Advertising for Results by G.F. Brown - HTML preview

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Introduction to the product

Now we’re getting to the bottom of everything, because that’s where the product is.  Most of what you’re going to do depends on the kind of product or service you have.  For example, if you’re advertising for a jewelry store, don’t show jewelry thieves.

It’s impossible to know what product you have, so this book spends little time in this vital area.  Instead, let’s overdo it and say, “Wow, it’s necessary for you to know everything about the product.”  And, “Boy, it’s invaluable to study the product.”

What is this product supposed to do?

You’re reading about the product.  Ask yourself, “What is this product supposed to do?”  Don’t settle on easy answers.  Get creative.

Let’s you’re advertising a bucket.  “Yes, it holds water,” you think.  “And water saves lives.”  Now it’s more than a bucket.  It’s something that saves lives.

Note:  This kind of thinking is a basic fundamental foundation in advertising – and a core to it.

Are you convinced?

Would you buy your product?  No copping out with, “Since the product isn’t meant for me, of course I wouldn’t.”  You must answer.  Would you buy your product?

If yes, why?  Use your answer to help construct your ad message.

If no, what is holding you back?  This could lead to soul searching about the value of the product.

Hopefully:  Your product is developed to the point you can say, “Of course people will choose it, because it’s a lot better.”

Regarding price

We’re going to look at price two ways:

? Investing (details are coming right up):  You are convincing the prospects they are getting a strong Return on Investment, so the product doesn’t cost them anything.  It saves and earns them money.

? Paying (starts on page 31):  You’re stating that the product does indeed cost money.


Demonstrate to the audience that they aren’t spending money to get your product.  They are receiving a major solution to a major problem, and more solutions to other problems.  Therefore, your product is saving them in dozens of ways.  They even generate income from it.

Try not to talk about how the audience is parting with dollars, because that isn’t the whole story.  Talk about ways your product saves them money.  Tell them it can help them make more money.  Show them the time and effort they will save translates into dollars for them.

Two side points:

1.   Promoting investment doesn’t fit every situation.  For example, it probably won’t sell a cup of coffee.

2.   Often, you do need to talk cost.  For example, “It’s 20% less price than our nearest competitor.  And it’s an excellent investment.”

However, you should always consider shifting the message to saving/earning, partly because it could help your audience justify the purchase.


Before you advertise, you must reach a three-time Return on Investment (3XROI) with your product.  That is, if someone spends $10 to own your product, he gets at least $30 back.  To accomplish this, list what your prospects receive in return for their money.  Factor in the value from increased productivity, saved time, reduced effort, and improved multi- tasking.  Following are some selling points you can give to the prospects:

? Time:  You’ll save hours and days.  You can invest that time more productively.

 Money? earned:  The product helps you make more money.

 Future? spending:  You’ll need to buy less – next week and next year.

? Appearance:  This is one sharp product, and looks can make all the difference in your job, relationships, etc.

? Effort:  The struggle is over.  You’re no longer bogged down.

Once you’ve tallied a 3XROI from the product, go forth and advertise! You’ll have so much eye-opening stuff, you won’t be able to fit it all in.

Tying ROI to product features

ROI alone can’t form a convincing ad, because the prospects need to know what the product does for them.  So, tie features and ROI together. For example:  “It works instantly, and that saves you valuable time.” Works instantly is the feature, and saves valuable time is the ROI.

Also, ROI won’t turn the trick for some low-cost and negligible purchases.  If you sell thumbtacks, don’t try to convince the prospects they will get an ROI from them.  However, you should still think about the ROI, because it will lead you to consider new benefits.

Basic objective:  Give people lots in return for the money they pay...and lots more than the competition offers.


Fess up

It’s wonderful to talk about investment, but don’t be evasive about price.

Your prospects have been advertised to hundreds of thousands of times, and they want to know what the product costs.

Do you put the price into the ad?  Here is a cop out answer:  Advertisers in your industry segment have probably already made this decision, because – by tradition – they either talk price or they don’t.  Think twice before breaking with long-held practices.

It costs much less…when you see what you’re getting”

If your product costs more, turn the whole matter on its head.  Show the audience how your product is the better value.  For example:  “We give you a five-year guarantee – something the competition is afraid to offer.”  There should be good reasons your product is more expensive, and you should tell them.

Don’t push the general product

It’s a waste of time to tell the restaurant owner why he should buy seafood.  Why should he buy your brand of seafood?


