pregnancy with a 7.5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing
echoic embryo (E) surrounded by anechoic embryonic fluid
(F). Embryo with budding (Bu) of limbs (shown by arrows)
is visible.
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 39 of
pregnancy with a 5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing
echoic fetus (Ft) surrounded by anechoic embryonic fluid
(F). embryo with budding of head (H), forelimbs (FL) and
hind limbs (HL) is visible (shown by arrows). The
hyperechoic amniotic membrane (A.M.) encircling the em-
bryo is also clear visible.
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 46 of
pregnancy with a 5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing
cardiac cavity (CC) area, head (H), neck (N), trunk (Tr),
spinal vertebrae (SV), Forelimbs (FL) and mouth parts i.e.
Upper jaw (UJ) and lower jaw (LJ) bones of fully devel-
oped fetus.
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 46 of
pregnancy with a 5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing
head (H), bony cage of ribs (R) and spinal vertebrae of fe-
tus (SV). Nodule shaped placetomes (P) were seen.
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 46 of
pregnancy with a 5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing
fetus lies ventrally. Head (H) is clear visible. Fetus is sur-
rounded by dotted hyperechoic amniotic membrane (A.M.).
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 53 of
pregnancy with a 5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing
placentome (P) i.e. typical halfmoon shaped structure.
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 53 of
pregnancy with a 5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing
hyperechoic bilobed genital tubercle (GT) lies in between
the umbilicus (Um) and hindlimbs (HL). Fetus was pre-
dicted as male on the basis of this structure. Bones of hind
limbs are also visible.
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 53 of
pregnancy with a 5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing
bifurcation of hooves (shown by arrow).
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 60 of
pregnancy with a 5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing
pathological abnormalities i.e. dead fetus (DFt). No normal
skeleton of the fetus, but flickering echoic area in fetal fluid
was seen.
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 60 of
pregnancy with a 5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing
coccygeal vertebrae (CV) of tail (T), hindlimbs (HL) bones.
The spinal vertebrae (SV) are also visible with clarity.
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 60 of preg-
nancy with a 5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing lateral view
of head (H), skull bone (SB), spinal vertebral (SV), optic vesicle
(OV), nasal bone (no), nasal passage (np), buccal cavity (be),
muzzle (mz), lower jaw (LJ) and upper jaw bones (UJ). Fetus is
surrounded- by placentomes (P).
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 60 of preg-
nancy with a 5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing large sized
cervical vertebrae of spinal cord (shown by arrow) and fetus is in
sitting position.
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 60 of preg-
nancy with a 5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing brainlobes
(shown by arrows).
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 66 of preg-
nancy with a 5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing full size
placentome (P) occupying most of the space of uterine lumen.
The hypoechoic central cavity of the placentome (P) is shown by
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 66 of preg-
nancy with a 5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing genital tu-
bercle (GT) as brightest bilobed hyperechoic structure.
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 66 of
pregnancy with a 5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing umbili-
cus (Urn) attached with fetus (Ft).
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 73 of preg-
nancy with a 5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing cranial cav-
ity (crc), covered by skull bone (SB), containing brane lobes. The
head (H) of fetus with turning at neck (N), resting on trunk (Tr)
and fetus seems to be in sitting position.
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 73 of preg-
nancy with a S MHz transducer. The scan is showing pathologi-
cal abnormalities i.e. dead fetus (DFt). No normal
reflection from the accumulated fluid because of echoic spots
(shown by arrows) in the dark image. The skeleton of fetus is also
smaller than the normal size. The turbidity of the fluid confirms
the dead fetus. No cardinal signs of pregnancy seen.
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 80 of
pregnancy with a 5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing hori-
zontal sagittal section of mouth. The nasal bone (nb), bones of
lowe jaw (LJ), upper jaw (UJ) and tongue (T) in mouth, eye ball
(eb), fore limbs (FL) are clear visible. The placentome (P) lies
just infront of the mouth.
Transrectal ultrasonogram of uterus of an ewe at Day 90 of
pregnancy with a 5 MHz transducer. The scan is showing the
picture of scrotum (Sc) which is situated in between hind limbs
(HL) and below the tail (T) (shown by arrow).
Conceptus Length
Since the fetal parts were not differentiated because the
obseivation from Day 18 to Day 39 are referred as the value of
conceptus. The conceptus length is increased from Day 18 to
Day 39 or almost linearly. The values at Day 18 were less than
0.8 cm while it reached up to close to 1.6 cm by Day 39.
