Secrets on How to Teach Your Cat at Home by John Richards - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

Why Train Your Cat To Visit The Veterinary Surgery?

Once your cat needs shots, exams, and medical attention and once this time comes for your cat it will have to be prepared for this type of attention.

When you take them to the veterinarian surgery, cats will start to meet a lot of different kinds people, like other cats, and dogs birds rabbits.

With cats they can start to get frightened with all the different smells, scents, sounds about the place that will not be familiar to them. Even the vet will be a stranger to the cat when he will be handling your cat.

Stressful event can cause stress if you do not start to take the proper precautions in training the cat.

As with any situation due to illness, you will be needed to take your cat to the vet. If

this is the first time that you will be taking the cat to the vet, you will be needed to stay calm and always be in control. Your cat will sense the uneasiness in you.

If you poses a carrying case this is the best way to transport your cat to the Veterinary surgery. Rest assured that this will keep them save from the harm, from another animals especially other cats and from trying to escape also.

Always use the carrying case for other times also as that is convenient for you to travel with the cat. Using this as the carrying case just for vets visits will result in the cat starting to hide away in a corner of the house. Hopefully far enough away from you so that you will not be able to get him.

Choosing a good veterinarian will be just as important as taking your cat to the vets. You will also want to find a veterinarian that has been in practice for a good while. And this will help you with the first visits for the cat to the vets.

As you will need to take carefully care of your cat and recommendations that the vet may have for feeding and training. You do not just want to jump in on the first visit for the vet to examine or do anything that will put the cat in fear.

The very first couple of times you visit it should be friendly visits so that the cat will then start to get used to the vet touching and talking to him. As this will take a lot of stress out of both you and your cat.

-34-When the vet for the first time starts to get to know your cat, you will want to keep Praising the cat for the great job that he is doing. In addition, keep rewarding the cat and tell him/ her is doing a great job.

Very good small treats are great so that you just can slip them right into your pocket so you can take with you. Also remember that treats are for good behaviors not bad ones. If you do want to take large amounts but just give the treats to your cat when its doing good behaviors.

If and when there is bad behaviors at the vets or anywhere, you will want to use that stern voice by its name and what the behavior is. Tell the cat you want it to really stop what it was doing.

This will just let your cat know that you will not approve of it. A very simple loud clap may be a way to get the cats attention for the bad behavior incurred. Also you just need to get the cat to relax again this would be great.

And this will be telling them that the fears they are having at the vets is nothing to be afraid of. Stroking the cat on the head and giving comfort and talking to him will help both of you a lot.

When you start to make regular office visits to the vets surgery. you will need to keep the cat away from the vet so it will not know whom the vet is.

You can say to the vet that they can keep any shots or illness on file to help with if the cat is sick again. Just like as we go to the doctor as they will have a file of your cats health records.

And it is also important to have the same type of record for your cat. You may find in some towns and cities they require that all shots are to be kept on record at the Veterinarian office. If ever there is a case of serious injury then there is a record or the cats shots and health.Always be kind to your pet and they wont mined when you take them to the vet they will love you for caring for them.

