How To Stop A Dog Barking At Everything by Nicki Brace - HTML preview

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Case Study: Barking When Outside Alone

A lot of dogs when they are put outside without you my own included! Welcome to my pain.

Our Evie, the Dogue de Bordeaux, used to bark every time we put her outside on her own when she was younger. Even though she could see us from where she was, even though she was outside with our other dog, Peanut.

We adopted Evie at the very beginning of the first COVID-19 lockdown, I work from home anyway, but obviously, the rest of the family were home all day every day due to schools being closed and workers on furlough.

She got used to us all being around her all day, every day. So, when the kids went back to school and my husband went back to work, she was a bit unsettled. Even though I was still at home with her. Every time we would put her outside, as soon as we left her sight she would cry, then bark a little.

I knew the dogs would feel it when everything went back to normal (although it was a very temporary normal!) so I expected something to happen.

I also knew that as difficult as it was and upsetting to hear her cry, I couldn’t let her back in the house while she yelped, cried, or barked.

I knew that if I let her in at the wrong time, I would be making a rod for my own back and creating a new bad habit.

So, I started by going outside with her, then shortening the amount of time I spent outside with her.

Then I stayed inside but within her sight, then lessening the time she could see me.

Each time I waited until she had stopped making any noise before I let her back in.

Sometimes it took a while, especially at the beginning. But eventually, she got it. Now she sits by the back door, or on the garden wall quietly waiting to be let in.

We do still get the odd yap – usually a little one if it’s raining or very cold! As if to say, “Let me in, it’s cold out here!” But still, I make her wait until she’s quiet before letting her in.

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