One thing that we do have in common with our caretakers is that we’re both born carnivores. Yeah, that means meat, but in my case, as I believe you’ve already figured out, I'd prefer the fish dish if given the choice. And hopefully, the humans who take care of my diet will respond by filling up my kitty dish with lots of those tasty, watery creatures.
I’ve heard about some human types who have voluntarily become vegetarians and from what I’ve gathered, they eliminate beef, pork, and some other animal foods from their daily consumption. But some still think chicken is okay, and most are completely cool with the Freddy-type, fish fetish.
I can’t quite figure that out, but I guess chicken, and especially fish are not considered to be meat, so they can munch down those things, but not the others. Maybe the chicken and fish are getting disrespected here, huh?
Anyway, vegetables! I’ll be honest with ya. I don’t like that kind of stuff at all. Yuck! Whatever color, shape, or form they may come in, or however they may be prepared, those are some weird tasting and smelling options to be putting in the kitty stomachs.
And leave me alone with the fruit too, okay? It’s all sort of juicy like the oranges or slimy like the bananas, and that’s a “nope” as well!
If you’d prefer a more scientific justification for my seemingly bold rejection of the vegetarian lifestyle, our bodies have evolved in such a way that we efficiently process meat, and for most of us, we have trouble digesting the plant stuff. We need at least about 20% of our total diet to be composed of protein, and don’t even think about suggesting soya or nuts as substitutes, okay! Thus, meat is really not an option but a necessity for us four-legged, furry types.
I guess those store-bought foods that are made especially for us cats take that into consideration, but it’s just not the same in terms of flavor or enjoyment, wouldn’t you agree? Think about it a little. How about if every day you were only served edibles out of bags and cans, and never ever had the opportunity to consume the real thing? Are you imagining that scenario? Did I make my point with that example?
If I did and you’ve got a kitty in your house, you might want to keep that in mind, please. I’m sure he or she would greatly appreciate your sensitivity in that regard. We’re fine with the dry food as well as the more appetizing canned versions, but how about mixing it up from time to time with something fresh and not prepackaged? Could you do us the favor? That would be great!
One thing that helps to keep us in great health is that we typically munch down all of our prey if it is caught in the wild and not served to us in the supermarket- or home-kitchen forms. This means that we benefit from extra minerals by digesting the bones of animals that help us avoid any calcium deficiencies. Calcium is no problem if you are into lapping up milk, but a fair amount of my fellow cats don’t appreciate or like this tasty drink. They thus need to supplement their diets by other means.
Wow, imagine that— a life without milk. In my case, I think that would be a life not worth living. Well, maybe I’m exaggerating a little here, but I do really enjoy that option whenever my caretakers are so kind as to pour a bit into my dish.