Secrets on How to Teach Your Cat at Home by John Richards - HTML preview

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Chapter 14

Creating A Solution To Stopping Cats Suck Wool Does it make your blood boil when you walk in

the room and that sweater someone just finished knitting and your cats is sprawled all over it, carefully raking away the stitches with her front paw pulling away with her teeth like a wild cat.

Cats with this kind of behavior with go after fabrics of different materiel. The worst thing the paw gets tangled in the wool and moult their hair over the fabric.

There is not a reason why cats do this, however suspect cat behavior is very common indeed when they are young kittens. Some cat breeds, at least Siamese, will be natures to wool sucking, the gleans factor is quite strong in cats.

Sucking wool is what your cat does, don’t start to worry, many methods that you can do to stop your wool being sabotaged some useful tips you can use.

Don’t make it tempting for your cat. I bet your cat looks sweet curled up in that sweater on that closet, and your cat comes across as a wool sucker you might just change those clothes you got in the closet.

Try to get in to a routine to placing your garments in a safe place away from the wool sucker of a cat.

However you look at it its good materiel being wasted, and its the cats prerogative to attack your fiber chewing the fabrics a good thing you could get into is start giving your cat a dietary fiber and make it habit of yours.


High fiber foods are more crunchier than your tin or sachet packets. When your cat craves the wool provide it with an oral stimulation. When you notice that your cat shows a desire give her some cabbage or a lettuce instead of that jumper or blanket you just worked so hard to knit.

The old high school method. When you spot your cat approaching that nice woolly sweater you just spent most of the night creating switch it with a chewy soft cat toy try supply your cat with many toys especially the ones he an chew which will help and stop her from destroying your work of art with two pinned needles.

As the saying goes age before beauty. As a rule before you consider bringing another pet into your home give it a good old consideration of the age of your cat there may be a history of wool and fabric chewing adopt a kitten who is at least 10-12weeks old.

Never have left the side of there mother. with cats 6 to 8 weeks old the chewing of garments may occur however once they have reached 10 weeks rest assured they may have grown out of it and wont give you are problems.

So is it time to Call the Vet

You should not need vet attention when wool sucking is concerned, meanwhile watch out for your cat that she doesn’t get loose stitching in her thought this may can however cause major problems and will need vet assistance if this was to happen.

As with cats they all can brilliant companions and they can also be a pain in the back side if and when your cat discovers an annoying habit please rest assure that you will have the know how to deal with it.

