A Guide to Naturalization by U.S. Department of Homeland Security - HTML preview

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(d) I am a male who was in the United States

(d) I am a male who was in the United States

between the ages of 18 and 26 but who did

between the ages of 18 and 26 but who did

not register with the Selective Service, and

not register with the Selective Service, and I

I will send a “Status Information Letter” from

will send a “Status Information Letter” from

the Selective Service explaining why I did not

the Selective Service explaining why I did not

register with my application.

register with my application.

(e) I am a male who was in the United States

between the ages of 18 and 26 as a lawful


11. I have never deserted from the U.S.


You are not eligible to

Armed Forces.

apply for naturalization.

12. I have never received an exemption or


You are not eligible to

discharge from the U.S. Armed Forces on

apply for naturalization.

the grounds that I am an alien.

13. I am willing to perform either military or

civilian service for the United States if required


You are not eligible to

apply for naturalization.

by law. (NOTE: If your religious teachings and

beliefs prohibit you from performing military

service, you must be willing to perform

non-military service.)

14. I will support the Constitution of the


You are not eligible to

United States.

apply for naturalization.

15. I understand and am willing to take an oath


You are not eligible to

of allegiance to the United States.

apply for naturalization.

STOP HERE: You are probably eligible to apply for naturalization. Please call the Forms Line (1-800-870-3676) for an “Application for Naturalization” (Form N-400) and be sure to read A Guide to Naturalization.

Form M-480 (Rev. 06/15/06)N Page 2


Attachment A - Naturalization Eligibility Worksheet

I have been a Permanent Resident for three to five years