Conceptus width
The conceptus width also shows linear pattern of growth, the
values reached close to 1.2 cm by Day 39.
Fetal Trunk Diameter
The trunk diameter shows significant increase between Day
46 and Day 53, and between Day 60 and Day 66. The trunk
diameter could not be measured after Day 73 due to large size
of fetus and limitations of transducer.
Fetal Head Diameter
The head diameter shows a typical linear pattern of growth.
The values at Day 39 are close to 1 cm and reached around 5
cm by Day 90.
Crown Rump Length
The crown rump length could be measured only between Day
39 and 53 because of the full fetus was seen during these days.
There was significant increase in crown rump length between
Day 39 and 46 and again significant increase between Day 46
and 53.
Fetal Heart Beat
The heart beat ranged between 172 to 155 beats per minute
and there were variations among values. However these were
not significant different (P>0.05). It appeared the values were
higher around Day 25 and Day 32.
Cranial Cavity Diameter
A very good image of cranial cavity containing brain lobes was
obtained between Days 46 to 73. The cranial cavity also shows
almost linear pattern of growth between Day 46 and Day 73.
Internal Uterus Diameter
The internal uterus diameter was measured between Day 18
to Day 39 and later on it became difficult to obtain the full view
of the uterus. The values on Day 18 were close to 1.5 cm that
reached up to over 2.25 cm by Day 39
Placentomes Diameter
The good pictures of placentomes were obtained and diam-
eter were measured on a cross section view. The values were
close to 1 cm on Day 39 and that reached to over 2.5 cm by Day
73 and 2.75 cm by Day 90. There was no significant change
between Day 73 and Day 90
Umbilicus Diameter
The umbilicus diameter was measured between Day 39 and
Day 90. It shows almost linear pattern of increase. However
there was significant change between Day 80 and Day 90.
Sheep industry plays an important role with its multipurpose utility of meat,
wool, leather products and enriched manure thereby contributing a great deal to-
wards our national economy. The accurate prediction of pregnancy in ewes would
greatly increase efficiency of sheep farming.
The profitability of sheep farming could be improved if a simple and a reli-
able technique is available for the detection of pregnancy. This would enable prompt
remating or culling of non-pregnant ewes, more economical use of supplementary
feeding in late gestation and more accurate planning of production.
For the last many years, various techniques have been used to diagnose the
early pregnancy in sheep such as recto-abdominal rods, vasectomized rams, abdomi-
nal ballotment, serum steroid assays and radiography. Most of these techniques have
been unsatisfactory due to factors such as expenses, low accuracy rates, impractica-
bility, ewe and human safety considerations and long delay in availability of results.
The use of ultrasound system has improved both the reliability and practi-
cality of pregnancy diagnosis in the field. A mode (Amplitude mode) ultrasound ap-
plied to the flank region has proven to be reasonably reliable from 50 to 120 days of
gestation (Watt et al. , 1984).
Doppler systems have been used rectally from 25 days but require animal
restraint and operator training (Deas, 1977). Recent improvements in ultrasound tech-
nology now enable instantaneous and continuous images of internal anatomy (real
time) (Kossoff, 1979; Simpson et al. , 1982).
Recently portable real-time B-mode (Brightness mode) ultrasound systems
have been used for pregnancy testing in ewes.
In the non-pregnant ewe or in the pregnant ewe during the first 25 days of
pregnancy the uterus is situated within the pelvic cavity. The urinary bladder is taken
as a landmark to take the image of uterus with ultrasound.
Pregnancy is diagnosed by imaging fluid in the uterine lumen, evidence of
conceptus with heart beat and by the presence of placentomes or by the identifica-
tion of fetuses.
Lindahl (1971) was the first who reported the use of B-mode real-time ul-
trasonography with a 5 MHz rectal probe. In view of this reported improvement in
accuracy, it was decided to examine further the rectal probe method of early preg-
nancy diagnosis.
Fowler and Wilkins (1980) used ultrasonic scanning in ewes and found ac-
curate rapid, safe and practicable means of diagnosis of pregnancy.
They reported real-time ultrasound system transabdominal in sheep as reli-
able to determine pregnancy and fetal numbers from day 50 post-breeding. The rectal
use of a 7.5 or 5 MHz probe in the ewe could yield better results, because the early
pregnant uterus is in the pelvic canal.
