Animals, Do They Have a Soul, Can the Soul Die? by William West - HTML preview

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verse 48 | verse 49

"NATURAL" in verse 46 is used in place of "A LIVING SOUL" in verse 45, and ARE

THE SAME THING. We now have Adam's image [a living soul-a living being, a natural being of this earth], but we will have the image of Christ [a spiritual body].

"For our citizenship is in heaven; whence also we wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ: who shall fashion anew the body of our humiliation, that it may be conformed to the body of His glory" [Philippians 2:20-21 American Standard Version] "change" King James Version "transform" New American Standard Version.

"Beloved, now are we children of God, and it is not yet made manifest what

we shall be [what a spiritual body is composed of]. We know that, if he shall be manifested, we shall be like him; [have a spiritual body, be of the same substance] for we shall see him even as he is" [1 John 3:2].

"For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but

are as angels in Heaven" [Matthew 22:30]. "For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as angels in heaven" [Mark 12:26].

The image of Christ, the spiritual bodies we will have after the resurrection is not an earthly body in the image of Adam. We are now a soul [living being] in the image of Adam, but we will not be a soul [living being] in the image of Adam after the resurrection. All animals are souls [living beings-Hebrew nehphesh-Greek psukee] but they will never have a spiritual body.




1:18-28 AND 2:6-16." GOSPEL ADVOCATE, 1985, NOVEMBER 21.

"Natural" is translated from "psuchikos." Psuchikos is the adjective form of


psukee is used six times in the New Testament.

1. "But the natural [psuchikos-soulish] man received not" [1 Corinthians 2:14].

2. "It is sown a natural [psuchikos-soulish] body, it is raised a spiritual body" [1

Corinthians 15:44].

3. "There is a natural [psuchikos-soulish] body, there is also a spiritual body" [1

Corinthians 15:44].

4. "Howbeit that is not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural [psuchikos-soulish] ; than that which is spiritual" [1 Corinthians 15:46].

5. "But it is earthly, sensual [psuchikos-soulish] , devilish" [James 3:15]. " Natural" in the New

American Standard Bible.

6. "These are they who made separations, sensual [psuchikos-soulish] , having not the Spirit" [Jude

19]. "These are the men who divide you, who follow mere natural [psuchikos-soulish] instincts and do not have the Spirit" New International Version.

The adjective form of a noun never has a meaning that is totally different from the meaning of the noun. Both the noun [psukee] and the adjective

[psuchikos] are the earthly, natural (soulish) person, the image of Adam. If I believed the psukee [soul] was an immaterial invisible part of a person, then I would hope no one would ever see its adjective form in the above six passages.

A living soul, the earthly being in the image of Adam will be changed to a spiritual body in the image of Christ at the resurrection.

Sown in corruption–raised in incorruption [1 Corinthians 15:42].









This mortal–must put on immortality [1 Corinthians 15:53].

Sown in dishonor–raised in glory [1 Corinthians 15:42].

Sown in weakness–raised in power [1 Corinthians 15:43].

Sown a natural body (flesh and blood)–raised a spiritual body [1 Corinthians 15:44].

First (now) the natural–then that, which is spiritual [1 Corinthians 15:44-49].

The first Adam a living soul–the last Adam (Christ) a life giving spirit [1 Corinthians 15:45].

As we bare the image of the earthy (Adam)–we shall bare the image of the heavenly (Christ) [1 Corinthians


Image of Adam is the earthy soul (psukee–body). Image of heavenly - Christ, the spiritual body [1

Corinthians 15:49].

This change from the image of Adam's natural soul body to the spiritual body in the image of Christ, from mortal to immortal, will occur at the Resurrection, not at death. No one now has the spiritual body, not anyone that is now alive or anyone that is now asleep in Christ.

If a person has a soul that is now immortal, it cannot be mortal; therefore, it cannot put on immortality. What do some think is now mortal and will put on immortality? If a person has a soul that is now immortal, it could only be the body that will put on immortality. It is the person that will put on immortality at the resurrection, not a part of a person that was immortal from birth that could never be mortal. "And just as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall

also bear the image of the heavenly" [1

Corinthians 15:49]. “There shall be a resurrection both of the just and unjust”


24:14]. When Paul said this many believers had died but their resurrection was still a thing to come, not something that had already came at their death.

