37 Killer AdWords - Pay-Per-Click Secrets Exposed by Roger C. Hall - HTML preview

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Top 37 Killer AdWords Pay-Per-Click Secrets – Exposed

Secret #1 – Never Let Google Choose Your Winning Ad


Secret #2 - How to Select Keywords the Smart Way


Secret #3 - Do ‘Sure-Fire’ Headlines Work?


Secret #4 - Use Ad Variations – At All Times


Secret #5 - Always Use Keywords in Your Headline


Secret #6 - Only Have a Small Number of Keywords for Each Ad Group


Secret #7 - Bid High Now, Save Money Later


Secret #8 - How to Use Imagination in Your Ad Text to Beat Your Competition


Secret #9 - How a Killer Word Can Boost CTR by 30% and CR by 65%


Secret #10 - Use Descriptive vs. Salesy Adjectives


Secret #11 - Use Keywords in your Display URL to Boost Your Quality Score


Secret #12 - When Capital Letters in Your Ad’s Display URL Can Kill You


Secret #13 - Don’t Yell and Boost Your CTR by 234%!


Secret #14 - Did You Know That You Could Boost Your CTR By 90% With This Phrase?


Secret #15 - Isn’t it Amazing what You Can Get Away With on Friday Nights?


Secret #16 - When Less is More


Secret #17 - One of the Most Powerful Ads to Take Business From Your Competitors


Secret #18 - Speak Plain English to Boost Your Click-Through-Rate


Secret #19 - Put Benefits and Features in their Proper Place


Secret #20 - A Probing Question Can Boost the Click-Through-Rate of PPC ads by 244%


Secret #21 - How Emotional Words Play a Dead-Serious Role in Google Ads


Secret #22 - A ‘Guaranteed’ Way to Boost Your ROI


Secret #23 - It’s Rhythm and Rhyme Time !


Secret #24 - Little Things Make a Big Difference


Secret #25 - Put Prices in Your Ad Text and Save With Every Click


Secret #26 - Mimic a Universal Call-to-Action and Boost Your CTR by 100%


Secret #27 - Send Your Prospect to the Right Page


Secret #28 - It Sucks to be #1 – So Avoid It !


Secret #29 - Don’t Advertise 7 days a Week


Secret #30 - Do (and Don’t) Monitor Your Ads Closely! Secret #31 - Why SEO Copywriting Doesn’t Work for Pay-Per-Click Direct Marketers


Secret #32 - Learn How to Boost CTR 75% - by Being More Descriptive


Secret #33 - Easily, Rapidly, Quickly Boost Your ROI by 20%


Secret #34 - Tell Prospects What to Do Next and Boost Your CTR


Secret #35 - How to Double Your Click-Through-Rate in 15 Minutes


Secret #36 - Go for Quality - Not Quantity


Secret #37 - Optimize for Leads – Not CTR and Not ROI


About the Authors – See Final Page


We recommend you print this eBook, for more enjoyable reading - plus maximum convenience while working in your Google Account creating ads.
It is 110 pages long, with some color pages.

Helpful AdWords and Online Marketing Definitions and Abbreviations Used in this Book

An ad's position is based on its Ad Rank, which is determined by your keyword or Ad Group's maximum cost-per-click (CPC) times the matched keyword's Quality Score. For the top positions above Google search results, however, we use your ad's actual CPC to determine its position.

Ad Variations
Ad variations are multiple versions of an ad for a single product or service, all based on the same set of keywords. Variations are a good way to test many versions of the same message to see which works best with potential customers.

Click-Through-Rate (CTR)
Click-Through-Rate (CTR) is the number of clicks your ad receives divided by the number of times your ad is shown (impressions).

When a user completes an action on your site, such as buying something or requesting more information.

Conversion Rate (CR)
The number of conversions divided by the number of ad clicks. Note that the conversion rate should not be greater than 100%. Conversions are only counted on Google and some of our Google Network partners. The conversion rate is adjusted to reflect only the ad clicks on which Google can track conversions.

Daily Budget
The amount you're willing to spend on a specific AdWords campaign each day. AdWords displays your ad as often as possible while staying within your daily budget. When the budget limit is reached, your ads will typically stop showing for that day Destination URL
When you create your ad, you'll specify a display URL and a destination URL. The destination URL is the exact URL within your website that you want to send users to from your ad.

Display URL
This is the URL displayed on your ad to identify your site to users. The green text in the sample ad below is the display URL. Users clicking on this ad have a clear idea of the website or landing page to which they'll be taken when they click on that ad.

The keywords you choose for a given Ad Group are used to target your ads to potential customers.

Landing Page
An active web page where customers will 'land' when they click your ad. The web address for this page is often called a 'destination URL' or 'clickthrough URL.'

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)
The pricing structure used by some online channels to charge an advertiser each time a user clicks on the advertiser's ad. The amount is usually set by the advertiser, not by the channel. Also called cost-per-click (CPC).

A candidate: someone who is considered for something (in the context of this book, a potential customer or client)

Quality Score
Quality Score is the basis for measuring the quality and relevance of your ads and determining your minimum CPC bid for Google and the search network. This score is determined by your keyword's clickthrough rate (CTR) on Google, and the relevance of your ad text, keyword, and landing page.

Return on Investment (ROI)
The benefit gained in return for the cost of your ad campaign. Although exact measurement is nearly impossible, your clickthrough rate and your conversion rate combined with your advertising costs, can help you assess the ROI of your campaign.

URL - (Uniform Resource Locator)


The address/location of a webpage or file on the Internet.

Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced?

This book is for Intermediate and Advanced advertisers who’ve already learned how to setup the basic features of a Google AdWords account.

Here in this book, we don’t discuss the basics. For those that wish to review more basic Google AdWords strategy, please visit www.MindValleyLabs.com/products, where some excellent free and paid resources on Google AdWords basics are available, as well as more

advanced techniques.

AnImportant Note about Google Analytics

Animportant step in creating superior Google AdWords campaigns is the use of Google Analytics, now free with your Google account (until late 2006 Google Analytics would have cost you over $4,000!)

This important subject needs a dedicated book all its own to cover it properly. Google Analytics is not discussed in this particular book.


However, there are a number of online resources available to help you set up and monitor Google Analytics for maximum benefit.

News of Google Analytics training, free Analytics Webinars and other information will become available to you if you sign up for my free series of Google AdWords tips by email at; www.BetterClix.com/adwordsmyths.html

Google AdWords Secret #1