Dealing with the Aftermath by Jason & Debi Chalik - HTML preview

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Each chapter in this book deals with specific critical issues relevant to protecting your accident claim. Think of this book as a guide that will not only help you with the aftermath of an accident, but will also reveal common myths of injury claims.

Here are some of the mistakes we will be discussing:

Mistake #1: Believe accidents happen to the other guy. Accidents don’t happen to the other guy; sometimes you are the “other guy.” You have to plan and prepare for the possibility of an accident.

Mistake #2: Make snap decisions and put it all behind you. Snap decisions cost you money. Besides, decisions made quickly don’t necessarily “put it all behind you.” Injuries can linger. Damages can cost more than anticipated. Quick decisions may leave you unprepared for an uncertain future.

Mistake #3: Believe what the insurance company tells you, speak with an insurance company without consulting a lawyer first, sign a medical waiver from the other insurance company. The insurance company is not your friend. They may seem nice enough. They’re out to protect their bottom line. So, you have to protect yours.

Mistake #4: Hire the wrong lawyer, fail to be honest with your attorney and exaggerate your injuries or damages. It is very difficult for an attorney to protect your interests if you lie or exaggerate the nature or extent of your injuries. You and your attorney are partners in recovering compensation for your injury claim.

Mistake #5: Avoid timely medical treatment and don’t follow the doctor’s orders. Ignoring your doctor’s recommended treatment or regimen is not just about hurting your claim. Going against medical advice can cause your injuries to linger or get worse.

Mistake #6: Fail to document the accident, photograph vehicles, gather witness information, or call the police. Memory fades. Skid marks grow faint. Details slip away. Witnesses escape you. If you don’t fully document your accident scene and those who saw it, your claim could evaporate with them.

Mistake #7: Fail to take immediate action. The aftermath of an accident is a chaotic rush. You’re confused, people are frantic, there might be injuries. You let details slip away, or you fail to take action in the days or weeks that follow. Time is of the essence.