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  • Unique Benefits of Pay Per View Advertising

Pay Per View (PPV) advertising offers some very unique advantages that other methods of promotion just can’t rival. When you consider these benefits, it’s easy to see why PPV is rapidly gaining ground among marketers across many different niches. Let’s look at three of the things you can do with PPV that make it special.

Direct Linking to Affiliate Offers. Many affiliate marketers appreciate the fact that they can directly link to offers via PPV. That’s something you can’t do with most popular Pay Per Click advertising options.

Google Adwords, the number one PPC option, is a perfect example. You can’t link directly to affiliate offers. In fact, it seems like Adwords is actually tilting against affiliate marketers. In any case, they’re going to require you to have a landing page. Furthermore, that landing page will need to meet their arbitrary quality standards.

With PPV, you can funnel traffic directly to the affiliate offer, avoiding the inevitable loss of traffic that occurs during the intermediary step. While there are strong arguments to be made for using a landing page with PPV, there are situations where you will be better off with direct linking. Those situations are ideally suited for PPV.

Specific URL Targeting. PPV advertising allows you to do more than bid on keywords. That is an option--and it’s often a good one--but it isn’t your only choice. You can also bid on individual URLs . When a user visits one of those targeted URLs, the PPV company serves your ad.

That provides a fantastic opportunity to smart marketers who are willing to discover the right URLs. You can opt to serve your ad in idea contexts. It’s a way of advertising “on the competition’s turf” or to put perfectly complimentary offers “together.”

The most effective PPV campaigns inevitably involve extensive URL targeting. It’s a strategy with amazing profit potential and it’s basically unique to PPV options.

Easier Offer Rotation and Testing. Any experienced and successful marketing will tell you that the three keys to success are testing, testing and testing. You need to do more than put campaigns together. You need to test them, tweak them and adjust them for maximum effectiveness.

PPV makes testing easy. Consider offer rotation. You can opt to have several different offers or landing pages served to prospects automatically. You can then track the results, determining which are performing well and which need to be abandoned.

The amount of statistical information generated with PPV and the ease with which you can make adjustments based on that information are unparalleled in other marketing environments. That’s a strong reason to investigate PPV.

Those are just three of many reasons why people love PPV. It offers a series of unique benefits, providing you with an opportunity to do things you can’t do in other venues.