Goodness gracious – all this effort for one person.  (This odd statement will be cleared up on page 33.)

Going step-by-step to get the prospect

We’re going to talk more about each of the following.  Here is the order:

Scope, coming right up

Choose, on page 36

Reach, on page 38

Grab, on page 42

Pull, on page 43


Defining the market

The market is everyone who might buy your product.

You want to know who the market is, and we’ll get to that on page 33. Right now, we’ll talk about how many people there are in your market.

If a wise source says your total market comprises 100,000 people, that means 10% of a million humans could purchase your product.  OK:  The how many question is settled.  Now, the question is:  What percentage of the 100,000 makes up the active market?  This requires a new subsection.

The active market

Most people in the total market (that 100,000) aren’t going to buy your product at – least not this year.  So, the active market becomes key.  This is everyone who might buy your product now or in the near future.

What percentage of the total market can be considered the active market?  That depends on a lot, including the economy, season, and price.

For example, take price.  Let’s say you’re selling an expensive product.  In our case:

 The? total market is 100,000 people.

 The? active market is 1% of that total.

 So,? there are 1,000 people in the active market.

The point:  If you advertise in such a way that you reach all 100,000 people (you won’t be able to – this is an academic discussion), then 1,000 people will have an active interest in responding to your ad.

This doesn’t mean 1,000 people will respond to your ad.  It does mean:

 You? have to put out a kickin’ ad – one that gets many of those 1,000 to reply.

 You? want the ad to be so good that plenty of those 99,000 others…

 Wake up?

? Instantly turn themselves into active prospects

 Respond? to your ad

Getting back to the price issue, if it’s an inexpensive product, the active market might be 5% of the market (not 1%, as we saw with the expensive product).

If all this sounds muddled and inexact, you get the idea.  Now, let’s get more confusing and talk about who the market is.  The reason: Smart advertising doesn’t speak to the whole market, but one person.

Who is this one person?

The prospect!  See, you’re never addressing all the people in your audience.  You’re only talking to one person:  the prospect.  The reason: All that matters is how your message is received, and that is done one person at a time.  Case in point:  You aren’t reading these words as a multi-headed being, but as an individual.  All by yourself.

Side story

Agora Fobia is petrified, because she has never advertised to a million people before.  She decides to formalize her style…write stiff copy...make it appropriate for all those people.

Agor should calm herself.  If she had read the last section, Ag would know she is only talking to one person:  the prospect.  The multiplication of that number is inconsequential.

One-on-one communication

Be glad that ad communication is handled one-on-one, because you’re already wonderful at this kind of exchange.  Friends always depend on you for’ve given family members smart advice...and less than a month ago, your words improved the spirits of a coworker.

Don’t let a nonexistent thing called The Mass Audience keep you from using your mesmerizing powers of encouragement.  In conversation, you can lead a friend to go the right way.  Just do it the same way in your advertising.

Semi-relatedly, if the audience is full of VIPs, the informal style could work even better.  Two reasons:

1.   It projects confidence.  You show you belong there.

2.   It’s more daring.  How could you communicate so casually with these powerful readers?  You’re doing a high wire act. People innately recognize that, and they enjoy seeing it.

Putting all this another way (one that has been related by many): The prospect is no different from an e-mail companion who has a mess you can solve.  You write to your friend in the style you determine, given who that person is – cousin, former manager, childhood friend, etc.  You say that you...

? Understand her conundrum

 Have? the right solution

 Know a? special way to get that solution now (such as a sale)

? Encourage her to try the solution

And that’s about it!


How can you select the one prospect?  This requires a shift in thinking.

Since our society emphasizes the individual over the group, it’s easy to believe we’re all different.  However, it ain’t so.  There are enormous masses of people who are – for an advertiser’s purposes – the same.  When you’re in a crowd, look around.  Are those other people familiar?  They’re you!  They have the same basic things you do.  And, since things are what advertisers sell, the issue is settled.

Advertisements are rife with irony here.  You see ads with these messages:  “You’re one of a kind!  You go your own way.”  Yet they’re selling, what – a million of these products?  Advertisers speak to what an individual believes, and then they expand it to the masses.

Universalism leads to consistency

How can you see social consistency firsthand?  Perhaps you have something that people always get wrong.  They always pronounce your last name wrong.  They think you’re the younger one, but you’re actually older.  That is social consistency, and you can do wonders with it.