Fredrikson and Swertsson (1986) reported that ultrasonography technique
enable to detect the dead fetus or fetal abnormalities in addition to pregnancy diag-
With the advent of B-mode real time ultrasonography it is now possible to
obtain images of reproductive organs and developing fetus in small ruminants such as
sheep (Buckrell, 1988; Gearhart et al. , 1988; Aiumlamai et al. , 1992 and Garcia et al. , 1993).
It is the noninvasive method and considered superior to non-imaging tech-
niques because it is more accurate and enables to veterinarian to detect viability of
conceptus and its dimensions (Logue et al. , 1987 and Buckrell, 1988).
An additional advantage of the ultrasound system is the prediction of
foetal sex by identifying and locating the genital tubercle (Coubrough and Castell, 1998).
In our country investigation about the use of ultrasonography in general
and diagnosis of early pregnancy in sheep in particular are lacking. Keeping in consid-
eration of this fact the present experiment was conducted in Corriedale sheep with
the following objectives :-
To obtain images of uterus on day 18th of mating to differentiate preg-
nant and non-pregnant uterus.
To study fetal development through weekly recording of images of de-
veloping fetus.
To assess change in fetal heart beat up to 90 days of gestation.
Ch apt er -I I
Review of Literature
In intensive sheep farming, sonographic examination for pregnancy detec-
tion and determination of fetal numbers is applied routinely (Fowler and Wilkins, 1984;
White et al. , 1984 and Davey, 1986). Generally the findings on non-pregnant uterus as
well as the uterus and conceptus during pregnancy are similar in sheep and goats
(Tainturier et al. , 1983a, b).
Rowson and Moor (1966) conducted the study of development of sheep
conceptus during the first fourteen days and found that by Day 13 to 14 the embry-
onic vesicle lied as a 10 cm long tube in the uterine horn ipsilateral to the corpus
luteum of pregnancy. By Day 16 to 18 it extended into the contralateral horn. Eckstein
and Kelly (1977) reported that during early pregnancy in ewes, the trophoblast rapidly
elongated to occupy both horns and body of uterus by Day 20. King et al (1982) found
that on Day 11 trophoblast vesicle began to elongate, by Day 13th vesicle entered the
contralateral horn, by Day 18 both horns were occupied in ewes.
Buckrell (1988) reported that real-time p-mode ultrasonography was found
to be a reliable method for diagnosis of early pregnancy in sheep.
Buckrell et al. (1986) and Gearhart et al. (1988) reported that transrectal
ultrasonography occasionally allowed the visualization of anechoic sections through
embryonic vesicle between Days 14 and 19 of pregnancy in ewes. The expanding vesicle
contained inadequate fluid in form of pockets. The embryo in form of series of vesicles
could usually found immediately cranial or cranioventrally to the urinary bladder.
Garcia et al. (1993) have also reported hypoechoic structures 4 mm in di-
ameter by Day 17 to 19 postbreeding in ewes whereas embryonic fluid and membranes
were observed using a 7.5 MHz transducer on Day 15 by Schrick and Inskeep (1993) in
same species. Bretzlaff et al. (1993) found that transrectal imaging allowed visualiza-
tion of pregnancy as early as 15 days postbreeding in ewes.
Martinez (1998) reported round or oblong anechoic uterine areas (embry-
onic vesicle) of more than 3 mm in diameter in the uterine lumen by Day 18 of concep-
Foetal heart beat
Fraser and Robertson (1967, 1968) noted that the foetal heart beats were
faster than that of dam (140-200 beats/minute) by ultrasonic foetal pulse detector.
Richardson (1972a,b) reported that there was highly significant correlation of foetal
heart beat with the number of days of
gestation. He also observed the mean value ranged from 224 beats per
minute at 61 to 70 days of gestation to 182 beats per minute at 91 to 100 days of
Fukui et al. (1984) examined 192 mature ewes mainly Suffolk breed once
for a single or multiple pregnancy at 61 to 170 days after mating with probe type fetal
pulse detector (Heart tons model UGR-6C; Aloka Co.). Continuous ultrasound was trans-
mitted of 2.25 MHz frequency and 30 mW/cm2 intensity. Pregnancy was diagnosed
when the fetal heart was detected. Correct diagnosis for non-pregnant, single, twin
pregnancies were 76.9, 74.4 and 88.7 per cent, respectively.
