Puppy Training Manual by Fpena1962 - HTML preview

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One of the most annoying things about pet dogs is their habit of answering to calls of  nature almost anywhere they feel like it. Your bedroom rug, the drawing room sofa, your  Persian carpet; everything seems as good a place as any for your little pup to go cool  his bladders on.


If you have just brought your pup home therefore, buckle up and get ready to save your  upholstery and carpets by means of a simple method we call Housebreaking.


Now, here‘s what housebreaking is all about. We humans tend to visit the loo when we  feel like we must relieve ourselves, in one way or the other (thank god for that!).


However, our pooches don‘t have mother potty training them at the age of 1, telling  them to take a crap at some fixed time on a shiny blue potty, and hence they tend to  treat everything like a big ol‘ lavatory. And that would be ok if we were dogs perhaps but  most average human beings tend not to like that sort of thing. So what we have to do is  potty train our doggies ourselves. And this training, to cut a long story short, is what we  call housebreaking‘.


 Now, facts first. Remember,


No pup is able to keep himself from peeing or …well…relieving himself in some  other form, till about 12 weeks of age. Your attempts at training your dog  therefore must begin before this.


Most puppies need to engage in bathroom related activities approximately 6-7  times a day


Every time your dog seems to be following its tail rather slowly, and doing giddy  rounds around a non-descriptive area put your shoes on to take it out cause it‘s  getting ready to relieve itself


Take your dog out every time it has a meal because food immediately puts  pressure on its colon and bladder.


The first lesson in housebreaking, communicate with your dog‘. Make sure you let your  dog know that you don‘t like him peeing all over the drawing room loud and clear. No  there isn‘t any need to use violence; just a loud NO‘ should do the trick. For best results  catch him in the act so that he has no problem in associating the rebuke with the exact  Action.


Keep a keen eye on your pooch. As soon as he looks like he could do with a visit to the  good old lavatory take him out. Once he relieves himself at the right place pat him to  show how much you appreciate the fact that he didn‘t pee all over your favorite rug.  Give him a biscuit, and an appreciative nod and he‘ll know.


See, dogs are like politicians, always eager to please. They will do anything to get  cuddled and patted by their masters, thus it‘s always easy to make them do things as  per your requirements. You want him to pee outside? Show him how happy you are  when he does so and he‘ll do it always, you want him to crap every morning? Give him  a friendly pat and he‘ll bound off to be at it everyday. For your part make sure you know  your dog‘s habits, build your routine round his, try and find out what his usual urinating  or defecating times are, is it after dinner? Before going to bed? Or right in the morning?  Take him out accordingly.   Proper communication will ensure your pooch's proper health and your peace, and of  course a clean bedroom rug.