For example, if you send a message to 1,000 people and it delivers a 3% response, you can ramp up.  Mail that same piece to 15,000 similar people and get, um, probably not a 3% response.  It might be 2% or 1%, because things don’t operate that cleanly. However, it’s unlikely you’ll get a 0.01% response, and that’s key. You can score many successes with this range of consistency.

Overall thinking:  If you understand the continuity in people, you’ll enjoy a wonderful career in advertising.

Collective consciousness

This is what a market communally feels.  To shed more light on this, let’s make you a car dealer (though that will only be noteworthy near the end).  You’re on your lunch break.  You go into the quick shop, and you hear two people talking about a major rock concert that’s rolling into town.  Then you stop at a fast food place and you hear someone else talking about the same concert. You surmise there is a collective consciousness of this concert. That is, a vigorous percentage of the community is talking about it and thinking about it.  There is a buzz.

OK, you car dealer:  You’re creating a radio commercial, and it starts running this Thursday.  You toss out your traditional script and say this:  “Everyone’s talking about the concert event of the year.  That’s right.  This Saturday, my brother Rich will play his electric guitar in our showroom.  And we have free admission.”

In sum, you’re playing off the concert – something that has a collective consciousness.  You’re redirecting some of the buzz to you.

Know your prospect’s personality

Study what it is and find your own insightful insights.  For example, you might say this: “She’s a fickle person.  But that means she’ll also be loyal, because she probably won’t find other solutions that satisfy her.  We should invest more to get her as a customer, because she’ll stay with us longer.”

Mind of the market

With market behavior, nothing is simple.  The prospect can act irrationally.  Nostalgically.  Territorially.  Loyally.  Emotionally. You’ll invest a career trying to understand what the prospect wants, and if you can gain more knowledge each year, you’re ahead.

Physical profile

Many like the idea of naming the prospect and writing up a description.  For example:  “Our prospect is Rhonda, a 38-year-old accountant who lives in a St. Louis suburb.  She worries about her

five-year-old collie, because...”  This write-up is effective if coworker Nocon Trol is feeling flighty.  It helps prevent him from saying, “Let’s advertise to interplanetary beings.  There’s an untapped audience.”

Otherwise, whether you need to write a profile depends on what you’re selling.  For example, if men and women use your product equally, it doesn’t help to say the prospect is a man.  In most cases, your prospect can be The Prospect, a person who could have this or that title, and might be employed in this or that department.

Only one thing is really necessary:  Everyone must share the same problem.  Go to “Problem,” on page 43.

When the prospect isn’t just self

Your prospect might act on behalf of someone else.  For example, the man becomes sick.  His wife does everything she can to resolve his condition.  You might advertise to his wife.


Few will admit it, but the prospect relies on advertising more than any other source for product knowledge.  (Now, that’s power.) However, learning what is out there is wearisome for him.  He has to sift through piles of BS, and this has made him as jaded as you are. Maybe more.

So, you have a choice:  You can either give him more of the same crud he’ll brush off, or give him something innovative and helpful.


Journey to the center of the world

Bert says, “Our prospect knows he’s insignificant.  He sees himself as the little guy.  Let’s begin from there.”

And Bert can end there, too.  Because every person is a center, and the world revolves him or her.  Take you, for example.  While you put family, friends, and workplace before yourself, on a minute-by-minute basis your life belongs to you – you’re number one.  Advertising catches you in those minutes, and smart advertisers direct their messages to you – the center of the universe.

Question:  Does your ad put your prospect first, eighth, or 3,792,453,327th?

Get into the prospect’s life

Contemplate everything related to your prospect.  What are her likes and dislikes, and hopes and fears?  You’re going to find somethings that put you in hot pursuit of a concept.

For example, you think:  “Our prospect is the kind of lady who puts a holiday wreath on the front grill of her car.  Hmm.  What can I do with that?”

2-d to 3-d

Some advertisers have superficial views of their potential

customers.  They say their customers...

 “Drink? beer all day”

 “Only? care about their golf games”

 “Are? single minded.  It’s all music at that age”

All this misses the boat.  Rather than putting up cardboard cutouts of people, discover the three-dimensional world inside them.  Then you’ll connect with them.

A preachy moment

The advertiser should fade from the process if he would not want to have...

 The? prospect as a friend

 Dinner? in the prospect’s neighborhood


 The? advertiser can’t make genuine appeals to the prospect.