Buckrell (1988) also found that foetal heart could be imaged most by Day
26-28, and by Day 30 should be possible in all ewes. At Day 30 when scanning with 5
MHz head in inguinal region in the standing/ tipped ewe heart of fetus could be im-
aged immediately in many cases, but required a prolonged scan (1-3 minutes in oth-
Shriek and Inskeep (1993) detected the rhythmic pulsation heart beat within
embryonic vesicles on Day 18 or 19 in ewes with transrectal ultrasonography by using
7.5 MHz transducer by keeping ewes in dorsal recumbency in tilting squeeze chute.
Garcia et al. (1993) confirmed the pregnancy by detection of an embryo proper and by
an embryonic heart beat on Days 21 to 34 and later judged against the number of
lambs born to each ewe. Botero-Herrea et al. (1984) and Bretzlaff et al. (1993)
reported the embryo detection in goats at Day 24 to 26 by using a 5 MHz
Placentomes development
Kahn (1994) observed that placentomes are the cardinal signs of pregnancy.
Clotete (1939) found that ewes’ placentomes are small nodules on Day 21. At Day 30
the periphery of the nodules begin to form a thin lip around the flat centre. And by
approximately Day 90 of gestation the placentome reaches it maximum weight and
diameter. The maximum size of placentomes reaches at 74 and 91 day of gestation in
sheep and goat, respectively.
Clotete (1939) also reported the largest cotyledons of ewes had a diameter
of about 3 cm. However Amoroso (1952) reported that the foetal growth was not lim-
ited by the placental development early in pregnancy but gradual increase in weight
of placentomes was correlated with a gradual increase in size.
Alexander (1964) found that number and weight of placentomes were quite
variable between the two uterine horns in ewes. Riera (1984) noted that sheep usu-
ally had 60 and 100 while goats had between 160 and 180 placentomes.
Buckrell et al (1986) used linear array real time ultrasound system rectally
to see if the fluid pockets fetus and placentomes could be imaged at Day 20 to25 and
Day 25 to 30, respectively. Pregnant ewes after Day 30 displayed an irregular
nonechogenic region anteroventral to the
urinary bladder. Included in this region were button shaped echoic areas
assumed to be placentomes and a fetus within the amniotic membrane.
Buckrell et al. (1988) also reported that placentomes could be detected by
transrectally ultrasonography with a 5 MHz linear transducer at Days 28 to 30 of gesta-
tion. Placentomes appeared as small echoic areas on the surface of endometrium.
Haibel (1990) imaged the placentomes in cross view as cup shaped
hyperechoic structures, the concave surface directed towards the uterine lumen.
Bretzlaff et al. (1993) found that placentomes were readily observable by transrectal
ultrasonography through at pregnancy.
Samuel et al. (1995) did ultrasonography of abdomen of 5 year old Alpine
goat using 5 and 3 MHz sector scanning probes. The accumulation of fluid was deter-
mined to be within uterus with placental tissues and placentomes in lumen. They found
abnormalities in placenta because placentomes were small and round to oval not of
typical-C shaped. They confirmed the case of hydrops uteri on the basis of historical
and physical findings.
Doize et al. (1997) concluded that placentome size increased rapidly during
the first 70 to 90 days of gestation in ewes and does. But they found that in ewes there
was a poor correlation of placentome size with gestational age. They used P-mode
ultrasonograph with 5 MHz transducer and did transrectal procedure.
Foetal sex determination
The accurate predictability of the sex of fetus can speed up breeding
programmes and allows an early selection of pregnant ewes for certain purposes ac-
cording to the sex of their fetuses. There are several methods of both embryonic and
fetal sex determination including Karyotyping, H-Y antigens, and DNA probes for em-
bryos or cells obtained by aminocentesis. Fetal sex can also be determined by ultra-
sonic examination of fetal structures.
Curran and Ginther (1991) found that ultrasonography could provide not
only the gender diagnosis but also the expected accuracy level associated with the
diagnosis. However, Noden and Lahunta (1985) reported that ultrasonographic fetal
sex determination by identification of the genital tubercle could be done in ewes with
a single transrectal examination. The genital tubercle was the embryonic structure
that differentiated into the penis in males and clitoris in females. During differentia-
tion the tubercle moved from the initial position between the rear legs towards the
umbilical cord in males and towa