How about if I fill you in on some neat stuff about us kitties that I learned in my feline history classes during my schooling days? You can take notes if you’d like and pass on this valuable information to your children, as I’ll do with mine when yours truly settles down for family life at some point in the future. But no rush on that last part since I’m still enjoying my frisky freedom of bachelorhood at the moment! Anyway...
There are researchers who think that my species was first domesticated in Egypt— our original sacred territories— around 2,000 B.C. (“Before the modern Cat era”). Wow, that’s probably a really long time ago, huh?
Some archeologists even go on to say that dogs had been domesticated thousands of years before us due to their helping out the humans with the hunting activities. Us cats, being more independent and aristocratic creatures, took more time making friends with the ancient Egyptians and thus for them to allow us to go into their houses.
There you have it— aristocratic cats from the very beginning of time. Yeah, we got the noble blood in us. No surprise there!
Now that I might have your full attention, I’ll tell you a little more.
Our tale starts out with the Egyptian Mau, which at times was referred to as Miu or Mii, or something to do with “he or she who mews.” Pretty logical kind of name, huh?
I might’ve been called Freddy the Mau or Freddy the Miu in one of my past nine lives that they say that we get to enjoy, don’t you think?
Even more interesting, at least a part of our genealogical line maybe goes back around 3,000 years to some African Wild Cat— Felis silvestris catus. Yeah, it’s that Latin expression again. Anyway, now you know why so many of us kitties have been named Felix or Sylvester. I told ya that this history stuff was valuable information, so that’s why we’re starting out with a few details here.