 The? prospect deserves advertising from someone who

respects her.  Advertising con artists need to be identified and banished to remote islands.

How hip is your prospect?

That is going to determine how much lingo, humor and irony you can use.

The powerful have less time

If you sat in an airport all day and watched travelers read publications, how many people would tear out ads, or call a phone number in an ad?  Probably zero.  It shows how hard your ad has to work.

The more decision-making power the prospect has, the less time she has.  She is busy with other matters, so don’t tell her everything you want to.  Instead, give your choicest points, relate them to solutions she needs, and make a powerful limited-time offer.  That’s it! That’s really it.

Seeing how people see

Without looking like a creep, glance at the way other people read magazines.  Comm Uter scans the ads with little concern.  If the visual or headline doesn’t get him, he moves on to the next page.

However, if an ad does catch his attention, he’ll give it 10 more seconds of his time.  Will he continue to be drawn in?  It mostly depends on whether the ad’s worker creator tried to make that happen.

The observer

As an advertising person, you should have to have an overwhelming, lifelong interest in what people are doing – what they are carrying, holding, eating, etc.  Also, you should want to know what kinds of people they are in relation to what they are doing.


The Jump-In method

Amazing but true:  Inside you is almost everything you need to sell the prospect.  This is best shown with the Jump-In method.  Here, you keep your own mind, and you hop into the body of your prospect.

For example:  Our hopper-inner is Bob.  He is advertising lifesaving climbing equipment.  Bob thinks, “As a mountain climber, I’d be worried about getting paralyzed.  But I wouldn’t be worried about falling and dying, even though that’s what I’m supposed to be addressing.  I think I’ll talk about preventing paralysis in the next ad.”

So, with the Jump-In method, you apply your own sensibilities to the prospect’s situation, and you advertise accordingly.

Kant Dewit says, “But my prospect is a 76-year-old grandmother, and I’m not.”  So what?  You and she have lots in common.  Imagine how you’d feel in her position, and you’ll gain access to her mind and world. And this is where you need to be.

Also, you’ll eliminate inconsequentialities in your advertising. Reason:  If you wouldn’t care about it, you wouldn’t ask your prospect to care about it.  This consolidates your copy – power-packs it.

A happy statement:  Use the Jump-In method, and you and the prospect will enjoy from a long and trusting relationship.

Get in line with the prospect’s thinking

If you can say what the prospect is thinking, you’re close to getting a response from him. can he resist?  You’re on his wavelength.  You’ve hit the nail on the head.  You and he are partners in a single thought.

Tracking with the prospect means you’re not behind him, ahead of him, too far to the left or right, or on his bad side.  You’re with him.

Unfortunately, some advertisers cannot act as the prospect does.  They want to bring the prospect around to the company’s way of thinking.  And this will likely fail.

Who is trying to reach you?

In the last week, did any advertisers really try to reach you, or were they taking comfort saying to themselves, “We’re out here, and we look as good as the other ads.”  Don’t take this attitude in your advertising.  Reach the prospect.

Insights over benefits

What is commonly known:  Smart advertising talks about benefits more than features.  What is less known:  Smarter advertising talk about insights more than benefits.  For examples:

? a feature:  “This car solidly built.”

? Smart...provide a benefit:  “This car saves you from repairs.”

? Smarter...give an insight:  “Tired of wasting money on repairs?  This car is the answer.”

Insights put you where you need to be:

 Reading? the prospect’s mind

? Striking a chord

 Making? a connection

When you're connecting, the prospect trusts you enough (not much, but enough) that you can lead him through the advertisement and to the response zone.

Side note:  When you’re on track, you can take the prospect to extreme places.  For instance, you say, “That could take a week, and in your business, that’s an eternity.”  The prospect thinks, “You can say that again.”

Front and back of mind

If people only did what the fronts of their minds told them to, there would be no donut shops.  Therefore, the back of the mind is active. Advertise to it.

Driven by reason or emotion?

That is a key question, because those two choices (reason and emotion) take you in different directions.

1.   A reasonable path.  It’s easiest to understand the reasoned mind.  This person wants to hear that you have a significant solution for her, and then she’ll choose you.

2.   An emotional winding road.  There are endless paths in the emotional mind.  They’re complex and always changing. All respect is given to advertisers who have successfully navigated these routes over many years.

