Secrets on How to Teach Your Cat at Home by John Richards - HTML preview

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Chapter 10

How To Clean Cat Urine

When you think of the awful scent of that cat urine on the living room carpet of your home even a litter tray trained feline can experience a simple accident or two.

When cats start to urinate around the house there are several reasons why, the main one is marking their territory when a new pet is introduced into the household stress and depression sickness; and various medical problems will occur.

To get rid of the horrible smell of urine, everyday items and simple solutions will become your best friend in the whole world when you are short of time to choose a good professional cat urine remover.

Below are some tips and methods to remove cat urine odour in your house:

Discover The Stain

At times the offensive cat urine smells in your home is not always visible to the eye, and especially if the stain has dried already. this may require you to sniff around a bit. On all fours, using your nose to identify the stains.

Some people have told me that you can also find it a lot easier if you go and purchase a black light, which causes urine to glow. And all you need to do is simply mark the stains you detect for cleaning.

Blot stains, never rub

Wet stains may require you to start blotting it with a clean paper towel or using an absorbent cloth. Try to to avoid spreading the stain around, never try to rub out urine.

Wet stains will always require weight

If you put paper towels over a stain to cover it and stand on them for about 30

Seconds or so, the amount of urine absorbed will increase. Try to dry the stains before you add clean water to begin the process of cleaning.


Using warm water

You may rinse a stain out by using warm water, and then followed by a round of blotting. The area is then covered with the paper towels, you will then attempt to absorb as much urine as you can before you start adding an enzymatic cleaner.

Enzymatic cleaners

When you go out and look for some decent cat urine removers, once you spot the Products with 'enzyme' written on the label are the best ones to use. It is suggested to you that you should ignore these items that use detergents and fragrances to hide odors.

Like us, humans may pick up on the flowery, pine, and powder-fresh scents, but cats and dogs are not stupid.

Enzymes attack the source of the odor instead of providing a good cover-up of the Problem that will only humans will respond to.

One of the popular cat urine remover there are with enzymes is get serious stain Remover.

have you tried aluminum foil

When you start using an enzymatic cleaner, the stains that you need to stay wet.

as to using aluminum foil to cover the spot so it can allow products to work its magic.

Next pass on the carpet shampoo

With Some cat owners will feel that carpet shampoo is a really good way to clean urine stains, but the components actually will hinder all the actions of enzymatic cleaners. It is suggested for you to avoid detergents and clean carpets for a later date.

Remember not to use ammonia-based cleaners

As ammonia carries a similar scent to urine, these products will only attract the cats back to the same locations.

The cat urine removers that are citrus-scented

If you decide that you want to choose a good cat urine remover that will prevent a repeat performance, select a product with a citrus scent, and this is very unappealing indeed to felines.


Do avoid steam cleaners totally

A very good carpet shampooer is not always the answer to all of your problems when it comes to stained carpet issues. When you steam clean a carpet with cat urine stains on it, this will only cause the odour to worsen Even more as this is caused because of a combination of heat and steam.

Basic common household items

When you find an immediate cat urine remover, always consider that creating that very good solution made with white vinegar or baking soda, which are very common additions to many expensive cleaners on the market today.