Summary: a "living soul" is the earthly body of flesh and blood in the image of Adam, not the "spiritual body" which will be in the image of Christ. There is a difference in "a living soul," which we now are; and a "spiritual body," which we will be after the resurrection but are not at this time. The "living soul," being, life, or creature that is in the "image of Adam" is not the "spiritual body" ["image of Christ"] that we will have. This clearly says after the resurrection, we will not be a "living soul," but changed to a "spiritual

body" ; therefore, a "living soul" and the "spiritual body" are different things. One ( "the living soul”) belongs to this life; the other (a "spiritual



body" ) will belong to life after the resurrection. They are opposite to each other; a person cannot be both simultaneously. Many preachers today say,

"Save you soul" which is saying, "Save your 'image of Adam,'" or, "Save your earthly flesh and blood body." While we are a "living soul," we cannot be a "spiritual body." After the resurrection, when we shall have been changed to a

"spiritual body," we will no longer be a "living soul," no longer be an earthly creature in the image of Adam. If the "living soul" was an immortal part of a person that would live forever, that person would always have the image of Adam, not the image of Christ. Can anyone have the image of Adam in heaven? No. We are a "living soul" only while we are alive in this world; in heaven we will have a "spiritual body" and will not be a soul. Adam was, and we now are "a living soul-being"; but Adam did not, and we do not have an immortal "spiritual body" [not unto the resurrection 1 Corinthians 15:53].

"It is sown a natural body: it is raised a spiritual body" ["Greek physical"

body: Footnote in American Standard Version].

"It is sown a physical body" [1 Corinthians 15:44]. "The dead shall be raised incorruptible" [1 Corinthians 15:52].

Paul could not have said any stronger that we will be raised "a spiritual

body" [1

Corinthians 15:44] "incorruptible" [1 Corinthians 15:52], not with the physical body we now have. The physical body is the "living soul" body we now have and it is not the body that will be raised. If we are raised with a body that is a spiritual body and is incorruptible, we could not at the same time be raised with an earthly body that is a corruptible body. McCord's translation, printed by Freed-Hardeman College says , "And the dead shall be raised

immortal" [1 Corinthians 15:53]. Paul said that at the time those who are asleep in Christ shall be raised incorruptible, that we who are not asleep shall "be changed" [1 Corinthians 15:51]. All will be raised from the dead at the resurrection, and those in Christ will have a new body not of flesh. We will not be a "living soul" after the resurrection. The "soul" [the image of Adam], which many say we must save for they think it is the only part of us that will be in Heaven, will not exist then; therefore, it is not a part of us that will be in Heaven. It is our whole self that we must save, not just an

"immaterial invisible" inter part of our self. We will not have the image of Adam, the earthly "living soul," in heaven. We will not be a soul in the image of Adam as we are now, but we, will be the same person we now are.

How is it that many cannot see that when they say, "save your soul" they are saying, "keep the image of Adam" [the earthly body]? Do they want to be raised with an earthy body in the image of Adam or the spiritual body in the image of Christ? “And as we have borne the image of the earthy (now in this life time we are a psukikos–a living being in the image of the earthy Adam) we SHALL also bear the image of the heavenly” [1 Corinthians 15:49].

We are born a soul–a living being, but the saved will be resurrected a spiritual being in the image of Christ and will not have the earthly image of Adam after the resurrection.

There are many, the Church of God, many Premillennialists and others that believe the earthly body, the image of Adam, will be raised and we will live on this earth forever, not in Heaven, that the earthly body will restored to be like Adam before he sinned. I know of no passage that says Adam's body was different before and after he sinned, but even if his body was different the rest of mankind never had the body Adam had before he sinned, therefore, all but Adam would have to be raised with a body different from this body we now have.

There is a mountain of writing on how God will be able to restore the same body with the same particles of matter it now has. All the particles of matter in our bodies are completely changed every few years; all the matter that has been in the body of a person that lives to be old would be enough to make many bodies, it would be a mountain of matter.