Catch the prospect by surprise

Your prospect keeps his emotional system under heavy guard.

You’re the thief...trying to break in.  Don’t make an overt play to the emotions – that’s like seeing if the front door is open.  It won’t be.

What is the perfect way to gain access?  Catch him when and where he is not well guarded.  And that occurs when he is expecting something else.

For example, you’re running a corporate businessy type ad. Toward the end of the ad, you switch to a heartwarming message, and it makes the prospect smile.  You got past his guards.

Communicate the same way he does

Listen to how your prospect talks when he is relaxing with friends.  It’s different from his professional behavior.  Without question, your prospect prefers to speak casually.  So, why communicate with him in a stuffy professional way?

Extra point 1:  Say it as he would say it and you will move into his inner circle.

Extra point 2:  Look at a business magazine and notice all the dry ads in there.  Worse are the ones that try to be exciting but only inch toward it.  They’re all Snoresville.  Liven things up and you’ll get more responses.

Address groups when it’s meaningful

For example, declare this:  “Attention handball players!”  By flagging down people from this relatively small group, you make them more likely to respond.

Now, don’t cheat on this.  Don’t say, “Hey world!” and expect millions of people to leap up and respond.  Indeed, your prospects are proud world citizens, but they won’t be pulled into that wide net.

Prospect’s advocate

Throughout your career, you serve managers, clients, coworkers...and the prospect.  Some advertisers put the prospect in last place or no place on their “whom I serve” list, but get this:  The prospect should be first or a close second on your list.  You must serve the prospect.

To be sure, many advertisers say they please the prospect first.  But you need to actually do it.  Following is a long example:

Coworker Misreed Buyers says, “We’re going to start manufacturing togas for business people, and if they don’t sell I’m blaming you.”  If you simply go along with Misreed, you’re only putting off a bad situation 10 months from now...when no one buys your business togas.

So, you have a responsibility to let Mis know how you think the prospect will respond.  You say, “Togas, hm.  We’ve worked hard to market profitable products in this company.  We even turned people on to new types of clothes – ones they didn’t know they wanted.  But in this case, I fear that business people won’t wear togas...even if we ask them to 1,000 times.”

The point:  You go on the record with your assessment.  However, if Mis is still toga ga-ga, you start the marketing effort, and you give your all...times two.  Maybe you can talk Misreed into marketing the togas in spas and health clubs.

One more thought:  Being overly agreeable will make you friends in the company, because you aren’t “causing trouble.”  But it will ultimately harm the company and you, because you won’t invent successful advertising.  Coworker Res Ponsibilities is raising kids and paying a mortgage, so you must introduce him to better methods.

You aren’t an interruption (even though you are)

Don’t feel guilty about taking the prospect’s time with your advertising.  Why, you’re giving her an opportunity to cut her budget, reduce her workload, make more money, and so on.  You’re providing a public service.

End the secret boredom

All people say they are busy, but here is the truth:  They’re bored.

Boredy bored bored.  Give them ads that are more interesting than their everyday lives, and they will stop and look.

Question:  Can your ad pull a person’s mind away from wherever it is?


The heart of the matter

Often, the prospect says he does something – “I recycle!” – but then he quietly doesn’t.  If you’re only advertising to what he says about himself, you’ll have mooshy results.  To succeed spectacularly, advertise to what is in his heart and on his mind.  Your work is cut out for you.

For inspiration, watch the funniest standup comedians.  They say what the audience is thinking and get a laugh.  The audience’s underlying reaction is, “How did that comedian know how I really feel?”

Likewise, you’ll say what the prospect is thinking and make a connection.  The prospect’s underlying reaction is, “How did this ad know how I really feel?”

Once you can understand people with reasonable accuracy, you can lead thousands to the right answers.

Reference:  “It’s not easy to make your case,” on page 13.

Go to the hopes and dreams

Appeal to your prospect’s imagination – not his mundane existence.

For example, if you’re advertising snack food to men, show Greek gods sitting in recliners enjoying the chips.

Mercury:  Hey Zeus, these chips are food of the gods! Zeus:  Yeah, whatever.  Where’s the remote? [Mercury zips around the room looking for it.]

In short:  The prospect might have a rotten job, and he would enjoy identifying himself with the mythologicals.  (New word.)


Creating energy

You already grabbed the prospect, because that was in the last section.

Now it’s time to energize him...

 Get him? marching toward