include all trips you have taken outside
the United States. This includes short
If you have been ordered removed, you are
trips and visits to Canada and Mexico.
no longer eligible for naturalization. Your
naturalization application also cannot be
For example, if you go to Canada for a
approved if a removal proceeding is pending
weekend, you must include that trip when
against you. These restrictions apply to all
you are counting how many days you
naturalization applicants, except for those
have spent out of the country. Generally,
who are eligible for naturalization based on
partial days spent in the United States
service in the Armed Forces.
count as whole days spent in the United
Certain types of applicants may count
time abroad as time physically present
in the United States. An example of this
exception is an applicant who is abroad in
the employment of the U.S. Government.
See the table at the beginning of this
section for more information.
Time as a Resident in a