T. P Connelly, in The Connelly Field Debate says, "The resurrection is, therefore, a reunion of spirit and matter, and this being true, the same particles of matter in the same body are no more necessary in order to a reunion, than that the same particles should remain at all times the same here to perpetuate the union."

Then is would be the spirit coming back from Heaven or Hell and creating a new earthly body, not a resurrection of the body a person had when he or she was living, not a resurrection of anything, not a resurrection of the body we now have and not a resurrection of a soul that would not be dead. Because the natural body, the image of Adam, will not be raised, this mountain of writing is about nothing. I can understand why those in the Church Of God are concerned about what particles of matter the earthly body will be raised with, but he is an evangelist in the Christian Church, and I cannot understand why he thinks a soul which he thinks has no substance and will live forever in Heaven without this body must come back to earth and make itself a new body, but many




who say they do not believe this body will ever be in Heaven think that we now have an immortal part that must put the earthly body it had left back on at the resurrection.

Synonyms for "soul" that are used in 1 Corinthians 15: earth, earthly

[dust], corruption, natural body, mortal, image of Adam, flesh and blood.

How can death be a separation of body and soul when:

The soul is the body, which is in the image of Adam?

It is the soul, which is the earthly body in the image of Adam that dies.

It would be a separation of the soul from the soul (the image of Adam from the image of Adam).

Mike Willis said a spiritual body is not an ethereal body any more than Christ's was a shadowy, ghostly, ethereal body. But rather, a spiritual body is a body that is suited for the spiritual world, which God has planned for mankind. He said just as certainly as there is a natural body, there will also be a spiritual body; and one is no more uncertain than the other, and just as certainly as we have a body adapted to life in the world we now live in, so also shall we have a body that will be adapted to life in the world to come. A Commentary On Paul's First Epistle To the Corinthians, 1979. He has clearly said the "spirit" he thinks we now have is not the "spiritual body" which we shall have in Heaven. The

"spirit" could then only be a shadowy, ghostly, ethereal body, which he said Christ did not have. A spiritual body is not just a thin air, no substance, ghostly something; but we know not what. The soul is the natural body, the image of Adam, a living being, the earthy body that will die and cannot inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

B. W. Johnson, Author of "People's New Testament With Notes" 1898: "'So also in the resurrection of the dead.' On earth there was a body adapted to earthly condition. At death that earthly body was 'sown' or planted in the earth. 'It is sown in corruption,' or subject, to corruption.

'It is raised in incorruption...It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body.' Our earthly bodies, like that of the earthly Adam, are of earth; the new body, 'the house not made with hands,'

is in the image of the heavenly man, the glorified body of Jesus Christ, for 'as we have borne the image of the earthly, [a living soul-living being] so shall we also bear the image of the heavenly.'

Then, to silence forever those who expect a sensual heaven in which they shall abide in the flesh eternally, he exclaims, 'Now, this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither does corruption inherit incorruption.' This, in its connection, can only have one meaning. Flesh and blood bodies [a living soul–living being], bodies made of corruptible earthly materials, are not compatible with a home in the world of redeemed and glorified spirits. The soul's tenement, if it has one, must be adapted to the new conditions of being. Are we then denied a body in the future state? By no means. I may not be able to understand the nature of that body, because I have never seen such an existence, but I can accept the statements of the word of God and believe that it is exactly fitted to the happy sphere of glorified existence. It 'is a building of God,' it is made 'as it has pleased him,' it is 'a spiritual body,' it is 'incorruptible,' it is 'immortal,' it is after the image of the heavenly man, and 'our vile bodies [a living soul–living being] are changed into the likeness of his glorified body.'" Page 413, 1891, "Christ and the Future Life" at:

B. W. Johnson, "The first man, Adam, was made a living soul. Gen. 2:7. From him came our natural life. The last Adam, Christ, of whom Adam was a type. A quickening spirit. By giving life to the dead, and imparting spiritual existence. Howbeit that is not first which is spiritual. The first Adam came before the second Adam. The natural body, which proceeds from the first Adam is our tabernacle first; after this life comes the 'spiritual body,' which the second Adam gives. The first man is of the earth. Was fashioned out of the earth. Genesis 2:7. The second man is the Lord who came from heaven. As is the earthy. All have earthly bodies, like that of Adam. As is the heavenly. When we are raised to heaven we shall have spiritual bodies like Christ's." "People's New Testament With Notes" pages 124-125.

