A Guide to Naturalization by U.S. Department of Homeland Security - HTML preview

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Not True

4. During the last five years, I have not


For exceptions, see

been out of the United States for 30

Attachment B on page 3.

months or more.

5. During the last five years (or the last three


For exceptions, see

years if I qualify under Attachment A),

Attachment C on page 3.

I have not taken a trip out of the

United States that lasted one year or more.

6. I have resided in the district or state in


You must wait until you

which I am applying for citizenship for

have lived in the state or

the last three months.

district for three months

to apply.

7. I can read, write and speak basic English.


For exceptions, see

Attachment D on page 4.

8. I know the fundamentals of U.S. history


For exceptions, see

and the form and principles of the U.S.

Attachment E on page 4.
