Encyclopedia of Free Online Advertising - 2nd Edition by Jeff Dedrick - HTML preview

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Web 2.0 - (An Overview)

This catchphrase describes the new & popular Social engineering, networking, and bookmarking sites out nowadays, such as MySpace, YouTube, Digg, Squidoo,


Del.icio.us, Fark, Furl, and so forth… There are Thousands of them now and more growing every day.

They are broad in scope and purpose, but on a root level, they all exist so that Humans can share & interact online. We find information more relavent when coming from others like ourselves than if google just puked it out onto a page after entering two little keywords…

Some Web 2.0 sites are great for us to market with, especially when they have a large member database.


I have singled out many the best ones for our purposes as of June 2007, and you can find them independently reviewed in other sections of this Encyclopedia.


See: “Social Bookmarking,” “Digg,” “MySpace,” “Craigslist,” “Videos,” (YouTube)Squidoo,” and “Yahoo! Answers.”

Not only does the Web 2.0 grow daily, it is also CONSUMING Web 1.0. (All the normal, non-interactive sites out there right now.) Informational websites that used to be getting good traffic about their niche topics are being trounced in the search engines for a new blog on the same topic... It’s happening daily, so the best defense you can have is to upgrade your site to a web 2.0 interface yourself.

If nothing else, start a Blog. A self-hosted Wordpress blog is best, and they are highly upgradeable.

So will Web 2.0 sites ever totally take over? Perhaps. Maybe web 3.0 will kick their butts before it happens though. : The main thing that is holding web 2.0 progress back is that static websites are designed perfectly for eCommerce.

When’s the last time you gave your credit card to a Blog or SB site? I don’t really see it happening anytime soon, so the business sites using Web 1.0 structure are safe for now.