Carl Holladay, "To the first Adam, God gave the first physical body: Adam became a living being (Gen. 2:7). To the second Adam, or the last Adam, Christ, God gave the first spiritual body.

Their essential difference (and the Greek makes this clear) is that the former was essentially life–

receiving, whereas the latter was life–giving. It is this that renders one physical and the other spiritual. It was the last Adam upon whom, and within whom the Spirit of God dwelt; by raising him from the dead. God breathed into history a second breath of life, and vividly confirmed another mode of existence, which wholly transcended physical life: spiritual life. But, it succeeds the physical instead of replacing the physical: it is not the spiritual, which is first but the physical, and then the spiritual. Spiritual life is the hope which the

resurrection of the last Adam confirmed and will eventually provide; it is inaccessible to those who are still in the physical body" "The First Letter of Paul to The Corinthians," Page 209, Abilene Christian University Press.

J. W. McGarvey, "The life principle of Adam is soul, and he was formed of the earth: the life principle of Christ is spiritual. He was in heaven (John 1:10 and from thence entered the world and became flesh (John 1:14; 3:13, 21; Phil.

2:6-8; John 1:1-3; Luke 1:35). Now, as the two heads differ, so do the two families, and each resembles it‗s head; the earthly progeny of Adam having earthly natures, and the spiritual progeny of Christ having spiritual and heavenly natures. But in both families the earthly nature come first, and the spiritual children wait for their manifestation, which is

the very thing about which the apostle has been talking, for it comes when they are raised from the dead (Rom. 8:29; 1

John 3:2; Rom. 8:22, 23; 2 Cor. 5:1-10)" Standard Bible Commentary, Page 158, 1916, Standard Publishing Company.

Dr. Lange, "The expression living soul, as used in Genesis, is often taken to indicate an order of being superior to the brute, and is the text of many an argument to prove the immortality of the soul. The incorrectness of this assumption will be readily seen by referring to Genesis 1:20, 21, 24, and elsewhere, in which passages the words translated 'living soul' are used referring to the entire lower creation. They are used indifferently of man and beast to express animal life in general; and it is in this light the apostle uses them as the very course of his argument shows. Adam is spoken of as a living soul, not to prove his immortality, but rather his mortality" Commentary on 1



This is taken from chapter one of ―A Resurrection To Immortality, The Resurrection, Our Only Hope Of Life After Death‖ By William

West at:

Which is in print by Nelson Bible – WestBow Press ISBN 978-14497-1503-6

Chapter one: The reinterpretation of the nature of man - what is man?

Chapter two: Life or Death

Chapter three: The reinterpretations of the great doctrines of the Bible Chapter four: From where came Hell? The vanishing Hell, The many Hells Chapter five: Sheol, Hades, and Tartarus

Chapter six: The thirty-one Hell passages

Chapter seven: A strange and unexplainable silence: The reinterpreting of life, death, torment, destruction, destroy, perish, die, and end

Chapter eight: The interpretation of figurative language, metaphors, and












symbolical passage

Chapter nine: Universalist: The "age lasting" Hell Chapter ten: The results of attributing evil Pagan teachings to God. Chapter eleven: Historical proof of the changing of the teaching of the Bible Appendix one

Another book by William West is ―The Rapture and Israel‖ at:

After the Judgment where will we spend eternity?

When will the secret rapture come to pass? Will you miss it?

Will there be cars without drivers after the rapture?

What is the battle of Armageddon?

Is Armageddon coming soon?

Will Israel be restored? Will there be a worldwide conversion of Jews?

Will the temple be rebuilt in Jerusalem?

Will animal sacrifices be restored?

What are the signs of the second coming of Christ?

Who are the 144,000?

Will there be one, two, or three resurrections?

• What is the "time of the Gentiles"?

• What is the "gap" theory?

• Who is the thirteenth tribe?

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