Caring For Your DOG by Dan White - HTML preview

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Chapter 4:
Caring For An Elderly Dog


As pets get older, they often require additional care and this can be a problem if the owner is not adequately informed on how to do this and thus unprepared.

Special Care For Older Dogs

There are quite a few tell tale signs of an aging dog besides the obvious age factor. Some of these signs would include the overall slowing down in the general activity of the dog, the longer periods of rest the dog now is prone to taking, graying around the face and muzzle which is more notable in darker furred dogs, obvious hearing problems and perhaps cloudy eyes. Other signs to look out for may include arthritis pains, bad breath or bleeding gums, sudden blindness and changes of weight and appetite, changes in urine output and overall thirst and may be more symptoms.

The following are some methods that can be adopted by the owner when caring for an elderly dog:

  • Making the dog as comfortable as possible is perhaps the first place to start. As the dog is less like to be active, placing its resting basket or designated resting items such as blankets and throw rugs, in a more accessible location would help the animal find comfort easily.
  • Making sure the dog has access to clean water perhaps at different locations in the house, especially if there are stairs to attempt, will be convenient for the dog.
  • Changing the diet plan to a low calorie and a low fat plan would be better, as at this point the dog would very unlikely be capable of coping with a vigorous exercise routine.
  • General grooming for the dog should be done more frequently as it will also help the dog’s circulation and will be comforting for the animal. Generally most dogs enjoy a gentle hair brushing session and it also helps to reassure the dog, that it is still very much loved.